A nut like Oswald. In addition, at the time the BY photos were taken, Oswald had no clue that he would be assassinating JFK.
That's because he was not a lone nut and didn't assassinate JFK. He may or may not have known he was being sheep-dipped to be the patsy. Or maybe he was telling the truth that the BYPs were faked and the DPD superimposed his face on another body. It's simple to edit a photo this way then take a picture of the doctored print to remove any signs of tampering. The DPD and SS were definitely up to dark room shenanigans. Roscoe White had extensive experience faking photos in the dark room.
But Roscoe wasn't savvy enough to scale Oswald's head consistently with his body for CE 133-A & B:
He wouldn't have known that until he found out around Nov. 19 that JFK was visiting Dallas and would pass his place of work.
Oswald didn't need to know anything about the Big Event to be the patsy. His handlers could have told him anything to stage the backyard photos, which made them fake whether he actually posed for them or not. At the very least they were contrived.
And do you think Oswald anticipated getting away with this crime? LOL.
What crime? LOL. He was the patsy that never even took a shot.
Death or arrest was part of the equation in committing that act and Oswald knew it.
How do you know this?
It didn't matter how much evidence he left behind. If he didn't want to pay the price, his only real option was not to commit the crime.
He didn't commit the crime. He was the patsy. The conspirators would never rely on Oswald to commit the crime. Token shots were taken from the TSBD with the Mauser, but not by Oswald. The MC was already planted by then, otherwise, after the shooting Oswald would have found a rag, wiped off ALL the prints from the rifle, ditched it, then ran down 4 flights of stairs, bought himself a coke in under 90 seconds, without breaking a sweat. Tell me why that is more likely.