As in most limos, there is a privacy window between the drivers and the passengers. From the photo below it appears to to be able to slide back and forth in a channel so that the Grey Poupon can be passed back by Mr. Kellerman when needed.
I would like to know how bullet fragments ended up in the front seat with this window closed? Can someone help? Does this raise any questions from others?
Mr. Rankin: Do you recall anyone saying anything else during the time of the shooting?
Mrs. Kennedy: No, there weren't any words. There was just Governor Connally's. And then I suppose Mrs. Connally was sort of crying and covering her husband. But I don't remember any words. And there was a big windshield between - you know - I think. Isn't there?
Mr. Rankin: Between the seats?
Mrs. Kennedy: So you know, those poor men in the front, you couldn't hear them.