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Author Topic: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia  (Read 73568 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #120 on: June 25, 2018, 04:20:37 PM »
Additional blah blah.
Assumptions all based on nothing.

This is the kind of high-level CT response that really sheds light on how someone can be a CTer by dismissing inconvenient reality.  A poster claims Oswald would not have posed for the BY photos prior to the assassination because they are incriminatory.  When it is pointed out that at the time the photos were taken, Oswald didn't have a clue that he would be assassinating JFK because he didn't even know at that time that JFK would be coming to Dallas or that he would be working in building overlooking the motorcade, that factual point is somehow deemed an "assumption."  As though the timeline of events is not based on chronology but speculation.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 06:49:51 PM by Richard Smith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #120 on: June 25, 2018, 04:20:37 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #121 on: June 25, 2018, 07:01:39 PM »
Now that Oswald's chin, nostrils, and watch have been covered, I hope Caprio moves on to other important matters like whether Oswald wore boxers or briefs and asks us to prove where he purchased them.  Giving new meaning to supporting evidence.

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #122 on: June 25, 2018, 07:06:45 PM »
This is the kind of high-level CT response that really sheds light on how someone can be a CTer by dismissing inconvenient reality.  A poster claims Oswald would not have posed for the BY photos prior to the assassination because they are incriminatory.  When it is pointed out that at the time the photos were taken, Oswald didn't have a clue that he would be assassinating JFK because he didn't even know at that time that JFK would be coming to Dallas or that he would be working in building overlooking the motorcade, that factual point is somehow deemed an "assumption."  As though the timeline of events is not based on chronology but speculation.

 Interested Richard how you know what was in Oswald's mind Maybe he took the job at TSBD because it fit perfectly on something he was already working on

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #122 on: June 25, 2018, 07:06:45 PM »

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #123 on: June 25, 2018, 07:43:05 PM »
A nut like Oswald.  In addition, at the time the BY photos were taken, Oswald had no clue that he would be assassinating JFK.
That's because he was not a lone nut and didn't assassinate JFK. He may or may not have known he was being sheep-dipped to be the patsy. Or maybe he was telling the truth that the BYPs were faked and the DPD superimposed his face on another body. It's simple to edit a photo this way then take a picture of the doctored print to remove any signs of tampering. The DPD and SS were definitely up to dark room shenanigans. Roscoe White had extensive experience faking photos in the dark room.

But Roscoe wasn't savvy enough to scale Oswald's head consistently with his body for CE 133-A & B:

He wouldn't have known that until he found out around Nov. 19 that JFK was visiting Dallas and would pass his place of work.
Oswald didn't need to know anything about the Big Event to be the patsy. His handlers could have told him anything to stage the backyard photos, which made them fake whether he actually posed for them or not. At the very least they were contrived.

And do you think Oswald anticipated getting away with this crime? LOL.
What crime? LOL. He was the patsy that never even took a shot.

Death or arrest was part of the equation in committing that act and Oswald knew it.
How do you know this?

It didn't matter how much evidence he left behind.  If he didn't want to pay the price, his only real option was not to commit the crime.
He didn't commit the crime. He was the patsy. The conspirators would never rely on Oswald to commit the crime. Token shots were taken from the TSBD with the Mauser, but not by Oswald. The MC was already planted by then, otherwise, after the shooting Oswald would have found a rag, wiped off ALL the prints from the rifle, ditched it, then ran down 4 flights of stairs, bought himself a coke in under 90 seconds, without breaking a sweat. Tell me why that is more likely.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #124 on: June 25, 2018, 07:56:20 PM »
That's because he was not a lone nut and didn't assassinate JFK. He may or may not have known he was being sheep-dipped to be the patsy. Or maybe he was telling the truth that the BYPs were faked and the DPD superimposed his face on another body. It's simple to edit a photo this way then take a picture of the doctored print to remove any signs of tampering. The DPD and SS were definitely up to dark room shenanigans. Roscoe White had extensive experience faking photos in the dark room.

But Roscoe wasn't savvy enough to scale Oswald's head consistently with his body for CE 133-A & B:

Oswald didn't need to know anything about the Big Event to be the patsy. His handlers could have told him anything to stage the backyard photos, which made them fake whether he actually posed for them or not. At the very least they were contrived.
What crime? LOL. He was the patsy that never even took a shot.
How do you know this?
He didn't commit the crime. He was the patsy. The conspirators would never rely on Oswald to commit the crime. Token shots were taken from the TSBD with the Mauser, but not by Oswald. The MC was already planted by then, otherwise, after the shooting Oswald would have found a rag, wiped off ALL the prints from the rifle, ditched it, then ran down 4 flights of stairs, bought himself a coke in under 90 seconds, without breaking a sweat. Tell me why that is more likely.

