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noun: troublemaker; a person who habitually causes difficulty or problems
TESTIMONY OF ROBERT L. STOVALL STOVALL. He sought employment at another company here in town, a printing company.
Mr. JENNER. Do you recall the name of that company?
Mr. STOVALL. Padgett Printing Co.--Padgett Printing and Lithographing Co., and the superintendent over there called me and he gave us as a reference.
Mr. JENNER. Do you know the superintendent's name?
Mr. STOVALL. Ted Gangel.
Mr. JENNER. They are here in Dallas?
Mr. STOVALL Yes--he's their superintendent. He called me and asked me and I told him I did not know, but I would check, so I asked John Graef and they said this fellow was kind of an oddball, and he was kinda peculiar sometimes and that he had had some knowledge of the Russian language, which--this is all I knew, so I told Ted, I said, "Ted, I don't know, this guy may be a damn Communist. I can't tell you.
If I was you, I wouldn't hire him."
Mr. STOVALL. I don't believe so. There was such a short period of time this fellow worked for us and he was a constant source of irritation because of his lack of productive ability, that----
Mr. JENNER. Would you elaborate on that, please?
Mr. STOVALL. We would ask him to reduce a line to 4 inches in width, that happened to be 6, and he might make it 4 1/4 or 3 7/8, and this was a loss in labor and materials both, and it had to be redone.
Mr. JENNER. Did this occur with greater frequency than you thought--than your people thought was permissible, having in mind the progress which you would expect of him or a man in his position to have attained?
Mr. STOVALL. Yes; that's true.
Mr. JENNER. What about his relations with others in the company---other employees-how did he get along, or did that come to your attention?
Mr. STOVALL I don't think anyone liked him or disliked him either one. He was just one of those people you don't know. If you don't know a guy, you can't know if you don't like him. That's probably the main reason we don't like him.
Someone made mention in one instance that he bumped them in a dark room, which is a walkway area, and if a guy's bent over a tray and somebody else is coming by--he will get bumped, and it depends on who is doing the bumping, whether you get upset about it or not.
Mr. JENNER. Well, it can be done without taking offense to one another?
Mr. STOVALL. There's nothing at all wrong in it. There's no pain at all in saying "Excuse me."
Mr. JENNER. Yes; and apparently he was not inclined to do that. Mr. STOVALL. It seems that that's so---yes.