Is it significant that this report shows a LEVER ACTION rifle .....
Two spent shells were all that were planted....and that what was found. Then they realized that they couldn't pin the murder on Lee Oswald alone if there were only two spent shells found because there were more than two shot fired. Thus they added the third shell later....
Wally..I think because they screwed that one up also. You see..three shells were not really necessary for three shots.
three shots were officially fired, it could have been be presumed that there were let's say 4 bullets loaded so BANG eject one shell...BANG eject a shell...BANG ...Ahhh job accomplished no need to eject one need know about the brass that wasn't ejected.
The alternative was that the third shell was ejected in anticipation of the final shot but the target had then vanished..but that was not [officially] ever mentioned was it?
Detective Day was an ignoramus who was a "good ole boy" who got his job by being a "Good Ole Boy" but he didn't know a lever action from a bolt action

Who dug that report up?
It must have been in the Dallas Library archives somewhere and it got released- ooops