Coincidence or ---
Oswald has seemingly extensive long term CIA connections.
50 Dallas Police are ex CIA and so apparently to a small degree is Shelley TBD boss.
There are rumours of small amounts of gunrunning and drug smuggling via the TBD.
BWF is involved among other guns at the TBD immediately prior to the assassination.
Oswald gets a seemingly airtight naturally occurring job in TBD.
Days prior to the assassination a LHO is hitchhiking carrying "curtain rods" and talking extensively of assassination.
Oswald breaks from habit to go home with BWF on a Thursday to pick up curtain rods.
BWF and LMR say they see LHO with bag he says has curtain rods in it.
BWF parks car but there is something that all of a sudden needs attention of it and so on that day BWF ends up
walking well behind LHO on to the TBD.
BWF says he sees LHO carrying a 34-36inch long package from cupped hand to under armpit.
Which would mean if LHO was from cupped hand resting it on shoulder front, approx 10 inches
of packet would stick up above the shoulder.
When LHO enters TBD only Jack Doherty an involved suspect sees him enter.
Shelley has for some days been supervising a floor repair crew (correct me if I'm wrong here guys) which has finished
the 5th floor, moved to the 6th floor and that assassination morning is working down the SN side and lane of the TBD
Coincidence or ---