C'mon Royell.... Surely you don't believe that Hoover was so stupid that he left signed documents lying around ....Do you?
However, it is a know fact that Hoover was aware of Lee Oswald as early as the summer of 1960. Lee Oswald was in Minsk, and Hoover was concerned that an impostor was using the name Lee Oswald ....At least that's the tale he gave to the State Department in an effort to learn if Lee Oswald really was a turncoat Marine or if he was an agent for American intelligence.
Surely you've seen the letter from Hoover ( 1960) in which he states that an impostor may be using Lee Oswald's birth certificate....
If a person believes LHO was a lone assassin then they would believe LHO wanted to defect like you believe he did. I'm convinced if the government told you it was spitballs and not bullets that killed JFK you would be the first to sign on