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Author Topic: Oswald's High School  (Read 56385 times)

Offline W. Tracy Parnell

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #64 on: June 10, 2018, 11:15:08 PM »
I can't since a LNer here had me banned. The odd thing is that LNer's name appeared no where on the forum.

OK, sorry to hear that.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #64 on: June 10, 2018, 11:15:08 PM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #65 on: June 11, 2018, 03:17:59 AM »
EF is the best place to find the fantasy world of Hardly Lee.  It's so hilarious that the fantasists there invented an even crazier and funnier story about how missing teeth proves that there were two Oswalds. If you can believe it - and sadly it does appear even people on this forum believe in this nonsense - the crazy story actually gets to a dramatic conclusion that skulls were switched in Oswald's coffin years later but *before* the 1980's exhumation took place. HAHAHA! As if the Bad Guys knew exactly when to switch the skulls for the dramatic reveal.

And it's the usual cast of characters over there saying "Wow, good job!" and "OMG, amazing evidence!" - Larsen, Josephs, Hargrove et al.

Seriously, is it any wonder why folks dismiss the conspiracy community with the wave of a hand and an eye roll?

 Michael interesting that you seem to be indicating that  those who investigate a  given subject is equivalent to those individuals having formed a final conclusion of some sort that you feel is worthy of ridicule  How would you know what people believe in without asking them? Better yet you could actually ask what degree of certainty or attachment to some final conclusion of said topic these individuals actually express especially when said conclusion seems to open the gates for your ridicule.

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #66 on: June 11, 2018, 11:08:12 AM »
We know your opinion by now. If you are a true CTer you should be spending the majority of your time showing that the official theory has NO supporting evidence.

This subject doesn't make or break the idea of a conspiracy being involved in the assassination of JFK.

What many people who consider themselves researchers of this case fail to understand is that there was no huge convergence of cloned assassins and body alteration and faked films. If you took the time to read my other posts elsewhere, I am a CTer. But all of the puffed up and silly "theories" regarding how it took place go beyond the realm of plausibility.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #66 on: June 11, 2018, 11:08:12 AM »

Offline W. Tracy Parnell

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #67 on: June 11, 2018, 01:31:38 PM »

Jim Marrs said that the casket LHO was buried showed signs of it having been opened prior to the exhuming in 1981. Is this correct?

No. It showed signs of damage caused by water from a cracked vault. I looked into the exhumation years ago and despite the claims of some theorists there was nothing untoward going on. Here is my page on that:

Online Steve Howsley

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #68 on: June 11, 2018, 01:52:46 PM »
I can't since a LNer here had me banned. The odd thing is that LNer's name appeared no where on the forum.

Are you saying that you can't read post at the EF because you've been barred?

I read posts there every second day or so and I've not signed up as a member. Why can't you read there as a guest?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #68 on: June 11, 2018, 01:52:46 PM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #69 on: June 11, 2018, 03:48:31 PM »
I am a CTer.

 We have seen this from you several times Maybe fill us in on what part of a conspiracy theory you are aligned with?

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #70 on: June 11, 2018, 04:02:42 PM »
Are you saying that you can't read post at the EF because you've been barred?

I read posts there every second day or so and I've not signed up as a member. Why can't you read there as a guest?

 Do they allow new people to register as far as you know? Thanks

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #71 on: June 11, 2018, 04:15:29 PM »
Confusion, at times, can be hard to measure. According to what I read, MargueriteFrancesClaverie(1907-1981)married EdwardJohnPicJr,(1907-2002) in about 1929, and divorced in about 1932, shortly after the birth of their son, JohnEdwardPicSr(1932-2000), who married MargaretDorothyFuhrman in 1951, and their first child, a son, JohnEdwardPicJr was born in 1952.

Indicated also, was that

Indicated as well, was that MargueriteFrancesClaveriePic later married RobertEdwardLeeOswald, in 1933, and their first son, RobertEdwardLeeOswaldJr was born in 1934, with their second son, LeeHarveyOswald born in 1939, shortly after the death of RobertEdwardLeeOswaldSr.

 I have not looked at the link where you provided this information apparently


 MargaretDorothyFuhrmanPic, was born in 1933, and her parents were born in Hungary.

 Clearly two different women clearly according to this Now I suppose I cannot ask Michal a question on the issue since he has already declared the whole subject ridicule positive and investigatory negative with some unknown but unquestionable mechanism of insight Maybe one of those remaining that understand having an opinion rests on your ability to defend it will chime in for the chimeless

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's High School
« Reply #71 on: June 11, 2018, 04:15:29 PM »