Book review: 'Betrayal At Bethesda,' by J.C. Hawkins
By Wes Vernon
June 7, 2018
In this century, as our nation appears on the verge of a (mostly, so far) non-shooting civil war brought about by cultural battles and an attempt to overthrow a sitting president, Americans wonder: How did we get into this mess? It's axiomatic that one of the best ways to find one's way out of a bad predicament is to understand how we got there in the first place. Herewith comes an information-loaded analysis titled Betrayal At Bethesda.

The book gets right to the heart of how it is that ? just having defeated Hitler and Imperial Japan ? we ended up having "won the war and lost the peace." And with a focus on the period of the late forties until just before the dawn of the riotous late sixties, author J.C. Hawkins explores highly suspicious deaths of three leading voices who fought back against the encroaching poison of Marxism. This time, the threat came from "our noble ally" (so termed by FDR), Joseph Stalin.
While the U.S. had been working (with the help of Britain & France) to make "West Germany" a free democratic society, the Soviet Union's sector was in the process of becoming "East Germany," a hostile territory and Soviet-controlled outpost of a "noble ally" that had stormed through Eastern Europe to replace the Nazi threat with its own communist threat ? one grip as tight as the other.
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James Forrestal, I'm not too familiar with him... but what this book seems to be about is how Secretary of Defense under Truman, James Forrestal along with Senator Joseph McCartney and President John F. Kennedy all wound up at Bethesda and all seem to have questionable endings.
Spartacus simply calls James Forrestal's death a suicide: some articles go into the realm that he may have known something about UFOs, be that as it may, that is not the extent of this topic. the day, Forrestal resigned, that is the day he went "batty" so to speak.
Kennedy and McCarthy may have been somewhat inspired by Forrestal.
Surprising to some, Kennedy and McCarthy had a positive relationship, see: