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Author Topic: What happened to the Mauser?  (Read 134649 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #280 on: July 25, 2018, 06:47:34 PM »

The guy moonlighted as a wedding photographer...

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #280 on: July 25, 2018, 06:47:34 PM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #281 on: July 28, 2018, 01:33:09 AM »
Richard, From all I've read and tried to gather... and seen in photos... I have concluded that Oswald was possibly the first scenario that the conspirators hoped would go down... If Oswald, for some odd reason, had to be rushed to the hospital at 12:20pm that fateful day, there were other nefarious persons in the area called in by their "bosses" to pin the assassination on... possibly in other locations...
JFK was going down that day... The only question was which scenario of assassination would play out, A, B, C, or D.

Which means, quite possibly there were several rifles around in the area November 22, 1963, and events were fairly well orchestrated and planned out, and to be altered depending on how events developed...

Chauncey Holt's book, "Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel," seems very credible to me. He was one of the three tramps, found in the boxcar behind Dealey Plaza... and is absolutely convinced that Oswald was framed... that other nefarious individuals were called in to be on site (like himself), and that he heard four or five shots fired in about 8 seconds.

He writes:

As I was vaguely instructed to do, I settled in and cautiously waited ?in a support position? for the activities to begin. I was extremely nervous because my instructions were so imprecise. Had I had an inkling of the enormity of what was planned, which I had been unwittingly drawn into, I would have fled the area like a scalded dog. Kennedy was due at the Trade Center at 12:30 and, if on schedule, would be passing Dealey Plaza around 12:25. I had been told, emphatically that the disturbance would develop at either the Dal-Tex Building or the School Book Depository, but that great care would be taken to see that no one in the motorcade or in the crowd was injured. There were many other individuals....

I, and apparently Harrelson and Montoya as well, had been provided with the location of a boxcar, containing weapons and explosives, which the ATF was ostensibly was interested in. If the police swarmed over the area, I was to hide in that boxcar, which would appear from the outside to be locked. I was assured, in any event, that this boxcar would not be searched. If it were searched, I would simply show my credentials. These instructions, apparently, had been given to Montoya and Harrelson, as well. Since I was an all old hand at planning ?black operations,? I should have known there was more to this plot than I had been told. The plans were too meticulous to have involved a mere attempt to create a disturbance. This has weighed heavy on me, since that day, which now seems like remote antiquity. (Holt, Chauncey. Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel (Kindle Locations 3174-3180). Trine Day. Kindle Edition.)

There quite possibly were more rifles on site than Oswald's MC... IMO...

Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel
Chauncey Holt - 2013 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
Incidentally, two of the defendants were represented by ? you guessed it ? Joe Ball and Frank Belcher. ... A month or so after the Kennedy assassination, I was at my apartment at Horace Heidt Estates in Sherman Oaks, California, sharing ...

If even the BS is rife with coincidence, what are the odds of learning anything actually new and reliably verifiable?
December 24, 2015 at 7:12 pm
Seriously no offense intended, Roy, but you are falling for the endless misdirection put out there ? first those so-called tramps Harrelson, Holt, etc., next they really are tramps, and on and on.
I attempt to explain this in my fumbling way at the site below (please search on ?assassins ball? and you?ll find it ? rather lengthy, so did not want to take up too much space at Mr. Morley?s outstanding site! (with links to declassified docs, etc.)
(Four international assassins: on the grassy knoll, turned-up collar was Moise Maschkivitzan and Lazlo the Hungarian, third tramp really was a tramp [not Hunt], and on the overpass, Jean Souetre, and in the Dal-Tex Building, most likely Lucien Conein, the CIA assassin: two Frenchmen, on Belgian Jew, and a Hungarian.)
Nothing like all the disinformation they spread!

Les secrets de l'affaire Lumumba - Page 143 -
Luc de Vos - 2005 - ‎Snippet view
Il ressort de l'examen des archives de la S?ret? de l'?tat que Maschkivitzan, qui avait ?t? condamn? pour escroquerie ... ce qui suit, se r?f?rant ? Richard Mahoney, Sons and Brothers: ? The ZR/RIFLE agent recruited in Europe and sent to the Congo ... In documents concerning CIA activities, one of the people considered to work under the code name QJ/WIN was a man born on 11 May 1910 in Antwerp....


?..3) Kross insists throughout these chapters, that WIN and ROGUE were Corsicans when all the available evidence in his own book indicates they were from either Luxembourg or Belgium. (He may do this to sustain his Mafia angle.) Researcher Phil Dragoo pointed out to me that one Ludo De Witt (a top-notch journalist and researcher) also backed Mahoney?s earlier claims on the subject. Indeed, there is no mystery concerning QJ/WIN?s identity as it was unearthed in 1975:
31 Memorandum for the File: Alleged Agency Involvement in the Death of Patrice Lumumba, 10 March 1975, pp.1?2, Box 6, F2, Records of the Central Intelligence Agency ? Miscellaneous Files, NA; and Belgian Parliamentary Inquiry, p.130 identifies QJWIN as Moise Maschkivitzan, a Belgian-born convicted swindler who was expelled from Belgium in 1953. Assassination Plots, p.43.
Masckivitzan, an important and mysterious individual, never gets a mention in the Kross book. Indeed an excellent journal article by Edouard Bustin concerning the murder of Lumumba (which Kross ?the QJ/WIN expert? should have read), can be seen here . It surpasses much of the research in this book...

