Here is my theory re the BYPs:
The 5+ BYPs were shot as part of Oswald's sheep-dipping but not by Marina and while complicit, I doubt Oswald knew he was being set up as the patsy at the time. Also I am convinced that not all of the original photos were taken with the same Imperial Reflex camera. The photos appeared to be taken with a very poor quality lens except for CE 133-A. This photo was clearly different. It was the money shot and it was probably a darkroom creation. The DPD's intention was to leak 1 clear BYP to link Oswald to the assassination. All the other photos were samples taken with the Imperial Reflex which were directly linked to Oswald's camera.
Why is CE 133-A the anomaly? Because it was in focus, with minimal spherical aberration and the only photo that clearly identified Oswald, the murder weapons and you can actually read the name of the commie lit he was holding. I believe this photo was taken with a different camera and a large print was photographed with the Imperial Reflex camera to link it to the other photos to disguise its origin.
If a different lens was not used for CE133-A then some darkroom shenanigans took place since Oswald's head is grossly oversized which put his body proportions out of whack relative to the photos taken with the Imperial Reflex.
When you scale CE133-A & C so that Oswald has the same leg length, this synchronizes Oswald's distance from the camera. So then how does the rest of his body match up?
It doesn't, big time. Also note the grossly different spherical aberration between photos. The exposure for CE133-A is also unique. Funny that the lens distortion matches up perfectly between CE133-B & C, but A stands out like a sore thumb. CE133-A is the outlier and hence the fake. This photo was taken with a different camera and after an 8"x10" print was made from it, the Imperial Reflex camera was used to photograph the print to create a negative with the same grain as the other photos from this camera.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.