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Author Topic: The shooting teams  (Read 10894 times)

Offline Robert Reeves

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2018, 11:51:36 PM »
Jim Hicks' testimony to Garrison is all over the place and quite confusing.

Firstly, his real name was James (shortened to Jim) Hicks. Secondly, he lied to Garrison about where he was stood during the assassination.

Hicks' starting position during the assassination was on the corner of Elm opposite the TSBDB. As seen in Dorman film.

Interesting to me, Life magazine first published the Elsie Dorman film in 1967. Just three frames (neither showing Hicks) below

Garrison's case insider Thomas Bethell notes in his diary James [Jim] Hicks was not telling the truth. He spotted the inconsistency with which side of the road Hicks was on. Hicks came to Garrison in sept 1967.

Sept 14 1967: Earlier on, (about a month ago,) a guy called Jim Hicks had come to see Garrison in his office one SaPersonay afternoon. He said he had been in Dealey Plaza when JFK was shot, although I recall he had 2 versions as to which side of the street he was on. This evening Garrison told us that Hicks has a drunken driving rap hanging over his head. He now wants us to write to the D.A. in Oklahoma to get him off. This is obviously the explanation of Hicks' visit.

Seems to me Hicks was either put up to going to Garrison with his statement because the Dorman film was being released and it might eventually identify him being on the corner of Elm. Or, Hicks got scared and went about trying to come clean, of sorts, to Garrison. But just told a pack of lies to confuse Garrison by using Karan Hicks' testimony to the WC as his own.

If you look at Karan Hicks' statement used as testimony in WC she is strangely named as ''Mrs. James Daniel [Karan] Hicks. She is using James (Jim) Hicks name, weird?? I've not found James (Jim) Hicks details but it would be interesting to know his real middle name. Probably Daniel.

What interests me is that Fletcher Prouty seemed to identify Hicks as being involved. Prouty seemed certain of his role, as communications guy, which makes me think Prouty knew Jim Hicks. Prouty never ever fully revealing Hicks' cover.

Either way Hicks walked down Elm towards the overpass. As seen in Skaggs 6 and Willis 7. Hicks told Garrison he ran down towards the underpass. He doesn't appear to be running. Not at all.

Hicks talks to Garrison as though he was standing on the North side of Elm. Near to the Stemmons sign. (Which is where Karan Hicks testified to Warren Commission that she stood!)

From Hicks' testimony to Garrison appearing before the Orleans Parish Grand Jury on January 11, 1968

Q. How many different  areas  did  you hear  shots  coming
A. At  least  two.

Q. At least two you mean besides  the direction  of the Depository?

A.Like  I say, I don't know about this up here, I didn't hear any shots come from up there, the ones I heard
came from here and here (pointing) -- Pointing to knoll

Q. You saw the President when he fell?
A. Yes.

Q. You were that  close?  About  how far?
A. Approximately in here.  I would  say about  50  feet  at the most.

The corner of Elm where Jim Hicks was positioned is roughly 60m/190ft + from where the headshot happened

In this article Dallas [possibly Morning] Herald, dated 07.29.1969 Hicks stated ''a shot came over his head from the grassy knoll'' 

Going back to whether Hicks was volunteering his information to Garrison or was put up to it. When you take into account the event the night before Hicks gave his statement to Garrison two men broke into his hotel room and physically attacked him, attempting to throw him from the 6th floor window ... I conclude -- Hicks went rogue.

MR. GARRISON :  Jim, a few minutes ago you said you were extremely
nervous and I thought I would point out at the outset
that I am not going to try and trap you in any way
and neither are the Grand Jury, they are just interested
in having the benefit of what you remember. You were
at Dealy Plaza when the assassination occurred and none
of us were. You are not a target of the office in any
sense and we are interested in having the benefit of
your recollections. So if you relax and tell us when
you arrived on the scene, what you saw, and everything
you can remember, and what I am going to do is turn you
loose so you can tell it in a narrative way rather
than ask you a lot of questions. Tell us of when you
first arrived there, when you first noticed things
happening, et cetera. Just tell us about it.

