What has non-directional sparks have specifically to do with Oswald?
Please tell us again how far down Elm Street you believe the limo was when Oswald fired his first of three shots.
Do you believe the "sparks" that were noticed by Virgie Baker were caused by a firecracker, or maybe by a second shooter?
Do you think it implausible that Oswald took a "potshot" through the foliage of a Southern Oak tree?
-- MWT

PS Regarding the bullet that exited (or entered?) JFK's throat, how much time do you think had elapsed between the firing of that shot and the capturing of JFK's agony in Altgens-6?
Enough time for Secret Service agent George Hickey to stand up and turn towards the TSBD?
"After a very short distance [after coming out of the Elm Street turn?] I heard a loud report which sounded like a firecracker. It appeared to come from the right and rear and seemed to me to be at ground level. I stood up and looked to my right and rear in an attempt to identify it. Nothing caught my attention except people shouting and cheering." (11/30/63)
Fwiw, I rather doubt that Hinkey was reacting to the "throat shot" that was captured by Altgens.
I think Hickey reacted to hearing the first shot, the shot that nicked a tree branch or two, hit the asphalt at a thirty-something degree angle, and was pulverized.