It was not pristine. Check it for yourself if you want to be enlightened.
2003 Discovery Channel experiment results of replica human torso the MC bullet was extremely distorted when it came out and that WITHOUT even having to go then thru wrist bone BACKWARDs.
Experiment firing bullet at 900 ft/sec directly into human cadavier wrist bone, proves nothing, since it was nose 1st entry not backwards and had no prior force applied which is the force of going thru 2 bodies and rib bones. So a totally useless and irrelevant experiment.
Experiment proving MC bullet can be slowed from 2000 ft/sec to 0 ft/sec over 3 ft, and remain undeformed, was via firing a bullet thru 36 small cross cut pieces of pine board glued together


And the bullet didnt exit the throat of the1st torso, so they did not prove a straight line trajectory from JFK back thru the throat aligned with the entrance point in Gov Connallys back.