That is quite a yarn.  I'm surprised you haven't taken this to the NY Times and won a pultizer prize for solving the assassination of the president.  All you lack is any real evidence.  Honestly, I hope you don't believe any of that.  Experts - and not the type of self-proclaimed "researchers" who frequent these boards - have confirmed without any doubt that the photos are not faked.  That has been put to rest.  But I was addressing your point that Oswald would not have posed for these photos had he been the JFK assassin.  That argument is entirely without merit since at the time they were taken Oswald had no clue that he would assassinate JFK.  As a result, why would be care at the time they were taken if they showed him with the rifle in a nutty pose?  His intent at that time appears to have been to cultivate an image of himself as a pro-commie revolutionary to gain entry to Cuba.  So the photos worked perfectly in Oswald's demented narrative of himself.  He was a kook.  Doing what kooks do.  Exactly the type of nut who might take his gun to work when he became aware that the opportunity to assassinate the president had fallen right into his lap. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #124 on: June 25, 2018, 07:56:20 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #125 on: June 25, 2018, 08:24:15 PM »
Interested Richard how you know what was in Oswald's mind Maybe he took the job at TSBD because it fit perfectly on something he was already working on

Why would I have to know what was in "Oswald's mind" to reach this conclusion?  It's just a matter of the limits of what could be known at the time that specific events occurred.  The BY photos were taken before Oswald or anyone had a clue that he would be working at the TSBD or that JFK would be coming to Dallas later that year.  In fact, Oswald was trying to leave the country for Cuba.  As a result, Oswald could not have taken into consideration the implications of the photos in the context of the JFK assassination.  Thus, suggesting that the photos are somehow evidence of his innocence because the real assassin would never have implicated himself by posing for such pictures is not only absurd but actually impossible given the sequence of events (i.e. Oswald poses for the BY photos in March but doesn't learn of the JFK visit/motorcade until Nov.)   

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #126 on: June 25, 2018, 08:32:23 PM »
That is quite a yarn.  I'm surprised you haven't taken this to the NY Times and won a pultizer prize for solving the assassination of the president.  All you lack is any real evidence.  Honestly, I hope you don't believe any of that.  Experts - and not the type of self-proclaimed "researchers" who frequent these boards - have confirmed without any doubt that the photos are not faked.  That has been put to rest.

You don't have a clue, do you? The DPD supposedly found 2 negatives (they lied) and only one negative was made available to the Warren Commission; the other has never been accounted for. HSCA analysed this negative and 7 various prints that had been made from 3 negatives. They found no sign of fakery.

Didn't you read/comprehend my post that it is simple to fool analysts by creating new negatives by photographing doctored prints? The film grain is consistent and all trace of tampering goes poof. You need to get out more.

But I was addressing your point that Oswald would not have posed for these photos had he been the JFK assassin.  That argument is entirely without merit since at the time they were taken Oswald had no clue that he would assassinate JFK.
I never claimed that and it was not my argument. Lee's handler didn't have to tell him what he was being sheep-dipped for. Get it?

As a result, why would be care at the time they were taken if they showed him with the rifle in a nutty pose?  His intent at that time appears to have been to cultivate an image of himself as a pro-commie revolutionary to gain entry to Cuba.
Who exactly were these photos for then? Roscoe White, de Mohrenschildt? How were they going to advance his lone nut pro-commie agenda? LOL

So the photos worked perfectly in Oswald's demented narrative of himself.  He was a kook.  Doing what kooks do.  Exactly the type of nut who might take his gun to work when he became aware that the opportunity to assassinate the president had fallen right into his lap.
Thank you Dr. Freud. We all know who the kook is here. But you are right about 1 thing, JFK did fall right into his lap. Imagine that.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #127 on: June 25, 2018, 10:33:51 PM »

But Roscoe wasn't savvy enough ....

JT...Those pictures were sufficient enough to accomplish the purpose of vilifying Oswald as the assassin. I concede that it was done quite professionally. 

Posted by: Richard Smith
Now that Oswald's chin, nostrils, and watch have been covered, I hope Caprio moves on to other important matters like whether Oswald wore boxers or briefs and asks us to prove where he purchased them.  Giving new meaning to supporting evidence.

Supporting evidence would also include a whichever jock strap?
Rick's contributions are just absolutely underwhelming.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Backyard Photos Have Insomnia
« Reply #127 on: June 25, 2018, 10:33:51 PM »