This evidence note which was hastily scribbled by Detective Day in the TSBD shows that Detective J.C. Day knew the rifle's caliber was 6.5mm.... He lists the caliber of a rifle with the serial number C 2766, and TWO spent shells and the shlls are stamped 6.5mm.

The point is:...He knew without a shred of doubt that the rifle was NOT a 7.65 caliber mauser.
This note was scribbled at 2:15, which was before Day left the TSBD ... Seymour Weitzman left the TSBD about 1/2 hour prior to Day leaving the TSBD with the 6.5mm Mannlicher Carcano. There's no way that Weitzman or Craig could have seen a 7.65 mauser being examined by Day and Fritz. Tom Alyea filmed the rifle being picked up and examined by Detective Day....What more proof so you need that Roger Craig was a liar?