So busy being a......

Didn't read my response here...,753.msg16909.html#msg16909
Here's your genius answer to what happened to the bullet:
"By his reaction, Kennedy looked like he could have been shot in the throat.
The bullet could have lodged somewhere down his throat. Who knows? No one knows it didn't. They threw his body in the ground 72 hours later."
You're forgetting just one little detail. An autopsy was performed before 'they threw his body on the ground'.
And guess what ?
There was no bullet lodged in his throat.
In fact the x-rays show there was no bullet lodged in JFK's throat or chest for that matter.
Yeah, I know. Don't bother. I'll say it for you....
They were faked !
Just like every other bit of evidence in the case.
Challenge still on.
See if you can do better than 'who knows? they threw JFK in the ground 72 hours later'.
Where'd the bullet go ?