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Author Topic: Oswald's High School  (Read 56287 times)

Online W. Tracy Parnell

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2018, 02:07:52 PM »
  Robert Oswald had two children Cathy Marie and Robert Lee Edward Jr. John Pic had one Daughter born in July of 47. I  believe Robert's children were born around 1960 Lee or Harvey, had two DaughtersAudery Marina "Rachel"Oswald Porter b. Oct 20/63 and June Lee Oswald b.Feb 15/63 I was thinking that even a genetic test might show if Rachel and June had markers for Easter European heritage that that alone could be significant since the Oswald name is Anglo Saxon However  June and Rachel's Grandfather is listed as Nicolay Prusakov which throws a monkey wrench into that notion This would seemingly have to be Marguerite's Father Strangely Robert Oswald says he is not sure of his Mothers maiden name but assumes it was Claverie, which was her middle name

 Every time you look for anything in this case there has so be some strange stuff

Marguerite's maiden name was Claverie and the fact that Robert didn't remember it doesn't change that simple well established fact.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2018, 02:07:52 PM »

Online W. Tracy Parnell

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #33 on: June 09, 2018, 02:09:01 PM »
Armstrong's book puts forth evidence showing the difference between the two Marguerites. One was tall and one was short. One was very attractive and the other not so much.

During her WC testimony the short one got quite a few things wrong about LHO's past.

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #34 on: June 09, 2018, 02:17:05 PM »

The HUAC thing is a prime example of the stuff that makes up the H&L theory. It is just something taken out of context and presented as a "fact" to amaze the gullible reader. Zero evidence that this was the historic Marguerite.

Anyone who has read John Pic's testimony in its entirety will realize that he never said the LHO who returned from Russia was not his brother. He merely did not recognize a few of the photographs that were shown to him hwi9ch is not surprising since he did not see his brother for ten years. Another thing taken out of context and used to help bolster the H&L theory.

I'm a CTer but do not believe the Harvey and Lee (called by some, funnily, as Hardly Lee) baloney. I'd advise other readers to go to this very detailed and long thread on another forum. You'll find many of the silly, if not crazy, beliefs about this fictional caper including (non)photo alterations, sloping shoulders, and contrast(y) photos among other things.

Sadly, because of the "kinder and gentler" nature of the above forum, many people who used to vigorously debate this nonsense over there have left or been banned - Thomas Graves and myself being two of them. The whole EF site has now become a vast echo chamber with little push back there and if there is any push back, you're either warned, are not read (they have a magical Ignore button there), or banned entirely.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #34 on: June 09, 2018, 02:17:05 PM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #35 on: June 09, 2018, 03:36:29 PM »
Marguerite's maiden name was Claverie and the fact that Robert didn't remember it doesn't change that simple well established fact.

 I never said it wasn't Entering straw man territory

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2018, 04:23:25 PM »
I'm a CTer but do not believe the Harvey and Lee (called by some, funnily, as Hardly Lee) baloney. I'd advise other readers to go to this very detailed and long thread on another forum. You'll find many of the silly, if not crazy, beliefs about this fictional caper including (non)photo alterations, sloping shoulders, and contrast(y) photos among other things.

Sadly, because of the "kinder and gentler" nature of the above forum, many people who used to vigorously debate this nonsense over there have left or been banned - Thomas Graves and myself being two of them. The whole EF site has now become a vast echo chamber with little push back there and if there is any push back, you're either warned, are not read (they have a magical Ignore button there), or banned entirely.

 Maybe you are Michael But we do know that many folks like to pose as being sympathetic to the CT angle on many things so they can appear as an even more legitimate critic of when things have gone to far So far you have said nothing other than a story of being banned

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2018, 04:23:25 PM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2018, 04:32:38 PM »

Let's see if we can undo some of the misinformation in this thread. Frank Kudlaty never said a word to anyone about any confiscated records. At least not until he had a conversation with his friend Jack White who filled him in on the John Armstrong "Harvey & Lee" nonsense. Kudlaty then suddenly "remembered" the confiscated records. White tried to conceal the fact that he was a friend of Kudlaty in a discussion on the Education Forum, but Greg Parker got it out of him. The point is, if Kudlaty was so concerned about the "confiscated" records, why didn't he report it years before? Anyone interested in this can go to the EF and do a search or go to Greg Parker's (References & links to websites which contain pornographic images and/or abusive content directed at members of this Forum is strictly prohibited ) site.

Robert Oswald was simply wrong about Stripling:

 Pardon me if you just saying all the statements by these people are incorrect because you said so doesn't strike me as particularly insightful

Offline Richard Rubio

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #38 on: June 09, 2018, 05:06:32 PM »
Fascinating W. Tracy Parnell; as for myself, I enjoy reading these posts.

Online W. Tracy Parnell

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #39 on: June 09, 2018, 06:11:50 PM »
Pardon me if you just saying all the statements by these people are incorrect because you said so doesn't strike me as particularly insightful

I think that my posts are just as helpful as yours, which seem merely to be regurgitations of information from other researchers including Armstrong and Jefferson Morley (in another thread). I am simply pointing out the problems here. Kudlaty never said word one about any confiscated records until he heard Jack White's (Armstrong's mentor for those who don't know) sales pitch. If I believed that the FBI did something untoward, I say something back in the day. That is a valid criticism IMO.

Robert Oswald was speaking to the WC and trying his best to reconstruct his life and his brother's life. He assumed that LHO attended Stripling. And, in fact, he would have started school there in September 1952 if Marguerite had not moved him to NYC in August of that year. So it was a logical assumption on his part but it was incorrect.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #39 on: June 09, 2018, 06:11:50 PM »