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Author Topic: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"  (Read 72989 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #96 on: June 20, 2018, 01:24:51 PM »
Oswald went to pick up his rifle. It's possible, as others have speculated, that he wasn't 100% committed to his plan to kill the Pres if Marina agreed to go back to him. We will never know just as we will never know if he made the bag in the garage, at his room the night before or elsewhere before bringing it to Irving.

You think he was a nice family man? I don't think so. He beat his wife, had a stash of money but offered little to Marina to support her needs (including simple health care) and those of the children. Even if Marina had agreed to go back to him and if he abandoned his plan he was still a walking time bomb and would IMO have erupted at some point but that might have simply been killing Hosty or a cop or two and we wouldn't be talking about the scumbag today.

I'd think he was rapidly losing his sanity. He was a deadbeat and a loser who felt the world owed him something just as his mother taught him. He wasn't a patsy so much as an insecure mama's boy.

Mr Howsley....You are exposing yourself as a fool.   You've constructed a villain to blame for a crime that rational reasoning and commonsense should lead you to understand was not committed in the manner as the official "investigation"  has concluded.   

It is a FACT that a man who did not fit the description of Lee Oswald was observed behind the sixth floor windows of the TSBD prior to, and during the shooting.  Several eyewitnesses saw a man who was estimated to weigh 175 pounds and who was dressed in light colored khaki clothing with a hunting ( sniper) rifle behind the windows of the sixth floor. 

Lee Oswald who weighed 131 pounds was dressed in a reddish brown shirt and dark gray trousers at the time that John Kennedy was murdered.   Lee Oswald didn't even own any light colored khaki clothing....

You cannot refute these simple elementary perhaps you should pause and give a little more thought to the ideas you are espousing....  because only an irrational fool would continue to babble nonsense and make a fool of himself.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #96 on: June 20, 2018, 01:24:51 PM »

Offline Steve Howsley

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Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #97 on: June 20, 2018, 01:44:43 PM »
Mr Howsley....You are exposing yourself as a fool.   You've constructed a villain to blame for a crime that rational reasoning and commonsense should lead you to understand was not committed in the manner as the official "investigation"  has concluded.   

It is a FACT that a man who did not fit the description of Lee Oswald was observed behind the sixth floor windows of the TSBD prior to, and during the shooting.  Several eyewitnesses saw a man who was estimated to weigh 175 pounds and who was dressed in light colored khaki clothing with a hunting ( sniper) rifle behind the windows of the sixth floor. 

Lee Oswald who weighed 131 pounds was dressed in a reddish brown shirt and dark gray trousers at the time that John Kennedy was murdered.   Lee Oswald didn't even own any light colored khaki clothing....

You cannot refute these simple elementary perhaps you should pause and give a little more thought to the ideas you are espousing....  because only an irrational fool would continue to babble nonsense and make a fool of himself.   

Walt, I'm sorry but I've only read up to WF47 (Walt's Fabrications #47) so can't spare the time to look for flaws in your post. Once I've got through the complete list I'll get to the more recent stuff.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 01:59:16 PM by Steve Howsley »

Offline Steve Howsley

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Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #98 on: June 20, 2018, 01:57:27 PM »

The tape minder said he never left his post even for lunch.

Not even for a xxxx apparently. Or if he did need a toilet break occasionally did he ask an office worker to keep an eye on the job station while he was otherwise occupied so that the precious paper and tape was secure? I don't accept that as a serious proposition.

Another possibility: Oswald asked a workmate to make a bag for him or at least supply the materials. Now consider this; if one employee helped another with a bit of material that they really had no right to use for anything other than work related activities and that material becomes evidence in the murder of the Pres what reaction can we expect? I'd say the guy who helped Oswald is just as likely to say nothing to detectives. Is he going to confess and admit he was party to theft and maybe get fired sometime after the warehouse gets back to normal?