And it's been alleged that Hicks was 'treated' at a mental hospital not long after giving his testimony to Garrison. He was supposedly released in 1988, dying shortly after.

Hicks was from Enid, Oklahoma. Another name sometimes mentioned in the assassination of JFK is Loy Factor, from Tishomingo, Oklahoma. Just 215 miles apart.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2018, 11:51:36 PM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2018, 01:22:25 AM »

Thanks Robert Very helpful, I do not know that much about the Garrison trial  other than the general story. But I assume that these are many of the names that came up in  the Garrison Trial

      The conspiracy to assassinate John Kennedy began in a series of discussions held in New Orleans in the summer of 1963. The men in the discussions were extremely angry that Kennedy had stopped plans and preparations for another invasion of Cuba (scheduled for the latter part of 1963.) One of the instigators was David Ferrie, a CIA contract agent who had been training pilots in Guatemala for the invasion. Meetings held in Ferrie's apartment in New Orleans were attended by Clay Shaw, William Seymour and several Cubans. Plans for assassinating President Kennedy developed out of those early meetings. Others whose support was sought by the group included Guy Banister, Major L. M. Bloomfield, Loran Hall, Lawrence Howard, Sergio Arcacha Smith and Carlos Prio Socarras.

 But as far as I understand Garrison never suggested any actual gunmen We would assume this group did contract with at least a couple of gunmen Though I guess Seymour, and one of the last two names was a possible gunmen Is there any information that links this group to the aforementioned group that I will recapitulate again below If I recall at some point this group was associated with a t least two of the anti -Castro Cubans whose names are not at the tip of my mouse

Joe Granata

Former member of the Chicago crime family and close associate of Charles Nicoletti. Now a reliable FBI informant in the witness protection program. Located by investigator Zack Shelton after being tipped by a collegue FBI agent, Granata verified that Nicoletti confided to him that he (Nicoletti) , Marshall Caifano, Johnny Roselli and James Files were the hitteam on Dealey Plaza. "We blew his brains out".

 I also went looking for a list of top suspected JFK conspiracy gunmen but couldn't find much Some of the names I am familiar with Mac Wallace, Roscoe White, a French Corsican guy, etc

 Tropicante is often mentioned along with Marcello as being organizers of a possible assassin team Would we necessarily conclude this is the same group as Giancana's?

And then there is Penn Jones and the military hit team

 I am sure there are others

Offline Steve Howsley

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2018, 01:44:22 AM »

And then there is Penn Jones and the military hit team

Would that be Penn Jones Jr. who compiled a list of 150 people who he claimed died in mysterious circumstances as a result of their connection in one way or another to the assassination? Is so he was a con man or a nutter depending on how generous you wish to be. A simple check is all it takes.

Interestingly Jones lived to the ripe old age of 83 which was rather fortunate for a man who created such hell for those involved in a coverup that were prepared to stage car crashes, heart attacks, falls etc to silence witnesses who had already provided statements to authorities.

If you are referring to a different Penn Jones then I apologise for the distraction but do keep any eye out for the other one as he's really dodgy.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2018, 01:44:22 AM »

Offline Denis Pointing

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2018, 01:48:16 AM »
A Phil Willis photograph
taken seconds after the shooting shows Hicks with what he said was a
radio transmitter in his left rear pants pocket, and what appears to
be an S-shaped antenna hanging from inside his jacket

 I have seen this photo online but was unable to post it, so if anyone has the inclination to post it would be appreciated

 For those who dismiss Files for reasons unstated please explain this

Files further claims he left the shell casing of the bullet he fired on Dealey Plaza after he had bitten down on it. This was a habit of him for he liked the feel of a warm bullet and the taste of gun powder. In 1987 a .222 caliber shell casing was found with a metal detector on the grassy knoll, buried 3 inches in the ground. When Files was informed of this, he said that if it was his shell, the open end would be oval for he had put his teeth in it. As the casing had indeed an indentation of which nobody had known the cause, the casing was then examined by noted orthodontologists who verified that the indent had been caused by human teeth.

