....that members of a group like the CIA or mob or military-industrial complex, needing to make sure that Kennedy was killed would let their hit man try to carry out the biggest murder ever with anything other than a very high-quality rifle? The fact that Oswald used the type of rifle he did is almost, by itself, prima facie evidence that he acted alone and there was no conspiracy. .. we know Oswald fired three rounds, and only one cartridge was found in the chamber
The real question is how did the FBI know about the ordering of the suspect rifle and how it came to be 'traced' so quickly--
the very evening of the day of the assassination.I'll bet that they find dozens of guns everyday [even now in 2018] and they don't know where in hell they came from.
Mr. BELIN. Were you at any time on that date contacted by any law enforcement agency with regard to a particular rifle, Serial No. C-2766?
Mr. SCIBOR. Yes.
Mr. BELIN. And could you tell us the circumstances surrounding this?
Mr. SCIBOR. I got a call Friday evening, November 22, asking if it would be possible to get at the records---at our records to see if that gun had been in our possession or sold by us. I got permission from one of the executives to open the store and view our records, and I came down here somewhere between 10 and 11 o'clock.
Mr. BELIN. And what did you do when you got down here?
Mr. SCIBOR. We went in with the Government men and--just before we went in, Mr. Waldman came down and we came in and he took over as far as getting-- trying to find the information that we needed.
Mr. BELIN. How did you try to find that information?
Mr. SCIBOR. By looking in our microfilm records of sales of merchandise for that particular gun.
The FBI furnished us with information stating that we had received the gun from Crescent Firearms.
An article by Martha Moyer called 'Ordering the Rifle'
http://www.jfklancer.com/pdf/moyer.pdfSupposedly, Oswald [for some oddball reason] kept the ad clipped out of the 'American Rifleman'.
That was for a 36 inch Carcano.
Why the ad for a 36" and then send a 40".
They ran out of 36"s...?

They would have declined any such order if that were really true and besides...sending weapons to a PO Box is dubious anyway.
Also found by Det. Stovall was a cut-out portion of a
magazine advertisement from Kline [sic] Department Store in
Chicago, showing an advertisement of the murder weapon. All
these items were confiscated along with other items and marked
for evidence.....
The Backyard photos along with the mag ad for the rifle were not listed among the items received by the FBI from the Dallas Police.
Michael Paine testified that he saw the Backyard pictures the night before they were officially discovered.
"Someone was arranging rifle information to implicate Oswald"