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Author Topic: The Rather Sketchy Recollections of Jim Leavelle  (Read 3608 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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The Rather Sketchy Recollections of Jim Leavelle
« on: July 11, 2018, 03:42:31 AM »


 ..if I made any comments to him at that time, I do not remember what they were.

Mr. BALL. Can you remember any other questions asked Oswald by Captain Fritz?
Mr. LEAVELLE. No, not offhand; I would probably remember them if I heard the questions but I do not remember offhand.

Mr. BALL. What is your memory? Is your memory different from the notes?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I do not remember who else was there, if anyone was.

Mr. BALL. Do you remember what Mr. Sorrels asked him?
Mr. LEAVELLE. No; I don't.

Mr. BALL. And did you take some statements that day?
Mr. LEAVELLE. Chances are I may have, I do not remember.

some 2 or 3 days after that, after the shooting. I don't recall the exact date.
Did you state that fact to the FBI, sir?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I don't recall whether I did or not.

Mr. HUBERT. When did you get him out of jail?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I got him out of jail at, oh, I don't remember the exact time
 I know I--I am not able to recall at this time exactly what the conversation was between myself and the agent
 Now, whether that was one of them or not, I do not recall.
Mr. BALL. Did he show them to you?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I don't think so; he may have but I do not recall.

Mr. BALL. Were you and Helen Markham the only two in what you call the showup room?
Mr. LEAVELLE. No, Captain Fritz and Chief Curry was in there also and possibly one or two others; I do not recall.

Mr. BALL. Now, what did Helen Markham say while she was in the showup room?
Mr. LEAVELLE. Well, she was very nervous and I do not recall what all she did say,

some of the officers on duty there. I don't remember who they were at this time

Mr. BALL. Did you have a showup with Callaway and Guinyard?
Mr. LEAVELLE. Yes, I do not recall the time

Mr. BALL. Did you take a statement from her then?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I took one from her but I do not remember whether--just when I took it.

other than Mr. Graves and myself, and I am not too sure he was there. I do not recall.

Mr. BALL. What was the substance of what he said?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I do not recall.

Mr. BALL. Your notes say that Brown and Dhority were with you. Is that right?
Mr. LEAVELLE. Well, I do not remember; it could have been.

Mr. BALL. Now then, did you do anything else that day on this investigation?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I do not recall other than possibly answer the telephone in the office.

Mr. BALL. Who were the men in the showup this time?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I do not remember.

Mr. BALL. What officer talked to Whaley?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I do not recall.

Mr. BALL. Did you go down with them to the showup?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I am sure that I did. I do not recall but I am sure I must have.

Mr. BALL. Do you remember the men in the showup?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I do not recall who was in there. I know it says who was here but I could not tell you.

Mr. BALL. How were these men dressed?
Mr. LEAVELLE. That I do not recall either.

He was the only one that had on a T-shirt and I recall--I am not sure but I think it was the last one where he was raising cain

Mr. BALL. Did Whaley say--tell you whether or not he had ever seen this man before?
Mr. LEAVELLE. He was supposed to have seen him I believe, but I do not recall what the circumstances were under which he saw him right offhand.

 ..a man from the postal inspector's office. I cannot recall his name at this time.

I do not recall whether Mr. Holmes asked any questions or not

I do not recall what lawyer it was. It seems like some lawyer in the East

about the rifle and about it being sent to the box here in Dallas but I do not recall.

 I am not sure he denied it but I do not recall what his exact denial was.

Mr. LEAVELLE. I am sure they asked him something about the revolver, too, but I do not recall what it was.

Mr. BALL. Did he say whether or not he had a revolver in his possession at the time of his arrest?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I do not recall what the questions was along that line or even what the answers was.

 Mr. BALL. Did he have any marks on his face when you first saw him on Friday, the 22d of November?
Mr. LEAVELLE. Well, no; not that I recall. He I know he had a black eye. I remember seeing that some time along the way but I do not recall when I first noticed it.

one time when I was trying to escort some witness out of there I--don't recall who it was at this time

 he was going back to Captain Fritz' office that morning, but aside from that, I do not recall anything else that he may have said or anything that I may have said to him in the course of the day.

Mr. STERN. Did you receive the telegram that arrived Sunday morning or that was there Sunday morning about the offer?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I had occasion to see it. I do not recall what it was. I think it is a matter of record somewhere.

with the exception of the two bus--cabdrivers. Now, the others may have, I don't recall,

Mr. STERN. In any event, you do not recall it?
Mr. LEAVELLE. I do not recall, but I am not saying it would not have happened

As of today July 10 2018...97 yr old James Robert Leavelle is still kicking and reminiscing about his role as a master interrogator..........


JFK Assassination Forum

The Rather Sketchy Recollections of Jim Leavelle
« on: July 11, 2018, 03:42:31 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: The Rather Sketchy Recollections of Jim Leavelle
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2018, 08:58:53 PM »
Also from his testimony...
  Jim almost forgot how old he was--

Mr. HUBERT. Will you please state your full name?
Mr. LEAVELLE. James Robert Leavelle.
Mr. HUBERT. Your age?
Mr. LEAVELLE. Forty----
Mr. HUBERT. Your residence?
Mr. LEAVELLE. Wait. Forty-three.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Rather Sketchy Recollections of Jim Leavelle
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2018, 08:58:53 PM »