Once again, Mr. Gee acts like an infantile troll. Not impressed. Ask yourself why you are obsessed with this when you can't begin to answer my questions about the case. Are you such a forensic expert that you can be such a douche on this question? I honestly admitted I don't know what happened but I accept the comment from a Dallas doctor that the bullet ranged downward in the chest and did not exit the body. But I am not a ballistics expert and there are much more important issues to explore
What about the back wound? Why is that any different? The autopsy witnesses reported Humes was frustrated that there was no lane of exit for the back wound and could feel the end of it with his finger. Explain, Mr. Troll, how this bullet could be any threat to Governor Connally. But try to do it using your own brain instead of the programming installed by the cover up commissions...