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Author Topic: Gary Mack and the about face !  (Read 63916 times)

Offline Chris Scally

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Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #128 on: July 26, 2018, 10:00:20 AM »
You still don't have a clue what you're talking about.  Stop embarrassing yourself.

Well said, Bill. Amen to that !

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #128 on: July 26, 2018, 10:00:20 AM »

Offline Mike Orr

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Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #129 on: July 27, 2018, 03:29:06 AM »
The Parkland Staff figured out if the story was not what the Warren Commission said it was , then there was a good chance that those going against the WC could end up dead like JFK. I think once "They" assassinated Kennedy , then it was open season on those who were considered " Boat Rockers " and of course what goes with that as being one who was going to "Buck" the system like JFK , MLK , Bobby Kennedy and Malcolm X . In other words if you went against the Establishment , They will cut off your oxygen supply. JFK Jr. fell under that same canopy when he was said to have considered running for public office . I think " W " Bush felt threatened at the thought of JFK Jr. running for President . To think that LHO would be the reason for our Country to be turned upside down is just beyond belief .

Online John Mytton

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Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #130 on: July 27, 2018, 03:48:19 AM »
These do not support your point since their authenticity is in doubt. The witnesses all said the BACK of JFK's head was blown out on November 22, 1963. Live with it.

These do not support your point since their authenticity is in doubt.

Huh? The Zapruder film, the X Rays and the Autopsy photos have all been repeatedly examined as authentic, the eyewitnesses are only confirming the physical evidence.

The witnesses all said the BACK of JFK's head was blown out on November 22, 1963. Live with it.

What a Bummer, your eyewitnesses are not at all consistent. Ouch!

Whereas my eyewitnesses all are extremely consistent and show exactly what the physical evidence shows.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #130 on: July 27, 2018, 03:48:19 AM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #131 on: July 27, 2018, 03:57:21 AM »
Curry wasn't a witness? What? He saw JFK up close. What does it take to be witness to you? Not to see anything on November 22, 1963, and to live in Australia?

Curry wasn't a witness?

No, we were talking about what eyewitnesses actually saw it happen, not the indecipherable bloody mess that arrived at Parkland.

Clint Hill saw Kennedy a few seconds later and would have had the best chance for evaluation.

Then there are the Dealey Plaza eyewitnesses who simply described what they saw and what they saw was precisely what we see in the Zapruder Film/Autopsy photos/X rays.


Online John Mytton

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Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #132 on: July 27, 2018, 04:48:50 AM »
I have been watching Nigel Turner's "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" series again recently and this shows perfectly that any LNer who claims that Gary Mack never endorsed a conspiracy regarding the JFK assassination is either ignorant or here to mislead.

Gary Mack was listed as a "series consultant" for the 1988 multi-part version. In his filmed interviews there is NO doubt that he was for the idea of conspiracy. He mentions detailed things that show a conspiracy took place.

Something other than evidence changed his mind.

This is sick, Gary isn't here to defend himself yet you still make these ridiculous accusations.

There is nothing wrong with being a conspiracy theorist and then after learning the real evidence siding with the truth that Oswald did it.

Many intelligent LNers were once CTs but after years of trusting the LIES that Caprio and his 10aday team have shoved down our throats, some of us actually decided to do our own research and by utilizing our own unbiased critical thinking skills we all came to the same inescapable logical conclusion that Oswald was a double murdering dirtbag!

Btw thankfully with the advent of the Internet, the ease to access the evidence makes Caprio's job of misdirection and deceit a lot harder!

« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 05:05:16 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #132 on: July 27, 2018, 04:48:50 AM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #133 on: July 27, 2018, 05:04:18 AM »
In interviews with author Gerald Posner, the Parkland doctors were nearly unanimous in their agreement with the autopsy findings at Bethesda Naval Hospital.

Dr. Carrico points out, "We did [originally] say there was a parietal-occipital wound . . . and I think we were mistaken. The reason I say that is that the President was lying on his back and shoulders, and you could see the hole, with scalp and brain tissue hanging back down his head, and it covered most of the occipital [rear] portion of his head. We saw a large hole on the right side of his head. I don't believe we saw any occipital bone. It was not there. It was parietal bone. And if we said otherwise, we were mistaken."

Dr. Adolph Giesecke agrees. "I guess I have to say I was wrong in my Warren Commission testimony on the wound and in some of my pronouncements since then. I just never got that good of a look at it. . . . The truth is there was a massive head wound, with brain tissue and blood around it. And with that type of wound you could not get accurate information unless you feel around inside the hole and look into it in detail, and I certainly didn't do that, nor did I see anyone else do that."

Dr. Paul Peters, portrayed in JFK by I. D. Brickman (see photo above), also concedes his initial impression was inaccurate: ". . . I now believe the head wound is more forward than I first placed it. More to the side than the rear." Dr. Pepper Jenkins states, "The autopsy photo, with the rear of the head intact and a protrusion in the parietal [side] region, is the way I remember it. I never did say occipital."

"I don't think any of us got a good look at the head wound," says Dr. Malcolm Perry. "I did not look at it that closely. . . . But like everyone else, I saw it back there. It was in the occipital/parietal area. The occipital and parietal bone join each other, so we are only talking a centimeter or so in difference. And you must remember the President had a lot of hair, and it was bloody and matted, and it was difficult to tell where the wound started or finished."

Dr. Charles Baxter concurs: "He had such a bushy head of hair, and blood and all in it, you couldn't tell what was the wound versus dried blood or dangling tissue. I have been misquoted enough on this, some saying I claimed the whole back of his head was blown away. That's just wrong. I never even saw the back of his head. The wound was on the right side, not the back."

Dr. Ronald Jones confirms his colleagues' observations, adding he did not even realize for several minutes that there was a head wound. He finally noticed there was a "large side wound, with blood and tissue that extended toward the rear, from what you could tell of the mess that was there."

The truth is there was a massive head wound, with brain tissue and blood around it. And with that type of wound you could not get accurate information unless you feel around inside the hole and look into it in detail, and I certainly didn't do that, nor did I see anyone else do that.

This is exactly what the laymen CTs are told again and again, the autopsy is where they actually wash, examine and physically manipulate the head wound whereas in emergency all they saw was a smashed head with a cracked skull, covered in blood and gore which nobody touched.


« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 07:19:34 AM by John Mytton »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #134 on: July 27, 2018, 01:19:37 PM »

This is sick, Gary isn't here to defend himself yet you still make these ridiculous accusations.

There is nothing wrong with being a conspiracy theorist and then after learning the real evidence siding with the truth that Oswald did it.

Many intelligent LNers were once CTs but after years of trusting the LIES that Caprio and his 10aday team have shoved down our throats, some of us actually decided to do our own research and by utilizing our own unbiased critical thinking skills we all came to the same inescapable logical conclusion that Oswald was a double murdering dirtbag!

Btw thankfully with the advent of the Internet, the ease to access the evidence makes Caprio's job of misdirection and deceit a lot harder!


This is sick, Gary isn't here to defend himself yet you still make these ridiculous accusations.

This is sick, Lee isn't here to defend himself yet you still make these ridiculous accusations.

Offline Richard Rubio

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Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #135 on: July 27, 2018, 02:49:35 PM »
How adolescent. Really, nah, nah, nah.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Gary Mack and the about face !
« Reply #135 on: July 27, 2018, 02:49:35 PM »