Although I've been interested in JFK research for decades, I only discovered John Armstrong's research into "Harvey and Lee" just a few days ago. After spending hours at, I find Armstrong's conclusion that there were two LHO's from an early age to be quite plausible.
However, I don't know which is more insane, that the CIA actually conceived and executed such a bizarre scheme, or that two separate LHO families actually went along with it.
To execute the plan where the life histories of two boys were deliberately confused meant two families moving MANY times across different states, and both Margueite Oswald's almost constantly changing jobs. In short, both LHO families dedicated their whole lives to make this "Oswald Project" a success.
But why ??
What was the motive of either LHO family to cooperate in a bizarre scheme that took over their whole lives for years ? Getting paid a lot of money seems like an obvious answer, but neither LHO family seemed very afffluent. Furthermore, is all the money in the world worth turning your entire life over to a long term CIA scheme ? Also, even before the assassination, Project Oswald meant two mothers sacrificing their sons' lives to the government. What mother (even a stepmother) would do that ?
Although Armstrong's research is impeccable, there is much more to Project Oswald than even Armstrong knows. Around the same time that both LHO's were growing up, the CIA was also conducting the MKULTRA experiments. Is it possible that both LHO families were coerced to cooperate with the CIA because they were also subject to some kind of mind control techniques ?
Although you find the H&L theory "plausible" you seem to have a good degree of skepticism which is good. You ask a few questions for which there are no common sense answers and that, of course, is because the theory is total nonsense. A couple points.
One, Armstrong's research is not impeccable" far from it. It was voluminous, but there are innumerable typos, incorrect or non-existent citations and simple mistatements of fact. A quick example that I uncovered during my extensive research of Armstrong's claim that the student Stephen Harris Landesberg and the actor Steve Landesberg were the same person. On page 380 of Harvey and Lee, Armstrong states:
[quote on] Stephen Yves L'Eandes (aka Steve Landesberg), who had recently appeared on New York radio programs to uphold the concept of segregation, was in the audience along with Earl Perry and Lee Oswald, who had a camera.[quote off]
Armstrong's source for the allegation that Oswald was present and taking pictures is a January 18, 1962 article from The Village Voice. Such an early report of Oswald in New York with or without a camera would be powerful confirmation of Armstrong's theories. It is not too surprising therefore, that the article contains no mention of Oswald, Earl Perry or a camera. Now perhaps Armstrong never learned what the purpose and meaning of citations are, but they are susposed to support the statement you are making. If you read the two articles I did on Landesberg, you will see numerous other examples of Armstrong taking liberties with the facts. So, the idea that Armstrong is this amazing researcher who uncovered all of these amazing facts is not true.
The other thing is, you seem to want to add your own ideas to the Armstrong theory. Just don't present these to Hargrove or anyone in the Armstrong camp because you will be quickly expelled from the group as Armstrong does not permit any changes to his doctrine.
You say you have spent hours at the Hargrove site, why not do the same at the following sites:
My own (scroll down to Harvey and Lee): Parker: Bojczuk: