Yes thanks again and I think Ruth Paines husband Michael might have been rumoured to be an Oswald impersonator in Mexico viz a viz 6 inches taller, and thought I recalled several trips to Mexico so mebbe only one, I was more hoping for the was it with the head of KGB assassinations whoever it was was supposed to meet.
Will keep looking.
In case there is ever any interest in why I am seeking this a bit more than I expound above its - in my personal perusings of the "Oswald thinks his instructions are his non patsy part/but his instructions are to patsy him thing" if he met the KGB assassinations head at that stage to make the "lone gunman but maybe some russian involvement thing" That would mean in my perceptions that the overall total conspiracy was that detailed at that stage.
Up to now I had presumed not that fine detailed at that stage.
Differences in my thinking it would make, among others are -
1/- It would make Dulles(CIA head and noted star such op planner)the most and very likely head planner of the op. Whereas if such fine point detail are after that it looks like Dulles had only an aside and maybe not any involvement.
2/- It would shatter the seeming watertight "Oswald randomly got the TBD job" thing because it would mean Oswald compliant in what he thinks is his role, is instructed to get the job, and its availability is arranged further back and wider then the bare surface of the immediate relevancies around when his getting the job occurred.
Seeing as you really twisted muh arm for that just thought I'd explain. Cheers.
-Post by Rob Caprio while I am writing this is noted but will post anyway>