I modified the image to show C7 to corroborate the x-ray. That's precisely where the bullet hit JFK's spine. Do you think that by modifying the image somehow discredits my post and that I was trying to sneak one by you? Paranoid much? 
Yes it does, and yes you were. And no, I'm not. Though I probably should be with you.
The honest approach would have been to not alter the image and explain why you chose it instead of one of the actual C7 images. The rest of us would still laugh at you for it, but we'd think you were an earnest dweeb, and not a dishonest schmuck.
For that matter, of the three axial sections traversing T1, you chose....none of them. You chose the image of a section below T1. And then you still had to cut and paste part of an illustration from somewhere else to make it all work the way you wanted to.