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Author Topic: The shooting teams  (Read 10898 times)

Offline Matt Grantham

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The shooting teams
« on: June 30, 2018, 05:27:58 PM »
 When looking at some information on the thread regarding the Mauser I am running into some stuff regarding the suppose conspirators shooting teams

(1) The affidavit given the New Orleans D.A.'s office by Jim Hicks,
who admitted to functioning in Dealey Plaza as the radio communicator
between the firing teams. He told Jim Garrison that a communication
center for the conspirators had been set up in the Adolphus Hotel
several days prior to November 22. The Adolphus, several blocks east
of Dealey Plaza, was located directly across the street from Jack
Ruby's Carousel Club on Commerce Street. A Phil Willis photograph
taken seconds after the shooting shows Hicks with what he said was a
radio transmitter in his left rear pants pocket, and what appears to
be an S-shaped antenna hanging from inside his jacket. Shortly after
admitting his role to Garrison, Hicks was locked up in a military
hospital for the insane.


JFK Assassination Forum

The shooting teams
« on: June 30, 2018, 05:27:58 PM »

Offline Paul May

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2018, 05:53:27 PM »
Shooting teams with no physical or ballistic evidence to support inference?

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2018, 06:00:10 PM »
 My initial intent was simply to try to get a grouping of the supposed shooting teams, but if we must jump ahead to physical evidence of other shooters there is this

Among the files released by the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) was an FBI evidence envelope (FBI Field Office Dallas 89-43-1A-122). Although the envelope was empty, the cover indicated it had contained a 7.65 mm rifle shell that had been found in Dealey Plaza after the shooting. The envelope is dated December 2,1963.

Other documents released by the ARRB discuss a Johnson semi-automatic 30.06 rifle that was apparently found in Dealey Plaza soon after the shooting. The documents strongly link this rifle to two men who have long been suspected of being involved in the assassination plot, Loran Hall and Jerry Patrick Hemming. This rifle was used in CIA-connected anti-Castro raids in Cuba. Loran Hall and an unidentified Hispanic man took the weapon about a week before the assassination. Hall?s associate, Jerry Hemming, is known to have been in Dallas on the day of the shooting, and Hall himself told Hathcock, the CA owner of the rifle, five days prior to the assassination that he had to catch a flight to Dallas (HSCA 180-10107-10440).

In 1975 a maintenance man named Morgan, while working on the roof of the County Records Building in Dealey Plaza, found a 30.06 shell casing lying under a lip of roofing tar at the base of the roof?s parapet on the side facing the plaza, according to his son, Dean Morgan. The shell casing is dated 1953 and marks on it indicate it was made at the Twin Cities Arsenal. One side of the casing has been pitted by exposure to the weather, suggesting that it was exposed on the roof for some time. The casing, which is still in Morgan?s possession, has an odd crimp around its neck (Marrs 317; Roberts 80-81).

A bullet apparently struck the south Main Street curb in Dealey Plaza during the shooting. It landed about 25 feet from James Tague (who was cut on the face by a concrete fragment), who was standing next to the triple underpass. The bullet made a visible scar in the curb, and the mark was immediately recognized by those who saw it as a fresh bullet mark.

Dallas policeman J. W. Foster, who was positioned on top of the triple underpass, saw a bullet strike the grass on the south side of Elm Street near a manhole cover, about 350 feet from the TSBD. He reported this to a superior officer and was instructed to guard the area (Shaw and Harris 72-75; Marrs 315).

An unidentified blond-haired man in a suit was photographed bending down, reaching out his left hand toward the dug-out point on the ground as if to pick up something, standing back up, apparently holding a small object in his hand, and then putting his hand in his pocket (Shaw and Harris 73-74). The hole made by the bullet was even photographed, and the picture appeared in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on 11/23/63. Contemporary press accounts reported that a bullet was retrieved from the dug-out hole in the grass near the manhole cover (Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Dallas Times Herald).

In the photos taken of this event, one can see Officer Foster and a civilian-clothed Deputy Sheriff Buddy Walthers standing over the spot where the bullet landed, along with the unidentified man in the suit. Dallas police chief Jesse Curry believed the man was an FBI agent. The identity of the blond-haired man is unknown, the recovered bullet was never entered into evidence, and its present whereabouts are not known.

