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Author Topic: Handy guide to Walt's fabrications  (Read 62344 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« on: January 12, 2018, 05:49:07 PM »
This should save a lot of time for forum members in the future.  Just refer to the following list, and when Walt brings one of these up, you can just say, "oh that's Walt Fabrication #25", or whatever.  New fabrications can be added to the list as he creates them.

WF1: The Dillard photo was taken during the assassination.

WF2: Oswald told Fritz that he saw Norman and Jarman walk past the lunchroom a few minutes before the shooting.

WF3: Oswald said he saw 3 rifles in Truly's office on November 20.

WF4: Howard Brennan saw a gunman in the 6th floor southwest window.

WF5: The telex that William Walter showed the HSCA was a photocopy of an original telex that warned of the assassination, rather than a reconstruction Walter did from memory.

WF6: LBJ was filmed on the night of November 22 on the airport tarmac saying something like "AH cum tew yew with a havy heart.....Yer president is daid".

WF7: Chief Curry was filmed telling reporters that when Baker stopped Oswald he was "calmly drinking a Coke".

WF8: There exists a photo of LD Montgomery holding the large paper bag with an umbrella handle sticking out.

WF9: Tom Alyea filmed the rifle after the clip had slid out. [Note: Walt has since retracted this one]

WF10: You can't operate a Mannlicher Carcano as a single shot rifle

WF11: Most of the DPD photos taken on the sixth floor were fake reconstructions taken at night.

WF12: Richard Case Nagell had an ID card with the Name Alek Hidell on it.

WF13: Russians have a difficult time pronouncing the name Lee.

WF14: The Irving police shook the Walker note out of the Russian cook book.

WF15: The coroner ruled that Henry Marshall committed suicide.

WF16: Oswald told Bill Shelley that he was going to take the afternoon off because there wouldn't be anymore work done that day.

WF17: Anna Meller testified that George De Mohrenschildt told her that Lee had taken a potshot at Walker...No wait, it was actually Natasha Voshinin...Oh wait she didn't testify that, she actually told that to Dick Russell in 1992.

WF18&19: Brennan told the cops that the man that he had seen with a HUNTING RIFLE (possibly a 30-30 Winchester) in the TSBD was NOT present in the line up.

WF20: Junior Jarman testified that he and Harold Norman walked by the 1st floor lunchroom at about 12:26 /12:27 on their way to the fifth floor.

WF21: Benavides said the Killer DID NOT look like Lee Oswald.

WF22: In late April 1963, LBJ requested an substantial increase in his Secret Service protection.  He was requesting more protection than was allotted for JFK.

WF23: The Powell photo shows a rifle barrel protruding from the window.

WF24: J.E. Hoover revealed that he had information on Waggoner Carr that could put Carr behind bars.....

WF25: Red signal rings were placed on the fifth and sixth floor windows of the TSBD to signal LBJ that everything was in place and the coup would take place at his thumbs up signal.

WF26: Hoover knew about the rifle being sent to PO Box 2915 in March of 1963.   Oswald's PO Box was under surveillance and the Feds knew that a rifle had been sent to that PO Box.

WF27: There's no doubt in my mind that the "Sheriff" told Williams to keep his mouth shut about seeing a "Secret Service Man" there on the sixth floor.....And that's exactly what williams did.....And he's still alive today because he kept his mouth shut.......

WF28: The cops who were there said they pulled the gun from Lee's waistband.

WF29: The ticket booth is not in the is in the shade, therefore it appears blue.

WF30: Lee Oswald knew hunting season was closed and there was no reason for the guns in the TSBD.

WF31: The butt of the pistol on "Oswald's" hip falls at exactly the same place on the fence in the background in CE 133A and 133c.....

WF32: Oswald was provided with an electric razor that emitted a very unique and identifiable radio signal, which was used to activate a camera on Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spyplane.

WF33: Kellerman and Greer are pulling their heads down (ducking) before JFK is hit in the head.

WF34: both Greer and Kellerman are ducking as "something" light colored is knocked off the front of the car goes sailing over their heads.

WF35: Are you aware that there were NO IDENTIFIABLE PRINTS found on the rifle?

WF36: Whaley testified that his passenger was wearing THREE jackets.

WF37: Truly and Baker went up to the second floor on the front staircase and then crossed the second floor to where they encountered Oswald.

