Do you actually think that Thomas Robinson would have been wrong about what he had to do to make JFK presentable for his funeral . Robinson worked on those wounds to close them up as any mortician would do. So Thomas Robinson was wrong about what he saw along with the Parkland Hospital Drs. & Nurses who worked on JFK & the photographers who took pictures of the wounds before Dr. Humes added some wounds that nobody saw at Parkland . If Parkland had seen the HUMES WOUNDS ( throat gash ) , top of the head, side of the head but mysteriously miss this baseball size blowout in the BACK of the head (which is what Parkland saw) along with a frontal bullet hole in the throat which had a small incision ( not a gash ) for a tracheostomy then we would not be having this conversation . As Robinson said about the wounds ," That's what the Drs. did ". Who orchestrated HUMES and the others to do what they did