Officer Foster also reported that a bullet struck the concrete part of the above-mentioned manhole cover (near where the bullet struck the grass). About two and a half hours after the shooting, Dealey Plaza witness John Martin came across the mark on the manhole cover concrete (Trask 573). Researchers have noted that the photo of the mark indicates it did NOT come from the TSBD, but that it does line up with the County Records Building (where a 30.06 rifle shell casing was years later found on the roof).

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2018, 06:00:10 PM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2018, 06:23:44 PM »
 I was not aware there is no record of the three tramps

While Wise and Bass were marching these men to the Sheriff's office, William Allen, George Smith, and Jack Beers of the Dallas Times Herald, the Fort Worth Star Telegram, and the Dallas Morning News, took several pictures of them. Their remarkable pictures show clearly that Wise and Bass took them to the Sheriff's office. Yet Harkness and Sheriff Harold Elkins couldn't remember that there were any other policemen with Harkness. This is utterly ridiculous in the face of so many clear pictures. Why was this done? And why weren't these amazing pictures shown to the Commission so that it could order the men before them. And worse still, there is absolutely no record anywhere that these men were booked that day. There are no "blotter" records at all. The men have simply vanished.


On Files biting the shell casing

When I saw the casing, I realized that it was just like Files said it would be....the end where you put the powder was oval and not round. There were marks or dents in the casing. Rademacher did not know what those marks where other than "ejection marks." Rademacher had no idea what they were.
I took the shell to five leading forensic odontologists who all concluded that the marks were consistent with human dentition. One of the top experts told me they were teeth marks, down to which teeth made them.
We have attempted to secure Files' dental records for match-up but have been stopped in every corner by the Bureau of Prisons, FBI, CIA, everyone.......

Bob Vernon
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 06:34:32 PM by Matt Grantham »

Offline Paul May

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2018, 08:20:59 PM »
Nothing you have presented is hard nor credible evidence. NONE of it can be tied directly to 11/22.  In addition, if you want credibility, don?t mention James Files.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2018, 08:20:59 PM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2018, 08:38:53 PM »
James Files Let me know when you want to dispute something I have posted
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 11:36:54 PM by Matt Grantham »

Offline Michael Clark

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2018, 08:58:26 PM »
When looking at some information on the thread regarding the Mauser I am running into some stuff regarding the suppose conspirators shooting teams

(1) The affidavit given the New Orleans D.A.'s office by Jim Hicks,
who admitted to functioning in Dealey Plaza as the radio communicator
between the firing teams. He told Jim Garrison that a communication
center for the conspirators had been set up in the Adolphus Hotel
several days prior to November 22. The Adolphus, several blocks east
of Dealey Plaza, was located directly across the street from Jack
Ruby's Carousel Club on Commerce Street. A Phil Willis photograph
taken seconds after the shooting shows Hicks with what he said was a
radio transmitter in his left rear pants pocket, and what appears to
be an S-shaped antenna hanging from inside his jacket. Shortly after
admitting his role to Garrison, Hicks was locked up in a military
hospital for the insane.


Interesting, Denis.

I don't have anything on-topic to add, no shooters; but it has been my speculation that Ruby was running a wiretap operation out of the Carousel. This would include taps of lines to the Adolphus; where much intel could be learned, dirt could be dug-up on important people, and, indeed, links could be made from or to a command post in the hotel itself. There was a telephone company Central Office nearby; nowadays it sits on the former footprint of the Carousel. In case the reader does not know, a Telco Central Office is where all of the copper wires that served a city, or a section thereof, would be run to.

Denis, Do you have more information on Jim Hicks, or alink?

And, for the record

James Files
James Files
James Files

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2018, 11:36:19 PM »
A Phil Willis photograph
taken seconds after the shooting shows Hicks with what he said was a
radio transmitter in his left rear pants pocket, and what appears to
be an S-shaped antenna hanging from inside his jacket

 I have seen this photo online but was unable to post it, so if anyone has the inclination to post it would be appreciated

 For those who dismiss Files for reasons unstated please explain this

Files further claims he left the shell casing of the bullet he fired on Dealey Plaza after he had bitten down on it. This was a habit of him for he liked the feel of a warm bullet and the taste of gun powder. In 1987 a .222 caliber shell casing was found with a metal detector on the grassy knoll, buried 3 inches in the ground. When Files was informed of this, he said that if it was his shell, the open end would be oval for he had put his teeth in it. As the casing had indeed an indentation of which nobody had known the cause, the casing was then examined by noted orthodontologists who verified that the indent had been caused by human teeth.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2018, 11:36:19 PM »