I'll repost this post that I made earlier because it really puts the Kibosh on any Mauser stupidity, the Alyea footage was filmed when Oswald's rifle was found, then this footage was whisked away to WFAA studios where it was processed and immediately put to air in other words there was no time for an alleged complicated restaging of C2766's recovery.
An Italian Carcano was filmed on the 6th floor and this footage of an Italian Carcano was broadcast on the afternoon of the 22nd. In the following video from DVP's YT channel @3:25 we see Oswald's Italian Carcano being shown that afternoon on WFAA-TV.
Here's how we know that Oswald's Carcano is the actual rifle found on the 6th floor because C2766 the rifle that Oswald bought from Kleins had a unique random gouge on the the forestock and this random gouge is exactly replicated on the 6th floor Italian Carcano and the Italian Carcano that is seen being held by Lt Day at the DPD and all on the 22nd.

And if that wasn't enough here's an Italian Carcano being removed from the Depository on the same afternoon.
