Ding ding ding, the Deplorables always tip their hand. And yes, Heir Drumpf is as much an American Nazi as the architect of the Big Event, Allen Dulles was. They are cut from the same cloth. And like the LNers, they are all perfect examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect
How anyone, let alone a LNer can think that Ruby was anything but an assassin to silence the patsy Oswald, is either a self-delusional Trumptard or a Bugliosi fanboy. I didn't bother to read the Bug's Non Sequitur #30, but I'll bet it was good if it took a stab at giving Ruby a free pass.
Swell. Somebody's tipping his hand alright. Nazis everywhere!! Let me guess, 9/11 was done by the Bush neocons, right?
When you have your tinfoil hat on, Jack, do you pick up free cable too? My cable bill is getting high and I'm trying to save a few dollars.
Let's see: you're a physicist, a photographic expert, a forensic expert, a medical expert....what am I 'm leaving out? And you say it's the LNers are the ones who suffer from a belief they know more than they do? Do I have that right?
And, to tie a bow on it: I said Trump is an egomaniac, a child, and other names but don't think he's an American Hitler and for you that means I'm one of the "deplorables" who voted for him? See, the egomaniac, child characterization is evidence of what I think about him.
No wonder you can't figure out who shot JFK. You're standing on your tinfoil covered empty head.