The Assassination of JFK should have been a case that was solved by a Dallas Parkland Hospital Autopsy but instead the body was taken back to Bethesda and the autopsy was done and we have been asked to believe what we have been told were the results of that autopsy. I've often wondered how powerful Gary Mack felt when certain aspects of the case would make you lean towards the Conspiracy side or the side of a Lone Gunman . It's quite obvious that JFK and his brother Bobby ruffled a whole lot of feathers while JFK was the POTUS . It seemed like LBJ's problems went away after JFK was killed. The Vietnam war was back on . The Oil barons got to keep their oil depletion allowance which allowed them to not be taxed for 27.5% of their oil revenue. JFK was going to lower their oil percentage but after JFK was killed the Johnson administration kept the 27.5% the whole time he was in office. War & Oil = A whole lot of money !!! I guess I'm tired of haggling over the How's and the Who's of JFK's Assassination ! The important question is why was JFK assassinated ?

You are dodging the main issue. As John pointed out, it doesn?t matter if the autopsy pictures were taken in Texas or in the Washington D. C. area, the picture is still going to show the back wound as higher than the throat wound.
And it doesn?t matter where the autopsy was performed. If it was supposed to have been held in the Washington D. C. area, but was performed in Dallas instead, the CTers would have claimed that naturally Johnson would arrange for the autopsy to be performed in Texas, where he had the most influence. If he allows the body to be flown back east, God knows where Mrs. Kennedy would want the autopsy to be performed.
The point is, you are impressed by Dr. Wecht.
What is so impressive about Dr. Wecht describing the back wound being lower than the throat wound to a room full of ignorant people who don?t know any better?
What evidence has Dr. Wecht presented to support this assertion that trumps the autopsy photographs?