WF38: Helen Markham received a threatening call from Henry Wade at "City Hall" and he warned her that he'd put her in the slammer if she continued talking to reporters.

WF39: An attempt to rechamber a spent shell causes a CRUMPLING type dent on the LIP ONLY.

WF40: The TSBD staircase was soundproof.

WF41: The police suspected that the goofy Walker was pulling a publicity stunt, to enhance his image in his run for Governor......They merely went through the motions of investigating and filed the reports.....

WF42: I'm 99% sure that JFK learned of Lee's accomplishments behind the Iron Curtain and ordered that the young spy be brought home because he wanted to use his talents in Cuba.

WF43: Givens said that he saw Lee on the sixth floor at about 12:10

WF44: William Whaley said that Lee climbed into his taxicab at the Greyhound bus station at 12:30

WF45: The shooter didn't know the man in front of JFK was John Connally.......Connally was not supposed to be there....another LBJ foe was supposed to be sitting in that jump seat.....Senator Ralph Yarborough was scheduled to ride in that seat.

WF46: Organ gives the distance as 190 feet .....  That's the approximate distance to the window at the time JFK's brains were blown out.

WF47: On a visit to Mexico, Earl Warren had did something that he didn't want the public to know about.  Apparently Hoover knew about this and so did LBJ.......When Earl Warren tried to refuse to be the presiding judge for LBJ's "Special Select Blue Ribbon Committee"..... LBj said something like..."We wouldn't want the folks to find out about Mexico, now would we Judge?"   After that Warren was putty in LBJ's hands.......

WF48: Miss Burns said she entered the office immediately after she heard the shots...and she said that [Wilson] was standing.

WF49: [Wilson] said that he was SITTING at his deck until that moment and then got up to see JFK pass by.

WF50: The photos CE 133A and CE 133B are shown uncropped on page 90 of Groden's The Search for LHO. The shadows being cast by the stairs are identical in both photos.

WF51: J. Edgar Hoover acknowledged that the Z film had been altered.

WF52: Michael Paine gave a backyard photo to Fritz.

WF53: Oswald's selective service card was signed "Gut Schieffer", which is German for Good Marine.

WF54: The "sniper's nest" had several cigarette butts on the floor.

WF55: The Walker incident was nothing but a hoax that De Morhenschildt and Oswald thought would get Lee welcomed into Cuba.

WF56: If either JFK or Connally had been wearing the light colored Stetson, they probably wouldn't have been shot...... The white Stetson was the badge of the "good guys".....  When JFK shunned the hat and refused to put it on, he sealed his fate.

WF57: Connally didn't know what the hell LBJ was talkin about when he told him to be sure to wear his white Stetson in the Lincoln

WF58: A man on the south side of Elm street was shot in the leg during the assassination

WF59: The photo on page 68 of TKOAP shows "Lee standing around out front" beside Billy Lovelady

WF60: LBJ nearly soiled his skivvies when he heard that John McCormack was moving to take the oath of office...

WF61: Yes, JFK was aware that a sniper on a roof top could try to shoot him..... The Secret Service had discovered the plot and warned JFK as did Bobby before JFK left Washington.

WF62: Just a few hours after the murder of President Kennedy the FBI eavesdropped on and recorded a telephone conversation at the Paine residence and Mike Paine was recorded as saying "He didn't do this, but we know who did"

WF63: Lee told Marina that he had hid the rifle where the police dogs would find it.

WF64: But it has been widely reported that Ruby corrected Henry Wade by saying "No Henry, that's the Fair Play for Cuba Committee"

WF65: "Lee told Fritz that his lunch included an apple and an orange"

WF66: Life magazine said the backyard photo was retouched before they got it

WF67: It was 50 feet between the alley and General Walker's house

WF68: Howard Brennan saw the bullet hit the cement ledge below the window

WF69: There is a bullet track in a photo that shows a bullet struck the TSBD window ledge above BRW's head.....And there was a pock mark from that bullet on the ledge until 1993

WF70: Brennan said he saw something fall from the TSBD

WF71: I'm not sure if this is the same manuscript that Alyea published many years ago. I have that manuscript.......  I believe Alyea himself published / produced the manuscript.

WF72: Boone thought that Lt Day was Captain Fritz

WF73: Day saw a smudge that he IMAGINED to be a palm print on that WOODEN foregrip and he lifted it by using scotch tape as Tom Alyea watched him lift it.   That lift is what you see in CE 639.

