Somebody better tell Sam Holland, Lee Bowers, Richard Dodd, and James Simmons that what they saw and smelled was fall foliage.
I'd tell Simmons that in Bell it looks like he was waving or clapping at a dead Kennedy and since he was stood 10' south of Holland I'd call him out too.
"Stop waving and duck you sucker". No?
Tall guy in dungerees in Altgens/Dillard and in same position in Bell.
I don't put Bowers in the same league, whether he saw something or not is much more vague, if he did it seems he was never sure what it was, that makes him more credible to me.
Perhaps something, perhaps nothing but no wild claims( except seeing the bike cop ride up).
Watch those interviews from Lane, Holland and Bowers come across okay but the others oh boy, Simmons cannot even take direction he got tranfixed with the camera lens(that was the best take) and what was Dodd on? "Can we have your full attention please Mr. Dodd?" Wheel tappers, not the brightest bulbs.
Anyone who think's think I'm being too harsh can ask me about Jackson, Couch and Brennan, I have theories about them also and how they're all full of it.
Mrs Cabell smelt gunpowder, of course she did, she said so so she must have, Dillard too, all of them, I really believe them, no honestly I do.
I also believe(no not that), that people looked at the knoll and thought " what a good place for an ambush" before the motorade arrived, then when the shooting happens, that's exactly where they came from(you know her?). Was it Allman who claimed that that all those open windows on the TSBD looked dodgy BEFORE the motorcade arrived, of course he did, I believe them all, wonderful intelligent people with no reason to get involved.
Find out what Darnell said/remembered, it's so refreshing, no wild claims and no added extras, just for a change.