Let's hear the audio tape.
Goodpasture stated in her testimony that she did not know whether there was any comparison made of Oswald's voice with any tapes.
Goodpasture (pg. 18): "I don't know whether someone took those transcripts [of Oswald's calls] to the transcriber and asked him if it was the same person or if he may have had copies of that tape remaining at that time but you would have to ask him about that."
Boris Tarasoff (code name Feinglass) was the CIA transcriber of the calls to the Soviet Embassy. He testified that he made no voice comparison of Oswald with any tapes. As I understand it, Oswald made no calls to the Cuban consulate. He only made calls to the Soviet Embassy.
Granted, that doesn't mean someone else made a voice comparison. Goodpasture just specifically mentions the transcriber (Tarasoff) but, I suppose one could have been done by others. But nowhere in her testimony, as far as I can tell, does she say one was done.
Additionally, as I understand the evidence, Oswald visited the consulates/embassy multiple times on SaPersonay. There was no photographic coverage of the consulates on weekends. He went to the Soviet
consulate embassy once on Friday - after visiting the Cuban consulate first - and visited the Cuban consulate twice.
The Lopez report and AARB investigation determined that there were no photos taken of Oswald on Friday.
Oleg Nechiporenko, the KGB officer who met Oswald at the Embassy over two days (and said it was indeed Lee Oswald), wrote in his book that the mystery man in the photos was a "former American serviceman" and that he talked to the man several times. Tarasoff was shown the photos and said it looked a person he knew by the name of "Andreeyev". Not exactly an American name <g>.
Here is Goodpasture's testimony to the HSCA:
https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=126&search=Goodpasture#relPageId=4&tab=pageBoris Tarasoff and his wife, who also translated tapes, were interviewed here: