Again, a shot from the right-front does not throw the head and body violently back and to the left.
The link you provided stated the following...
"The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy."
The HSCA had no idea what sort of conspiracy existed, if any at all.
This doesn't even mention their faulty conclusion based on the supposed rifle fire caught on the dictabelt recording, even though the impulses were recorded once the motorcade was on it's way to Parkland Hospital.
You wish to claim that the HSCA "got it right", yet you claim, based on your opinion on the way the body went back and to the left, that the President was struck by a shot from the knoll. The HSCA stated that the President was struck twice, both from behind and both from above. it sounds like you're contradicting yourself.
Uhh, yes it does Bill. I have another video showing someone taking a shot to the front of their head and their head is blown backwards like Kennedy's. We simply do not know how any gunshot wound to the head is going to cause movement to it but there is visual evidence that it can happen.
And as for the HSCA, you can make all the excuses you want to but they did say there were shots from the front. That's a conclusion written by a government body, the same type of body as the Warren report was. And don't forget Bill, THEY didn't know what the hell to say either except for one thing - that it was going to be all Oswald, all of the time. They had a preordained conclusion from on up high. So they massaged the photographic and other evidence to reach that conclusion. Seriously, Bill, do you know how many witnesses alone that were not even interviewed for the Warren report? One that a simple massage of what they said would be too obvious to be dishonest?
If you ask me, the HSCA, despite all of their own faults, were a little more interested in the real truth of what happened than the Warren gang ever was.