There's nothing plausible about this so-called bullxxxx theory. It's just a bunch of mistaken, misunderstood and twisting of the available record to spin another crazy JFK conspiracy for the crazies. To have made this a real event, a million and one confluence of random events would have had to have happened to make it real. And as the saying goes, life doesn't work that way.
Tracy Parnell, among others, has ripped this crazy theory to shreds. Read the links he has posted and if you want to go to another one, go here:
LINK DELETED: Links To websites which contain materials or links to materials which are unsuitable for viewing by minors is forbidden/topic/23677-a-couple-of-real-gems-from-the-harvey-and-lee-website/
Sadly, many of the folks who posted on the above rebutting this theory either no longer are allowed to post on the Education Forum - also known as the Echo Chamber - or have moved on.
Keep in mind, too, that although there are some good JFK conspiracy authors, there are also charlatans. Although John Armstrong now claims to allow you to get the HL book and CD for free, he used to also charge $60 bucks for his HL opus. Just like another charlatan, Dave Lifton, who made his millions on his other fake theory Best Evidence, and will probably make another million on his upcoming dishonest book Final Charade. Because, you know, there's always a million suckers out there ready to be duped.
Mr. Parnell, please consider changing this in the header of your website's pages....
.....Debunking JFK Conspiracy Theories.... (suggestion: Debunking whoever/whatever stands in the way of determining reliable
JFK Assassination Investigation details/evidence)
.....UPDATE: Armstrong has removed all references to the ?3 am Interview.?
However, because of an FBI document located by researcher Tom Scully, we now have a detailed chronology of the facts in this matter....
I am making this request to you because I am strongly invested in verifiable fact trumping the LN vs CT competition.
Did these weasel words, crafted by lawyers of the best schools and lifelong connections, actually compete in terms of scope, damage,
fallout, with anything John Armstrong has inaccurately presented?
IOW, from the standpoint of historical influence or impact (obstruction of justice ?), has Armstrong, DiEugenio, or any other prominent
voice of the CT camp
deliberately deceived the American people to anywhere near this extent?:
Page 95 of the Warren Report: Parnell, you seem to be a "just the facts" guy, like I endeavor to confine myself to being/presenting as. If you are,
should you not take offense at the deliberate
"All evidence indicated" fraud published on page 95 of the WR, especially considering the motive
for the wording was to attempt to eliminate even the possibility there were more than three shots and one shooter?
BINGO !....