Tom Robinson was part of the funeral home team who prepared JFK's body for burial. He worked on Kennedy's head for several hours and he saw the wound up close and placed it clearly at the back of the head. There is a video interview with him on YouTube where he shows the exact location of the wound.
Could it be this guy worked on a wound that really wasn't there? What do you think?
Okay Martin, first do you believe the Zapruder film was altered? Because if you do then I ask you to explain by saying, When, where, how and by whom, altered it. Now as to the head wound. I would believe Dr. Marion "Pepper" Jenkins, and Dr. Kemp Clark, and Dr. Humes, and the autopsy team, over a funeral home guy that was looking for his 15 minutes of fame. Dr. Jenkins was the anesthesiologist that was right at the president's head. I think I will believe him over Robinson any day.