According to Dallas cops.....
At first Oswald told police he took a bus.
Asked about the cab then he then said yeah OK.
Then he told Fritz about a woman who wanted the cabbie to call her one.
He even offered it to her [not exactly a man on the run]
In his affidavit, Whaley mentions the same incident concerning that woman.
Too much of a coincidence.
The point of this thread concerns the shirt that Oswald was wearing the morning of the assassination and that it most likely wasn't CE 150. The authorities had to keep bringing back witnesses over and over again in the attempt to identify CE 150 as the shirt they saw him in.
Why? Because they had acquired threads from that shirt in some manner and stated that these threads were taken from the murder rifle found in the building.
A solid case had to be built and this was one more piece of the puzzle.
The dark brown shirt Oswald was wearing when arrested, along with the purported assassination weapon and much of the other first day evidence, was flown to Washington for testing by the FBI's crime lab that Friday night [leaving Oswald with only his T shirt]
CD5 p159
This evidence was tested throughout the next day. At 5:30 PM, Assistant Director Alan Belmont furnished Dallas Special-Agent-in-Charge Gordon Shanklin the results of these tests. A memo by Shanklin found in the Dallas FBI files reveals that, in regards to the shirt. Belmont told him: "
Several black cotton, orange yellow cotton, and gray black cotton fibers which matched similar fibers composing Oswald's shirt removed from butt plate of submitted rifle."
No one who claimed they saw upper floor individuals before/during the shooting identified them wearing such a shirt.
The following morning, 11-24, the FBI Laboratory provided the Dallas police with the following information..
A small tuft of textile fibers was found adhering to a jagged area on the left side of the metal butt plate on the rifle. Included in this tuft of fibers were gray-black, dark blue and orange-yellow cotton fibers which match in microscopic characteristics the gray-black, dark blue and orange-yellow cotton fibers composing the CE 150 shirt of the suspect. These fibers could have originated from this shirt.
CD5, p164
"Could"?? "Could have"??
CE 150...I fail to see any "blue" in the fabricThe parrots will point out I'm not an expert.
However, I can microscopically smell something fishy

The witnesses who saw Oswald on the bus and the cabbie Whaley ...were never shown CE 151 for identification...not that I can find anywhere.