On Nov 25 [the day of the JFK funeral] Dallas detectives made this sketch of the 'crime scene'.
With this link you can zoom into the area.
https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth338691/m1/1/zoom/?resolution=1.5&lat=2096&lon=415.49999999999994Here is a picture of Mary Moorman next to the supposed 'Oswald Window'.
Where she is seated- is an
even more open position of the window as can be seen from the outside pictures after the shots were fired.

For a right handed shooter...I couldn't think of a more awkward position for a sniper using an old crappy $20 rifle.
He would have to actually have to hang out the window to obtain the proposed trajectory.
I've looked around for a demo shooter showing just how the aiming job was pulled off maybe one of the readers can locate something.

I have asked repeatedly about the seventh floor of the TSBD and so far it remains a phantom void
whereas the whole area could have been full of assassins for all we know.
In this picture, you can't tell if the cops are searching the area or just merely securing it.

I understand that the owner of the building had the original window replaced in 1964 and he took the 'Oswald Window' home as a souvenir.