Mat, as you've already been told the casing (shell) was proved to have been made in 1971. It's well known in the JFK community that hoaxes are always burying shells in Dealey Plaza, it's a joke, a kind of tradition. I'm really getting the impression that you read something on the internet or more likely watch something on UTUBE and immediately post it!! Why not do at least a little research first.

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2018, 03:23:41 AM »
Mat, as you've already been told the casing (shell) was proved to have been made in 1971. It's well known in the JFK community that hoaxes are always burying shells in Dealey Plaza, it's a joke, a kind of tradition. I'm really getting the impression that you read something on the internet or more likely watch something on UTUBE and immediately post it!! Why not do at least a little research first.

 No doubt there is truth to what you say, I would not say I read something and post it without either checking it a bit or am just struck by it as valid in some intuitive manner I do accept the criticism I do not do the background many of you do, sand am guilty as charged to a degree of superficiality in my posting, I will offer a few responses as to why Many of you will often correct me or point me in the direction of better evidence once a subject is broached Perhaps that is lazy on my part and cumbersome for some of you My posting is likely to slow down if not come to a total stop once my health returns a little bit, and I get back to working on my site on local economics issues So perhaps pardon some of my lack of thoroughness a bit longer The second part of the answer is I find it incredibly tedious to try to penetrate some of these issues in a deeper manner at least with Google searched or going to a select few sites

 As far as the ,222 shell Dave Perry concludes the shells in question did go back to 63 and he seems like a middle of the road if not an LN guy from what I can tell

 So I am going to cop that I am really no more than an internet guy who does more than just a single search and a post

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2018, 03:23:41 AM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2018, 03:33:59 AM »
Would that be Penn Jones Jr. who compiled a list of 150 people who he claimed died in mysterious circumstances as a result of their connection in one way or another to the assassination? Is so he was a con man or a nutter depending on how generous you wish to be. A simple check is all it takes.

Interestingly Jones lived to the ripe old age of 83 which was rather fortunate for a man who created such hell for those involved in a coverup that were prepared to stage car crashes, heart attacks, falls etc to silence witnesses who had already provided statements to authorities.

If you are referring to a different Penn Jones then I apologies for the distraction but do keep any eye out for the other one as he's really dodgy.

Pretty sure you have the right Penn Jones I don't know much about his list of mysterious deaths but he may be the guy who lists 130 some odd As to his theory it seems, from what I can see, his claims of military hit squad is not well supported but I was just trying to list the leading or best known theories within reasonable limits Perhaps his does not belong in there, but it made on because it was different than the others but had at least a plausible group thqat he was indicting

Offline Denis Pointing

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2018, 11:31:03 AM »
No doubt there is truth to what you say, I would not say I read something and post it without either checking it a bit or am just struck by it as valid in some intuitive manner I do accept the criticism I do not do the background many of you do, sand am guilty as charged to a degree of superficiality in my posting, I will offer a few responses as to why Many of you will often correct me or point me in the direction of better evidence once a subject is broached Perhaps that is lazy on my part and cumbersome for some of you My posting is likely to slow down if not come to a total stop once my health returns a little bit, and I get back to working on my site on local economics issues So perhaps pardon some of my lack of thoroughness a bit longer The second part of the answer is I find it incredibly tedious to try to penetrate some of these issues in a deeper manner at least with Google searched or going to a select few sites

 As far as the ,222 shell Dave Perry concludes the shells in question did go back to 63 and he seems like a middle of the road if not an LN guy from what I can tell

 So I am going to cop that I am really no more than an internet guy who does more than just a single search and a post
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 12:17:17 PM by Denis Pointing »

Offline Thomas Halle

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Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2018, 02:51:52 PM »
Regarding your remark about telco COs...Not exactly. A telephone company Central Office is a place where (on the Main Frame) all of the local users' telephones "appear." When you pick up your phone, you are now at the Main Frame, and the dial tone tells you that the "Line Equipment" (LE) is now available. If you had no connection to the CO, you would find it impossible to make a phone call. EVERYTHING goes via the CO in your community. And, when you dial (or use the number pad) a number, you go through two selectors and one connector as the call is routed to the correct incoming line (in the same office).

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The shooting teams
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2018, 02:51:52 PM »