I've seen these sort of 'transactions' over many years in workshops and warehouses I have worked in as a supervisor. It goes on all of the time, one guy helping another thinking nothing of it but knowing all along that they better not get caught.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 02:05:06 PM by Steve Howsley »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #98 on: June 20, 2018, 01:57:27 PM »

Offline Howard Gee

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Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #99 on: June 20, 2018, 02:30:45 PM »
Howard, please read what Tony actually said. The tape had to be dispensed via the wetting roller which made marks on the paper. The marks were on the tape therefore the tape went through the wetting roller. If it hadn't it would't have had the marks that the wetting roller made. Capisce?
The tape minder said he never left his post even for lunch.
Ask yourself, could Fritz have handed the bag that Studebaker created to Oswald?
It is a matter of record that  the DPD sent a number of innocent men to their death.

Ray, read the testimony again. The marks on the tape are put on by the roller BEFORE the tape makes contact with the moisturizer.

Even if Saint Oz couldn't pull off a strip of unwettened tape and had to construct the bag in the shipping room, do you honestly believe that would be impossible ?

You actually believe the paper and tape were constantly under guard and the room was never empty ? C'mon man, get real.

Could Fritz have handed the bag to Saint Oz during interrogation ?  Yes, he COULD have. But there's ZERO evidence that he did. Additionally, just letting Saint Oz 'handle' the bag certainly wouldn't result in Oz leaving a palm print, would it ?

What your actually asking us to believe is that Fritz had Saint Oz press his palm into the bag. Again, c'mon man, get real.

If you tell me the DPD sent innocent men to their death, I'm not going to argue.

But I will argue that Saint Oz definitely wasn't one of them, and there's a mountain of evidence that proves that.

Offline Steve Howsley

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Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #100 on: June 20, 2018, 02:31:23 PM »
Oswald asked a workmate to make a bag for him or at least supply the materials.

The only person he could of asked was WEST!   :D

So West was the only employee who was trained to operate that machine? What happened when he took leave or phoned in sick? Pretty unlikely he was the only one. Besides why wouldn't West agree to make bag for Oswald?

I'd say the guy who helped Oswald is just as likely to say nothing to detectives.

If Studebaker constructed CE 142 and it came back from the FBI with partials belonging to Lee on the 24th (day Lee was killed) would you disclose this to the FBI or to Captain Fritz?

It's called CYA. It didn't matter now as the "suspect" was stone cold dead.

Tony, I don't understand your point. You eat, sleep and breathe this topic and I barely have a passing interest it (no disrespect intended) so I'll need to have it explained differently. If your point is that West or 'another' would have volunteered their involvement (innocent though it was) because Oswald was dead then I don't accept that. Once a lie is told (or deliberate withholding of information) it becomes increasing difficult by the hour to tell the truth. I've seen that many times in my working life.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 02:33:36 PM by Steve Howsley »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #100 on: June 20, 2018, 02:31:23 PM »

Offline Steve Howsley

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Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #101 on: June 20, 2018, 03:42:26 PM »
By involving a third party, you have just made your paper bag scenario more complex and even further unlikely. The moment you remove the tape from the dispenser you have to use it.

My interest in the assassination commenced in 1985 when l borrowed and read the WC volumes from the University's library.

I am still learning.

What applies to a third party in keeping quiet, also equally applied to Studebaker and Day.

My suggestion of innocent assistance from a coworker doesn't involve a conspiracy whereas your theory does. Apply the KISS principle. If that doesn't make sense at all because it's impossible or extremely unlikely then consider other possibilities. Oswald either taking materials home or asking a coworker for help are both plausible and non conspiratorial. That's what I'd be banking on.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 04:02:15 PM by Steve Howsley »

Offline Steve Howsley

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Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #102 on: June 20, 2018, 03:49:14 PM »
BTW Tony, Do you agree that it's unlikely that Troy West was the only employee that could operate that machine and the wrapping process came to a standstill when he was on leave or called in sick? Also, wouldn't you agree that Troy West must have had an enormously strong bladder to have not taken a toilet break during work hours on the Wednesday or Thursday of assassination week?

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #103 on: June 20, 2018, 04:33:20 PM »

Stop the rot, they carried Oswald's rifle sack out of the building as evidence and that's that.
But at least you're still not persisting with your bizarre theory that the bag was actually being used to carry out the window sill, well I hope not anyway. LOL.


Yeah we all know it was tucked inside Montgomery?s trousers right John?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bugliosi's "Conclusion of No Conspiracy"
« Reply #103 on: June 20, 2018, 04:33:20 PM »