He has said that he wrote the book as if he were at argument in court. Something like that. Show us one lawyer who doesn't exaggerate.
If you don't think Oswald was involved then you can ignore his responses which, again, are directed at those who DO believe he was.
Unfortunately we CTs can't prove Oswald didn't do it, as it is exceedingly difficult to prove a negative. However you, Feluccas are in a worse boat as you can't prove he did it either, despite you having to prove a positive.
Bugliosi's arguments are fallacious no matter what you believe about Oswald.It's the usual strawman argument that any conspiracy would necessarily be vast, and have perfectly executed a plan that micromanaged every little detail of what ended up happening.
This is why lawyers shouldn't pretend to be scientists -- or that they care about the truth.
Or what the witnesses saw or didn't see.
Bonnie Ray Williams- His Altered TestimonyBy John Butler | Published: June 26, 2018 Bonnie Ray Williams gave testimony concerning the assassination of President Kennedy on numerous occasions. These were : 11-22-63- This was an Affidavit In Any Fact sworn at the Dallas County Sheriff?s Office Patsy Collins 11-23-63- Federal Bureau of Investigation FD-302 2 pages Barwell Odum and Will Griffin 1-14-64- Federal Bureau of Investigation FD-302 Unknown agents 3-19-64- Federal Bureau of Investigation FD-302 A. Raymond Switzer and Eugene F. Petrakis 3-24-64- Warren Commission testimony, Vol. III page 161 5-26-64- Federal Bureau of Investigation FD-302 A. Raymond Switzer and Eugene F. PetrakisThe FBI considered Bonnie Ray Williams as a Key Person in the investigation. Bonnie Ray Williams was a star witness. But, his testimony had to be adjusted over time so that he would be saying the right thing when Bonnie Ray Williams finally arrived at the Warren Commission hearing on 3-24-64 in Washington D.C.How would Bonnie Ray Williams and his altered testimony outline the Gauntlet Theory? How would his testimony exemplify what happened to many witnesses testimony that resulted in the grand deception on Elm Street. Well, that?s what this discussion is about. Starting on 11-23-63 his statements begin to evolve into something totally different from what he originally said on 11-22-63. The FBI were the agents of that evolution.During the period 11-22-63 to 3-24-64 the only thing in his statements that remain fairly consistent is that the shooting he describes came from above him on the sixth floor. What did not stay consistent was the number of shots fired and president?s location when shots were fired. If his testimony of 11-22-63 was allowed to stand then there would be a different view of the assassination. Read Bonnie Ray Williams statement of 11-22-63 paying attention to the underlined portion and the notes at the bottom.
The first time Bonnie Ray Williams talks to the FBI is on 11-23-63. There are changes made to what he said just the day before at the Sherriff?s Office. The location of the shooting has changed from the Houston Street intersection to the Elm Street intersection in front of the TSBD. The number of shots remains at two in this FBI 302 below.