I spent several years working with victims of domestic abuse (no surprise that it is predominantly women who are the victim) and one of the interesting observations was that many men (almost always the perpetrator and often other male witnesses) would think it OK to belt a woman as though it was good for them.
When I see men on the internet defending the likes of wife beater LHO I wonder how they can dismiss or or even defend his behaviour.
CTers deny he beat her. I guess Marina was lying. Then they claim that no one actually saw Oswald beat her. Well, whoopee.. how many husbands would beat their wives in front of witnesses? The Oswalds were guests of the Paines FFS, so of course he would behave. These dummies can't seem to reason beyond the level of a 5 year old. Ruth said Oswald was polite and seemed grateful for the Paines taking them in. Does anyone think he would openly beat his wife given the circumstances re the Paines?
BTW, Dirty Harvey wouldn't even had to touch her to threaten her: just the threat of violence accompanied by the resulting emotional stress would give Marina pause about keeping this creep around.
And in case any of you are actually pushing your spouse around, keep in mind that in Tort law, even seriously shaking your fist at the intended victim can be considered as assault if you are deemed to be capable of having the resources to apply physical harm to that person.
This little creep slept in his mother's bed until age 11, and she said she bathed him until he 'got too big down there'. And these brainiacs claim he was normal. Wow.