You don't know what you're talking about. I'd advise you to go to Kennedys and King and do a search. Mack used to be only a CT and then got hired and "switched sides." If you don't consider that "switching sides" then I feel sorry for you.
And if you don't think many of the dishonest shows that he hosted on Discovery were dishonest, then I also feel sorry for you. Take the wool away from your eyes, please.
'Take the wool away from your eyes, please'

Mack came to the conclusion that Oswald had help. That's been known for some time.
Maybe put away those shears and dip yourself into some honest research.
New York Times[EXCERPT]
Over time, he [Mack] adopted a much more measured view of the assassination.
?I had learned the basics ? step back and look at all sides,? he told The Dallas Morning News, referring to his journalistic training. ?
But I?d read all the pro-conspiracy books and was convinced they were probably right. When I decided to step back, I realized they weren?t telling me the whole story, just one side of it.?He eventually settled on what might be called conspiracy lite. That is, he doubted that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, and believed, at least, that there was more to the Oswald story than we know, but shed the more lurid hypotheses in favor of scientific detachment.