For my upcoming book on the JFK assassination, I need a diagram of the single-bullet
theory showing the tumbling bullet. My book is a non-conspiracy book - I just need
a diagram that I can legally use. Of course, I will give credit where it is due.
Fred Litwin
I have two pieces of advice:
1. Use 2 diagrams that make use of orthogonal projection. The sort of diagrams that are used in blueprints. One diagram which shows the limousine from above. The second diagram which shows the limousine from the side.
Advantages of this approach:
a. Readers can check the angles out for themselves. On the overhead view, the angle of about 8 degrees with the trajectory to the limousine would match pretty close to what they could measure on a map. A downward angle of 17 degrees relative to the limousine would match pretty well with a shot about 190 feet away (diagonal or 3-D distance), from a position about 67 feet higher (60 feet from the height of the sixth-floor sniper?s nest, plus an extra 7 feet drop in the road.
b. Having the horizontal line come hit, or at least come very close to Connally?s entry wound (one can only make approximations, so it?s hard to tell if it is close or spot on) could be written off of a coincidence. But the same thing with the side view makes this most unlikely.
If you only go with one diagram, one might say, well, there is only a 10% chance of the entry wound being within an inch of so of the line could be a coincidence. But with the same situation with the side view, means a 0.1 times 0.1 or only a 1% chance of such a coincidence. So, I strongly recommend going with two diagrams. 2. Don?t assume a straight line through all seven wounds. A common assumption with Pro-LN diagrams. From reading Larry SPersonivan?s JFK book, one can tell that it is common for bullet to yaw. A WCC/MC bullet will always yaw within a large ballistic block. And once it start?s yawing, the bullet will follow a curve path. The oblong wound in Connally?s back shows the bullet just started yawing as it exited JFK?s neck. This would cause no change (or very little) in path as it travelled through the air but as soon as it starts travelling through a much denser medium, Connally?s torso, the bullet would start curving. So, show a curve path through Connally?s torso.
I would think that Connally?s wrist might have deflected the bullet, since the bullet was travelling so slowly then. However, Larry SPersonivan didn?t think so.
Once the bullet exited the torso, it may have followed a straight path. The bullet definitely curved downward through Connally?s torso, allowing it to end up in his left thigh near the knee.
No one can tell the location of Connally?s wrist or thigh at z222, so it?s impossible to tell if the bullet also curved left or right, or was pretty straight, except for the downward curve, as it travelled through Connally?s torso.
One doesn?t need the coincidence of all seven wounds lining up. This is not what one would expect anyway. Just having the sniper?s nest line up with JFK?s entry wound, JFK?s exit wound, with Connally?s entry wound, is good enough. Especially with the alignment occurring in both the overhead and the side view. The other wounds can be offline and should be shown offline for accuracy sake.