Full Name:
Rufina Kamienowicz

Birth Date:
2 Jul 1908

Death Date:
Jun 1996

Last Residence:
Sherman Oaks, CA

Social Security Number:

Last Payment:
Sherman Oaks, CA,%2520Antwerpen,%2520Belgium%26msypn%3D346391%26msbdy_x%3D1%26msbdy%3D1910%26catbucket%3Drstp%26MSAV%3D0%26uidh%3Dy16%26pcat%3DROOT_CATEGORY%26h%3D157590%26recoff%3D5%26dbid%3D9790%26indiv%3D1%26ml_rpos%3D1&usePUB=true&_phsrc=uQW153&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true

« Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 05:51:52 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #282 on: July 29, 2018, 02:16:32 AM »
No replies, so far? I cannot say I am surprised, considering what most respond to in the  threads here... insults, almost nothing is posted that could be described accurately as original and well supported. If anything,
the many posts are valued only by the authors of them, obscuring anything of any potential from a research standpoint.
Is that effect random or accidental?

The crux of this post and my post preceding it is that Chauncey Holt wrote of residing just one mile in late 1963 from
the Sherman Oaks address of the closest relatives, parents, sister, and nephew, of Mosez Matschuvitzkan who
was described in my last post as being QJWIN and as one of the actual Three Tramps!
Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel
Chauncey Holt - 2013 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
Incidentally, two of the defendants were represented by ? you guessed it ? Joe Ball and Frank Belcher. ... A month or so after the Kennedy assassination, I was at my apartment at Horace Heidt Estates in Sherman Oaks, California, sharing ...

Nephew's 1964 naturalization application shows same Stansbury Ave address as his mother Rufina's address in her
1967 naturalization application displayed in my last post. Both apps display the same sponsor.

The nephew of Mosez Maschkivitzan named immediately above is today a longtime California business owner
of some prominence.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 02:24:52 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #282 on: July 29, 2018, 02:16:32 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #283 on: July 30, 2018, 02:27:50 AM »

Posted by: Tom Scully
? on: July 29, 2018, 02:16:32 AM ?
No replies, so far?
In 25 words or less, what does all that extensive use of bandwidth have to do with a Mauser?


Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #284 on: July 30, 2018, 12:33:14 PM »
Posted by: Tom Scully
? on: July 29, 2018, 02:16:32 AM ? In 25 words or less, what does all that extensive use of bandwidth have to do with a Mauser?


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #284 on: July 30, 2018, 12:33:14 PM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #285 on: August 01, 2018, 02:09:05 AM »
The evidence showing that a Mauser was found in the TSBD is strong. This thread has shown that.
What could have prompted you to bother to add that empty little emission? Is it your idea of frosting on the cake?
Where is that cake, after 55 years? What is your point? Do you have  one, or perceive a need to have one?

What is the constant presention of controversy which cannot possibly be resolved, actually about, aside
from trolling? Why not present on prayerman/woman hid a Mauser in that dark corner of the TSBD vestibule?

Pushing, for years here what even a kindergartener could anticipate is unproven and obviously impossible to
prove, since no physical Mauser or associated ammo became a physical exhibit linked to this investigation or is shown to
exist, photographed, or was taken into custody and maintained since by any official would be a cause for concern here,
even if you did not happen to be author of 340 of the 740 threads this forum consists of.

Only a disruptive, disinfo troll would present similarly to you or in anywhere near the frequency of your emmissions.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2018, 02:19:30 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #286 on: August 01, 2018, 12:30:00 PM »
What could have prompted you to bother to add that empty little emission? Is it your idea of frosting on the cake?
Where is that cake, after 55 years? What is your point? Do you have  one, or perceive a need to have one?

What is the constant presention of controversy which cannot possibly be resolved, actually about, aside
from trolling? Why not present on prayerman/woman hid a Mauser in that dark corner of the TSBD vestibule?

Pushing, for years here what even a kindergartener could anticipate is unproven and obviously impossible to
prove, since no physical Mauser or associated ammo became a physical exhibit linked to this investigation or is shown to
exist, photographed, or was taken into custody and maintained since by any official would be a cause for concern here,
even if you did not happen to be author of 340 of the 740 threads this forum consists of.

Only a disruptive, disinfo troll would present similarly to you or in anywhere near the frequency of your emmissions.

Only a disruptive, disinfo troll would present the utter nonsense emmissions that you present Mr Scully.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #287 on: August 03, 2018, 10:04:04 PM »
The Alyea Film, the police photos and the photos taken ( and published on the TV and newspapers)  of Detective Day leaving the TSBD carrying the MANNLICHER CARCANO are solid proof that the rifle found on the sixth floor was a Mannlicher Carcano.

There definitely was a mauser involved....Seymour Weitzman DESCRIBED it in detail, and the FBI agent filed a report on Weitzman's description.   But the rifle that was planted by carefully burying it beneath boxes of books in the TSBD was a model 91/38 Mannlicher Carcano.

Based on the information available,  It appears that Captain Fritz brought a mauser to Weitzman in the presence of the FBI agent and  Weitzman described that Mauser ...   

I believe that Captain Fritz was suffering from Alzheimers and may have thought that the Mauser was the rifle that was found on the sixth floor.   We know that Weitzman never had access to the Mannlicher Carcano on Friday....( Day had it locked up in the evidence lock up, and it was flown to Washington DC at midnight)....

Since The FBI report is dated 11 /23/63 Weitzman couldn't have handled the Carcano prior to the writing of the report....
« Last Edit: August 03, 2018, 11:37:38 PM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: What happened to the Mauser?
« Reply #287 on: August 03, 2018, 10:04:04 PM »