But who defines what's in the best interest of the nation?
Yes for me the best interest of the nation generally relies on truth and transparency I suppose my point is that it seems that many individuals are comfortable with the idea that intelligence agencies go to some pretty extreme means in their operations, and are pretty comfortable with that idea But whenever the idea arises that they might deceive the American people everything changes. I suppose I am just trying to point out to them that our intelligence agencies, even when their aim is to deceive, are still good old patriots at heart
Seperately it seems the story of the two Oswalds leaves us with the circumstance that the LHO who was shot by Ruby was not Marguerite's son Robert's Brother etc The fact that they went along with that seems like one of the weaker aspects of the theory Who the Russian speaking Harvey, as Armstrong claims he called himself, first appears in Texas in 1947 Who his family was remains a mystery. there was some information from an anonymous caller cited by Armstrong alludes to says he had an uncle somewhere in NY These are indeed pretty large holes in the story but is that void enough to ignore all the other evidence of two Oswalds?