WF74: And there was a large sign on the east wall inside the double doors that said STAIRS on an ARROW  pointing to the stairs to the second floor

WF75: and a locked gate kept him from entering the office area there on the second floor

WF76: several of the occupants of the car said that there were many bullets that struck the car in just a couple of seconds.

WF77: LBJ gave JFK a Stetson hat on the morning of November 22, 1963

WF78: Wilson said that he remained standing behind that window for over a quarter of an hour after the shooting

WF79: Walker call the editor in Germany on SaPersonay morning 11/23/63 and tells him that Oswald was the culprit who tried to kill him on April 10

WF80: Please check the photos of "Oswald" being escorted by a DPD detective,  The photos seem to show Lee Oswald being escorted by a DPD Detective who has a hold on "Oswald's" right arm.... and Lee is wearing the arrest shirt.  The problem is....The photos were fake....Lee was already in his grave and refused to get up to be escorted through the halls of the police station.  So they used an impostor who resembled Lee Oswald and cropped the photos ........

WF81: Jack Ruby and Ralph Paul were co-owners of a drive in burger joint where JD Tippit was employed as a security guard

WF82: They kept Jack Ruby in the City Jail until he died

WF83: A persons ears never change,96.msg982.html#msg982

WF84: Roy Truly had seen Lee Oswald sitting at a table in the second floor lunchroom just seconds after the shots were fired,159.msg6116.html#msg6116

WF85: Howard Brennan is the ONLY person who stepped forward immediately after the shooting at 12:30, and reported seeing a man aiming a rifle from a TSBD window,1592.msg43759.html#msg43759
« Last Edit: February 07, 2019, 08:47:50 PM by John Iacoletti »

JFK Assassination Forum

Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« on: January 12, 2018, 05:49:07 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2019, 04:19:30 AM »
10: You can't operate a Mannlicher Carcano as a single shot rifle
Not sure what that means but the FBI test shooter testified at the HSCA hearings that with CE-139 you could not retract the bolt without moving your face away from the scope or the bolt would smack you in the eye. Not exactly a snipers smoothest move.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2019, 04:40:22 PM by Jerry Freeman »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2019, 04:51:18 PM »
10: You can't operate a Mannlicher Carcano as a single shot rifle
Not sure what that means but the FBI test shooter testified at the HSCA hearings that with CE-2766 you could not retract the bolt without moving your face away from the scope or the bolt would smack you in the eye. Not exactly a snipers smoothest move.

When he testified before the WC, FBI "expert" Robert Frazier was comparing the carcano to a  Springfield 30.06 and said that the Carcano can be loaded with a single cartridge and fired as a single shot rifle.... Just like a 30.06.

Well I'm here to tell you that so called "EXPERT" was FOS!.....   The Carcano CANNOT be fired as a single shot rifle simply by dropping a live cartridge into the breech and closing the bolt in preparation for firing a single shot.   You would have no problem dropping the cartridge into the breech, but you would not be able to close and LATCH the bolt....  The design of the rifle prevents the bolt closure.... 

The Carcano CAN be used as a single shot rifle but it must be loaded in a different manner than the Springfield .......

Robert Frazier the "EXPERT" also said that the Carcano can be loaded with SEVEN cartridges.....  The Carcano is a six shot rifle, and it CANNOT be loaded with seven cartridges.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2019, 04:52:41 PM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2019, 04:51:18 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2019, 07:15:47 PM »
Without a clip, the rifle can only be used as a single-shot arm. This was a severe handicap if clips were lost or unavailable.,-korea,-vietnam-and-beyond-1940-to-present/case-37-wwii-the-axis,-germany-italy/gardone-model-1891-mannlicher-carcano-bolt-action-rifle.aspx

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2019, 09:59:02 PM »
6 in the clip and one in the chamber = SEVEN cartridges.

6 in the clip and one in the chamber = SEVEN cartridges.

OK...That's simple arithmetic ....  Now, using a Mannlicher Carcano,  please demonstrate how that can be accomplished....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2019, 09:59:02 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2019, 10:15:36 PM »,-korea,-vietnam-and-beyond-1940-to-present/case-37-wwii-the-axis,-germany-italy/gardone-model-1891-mannlicher-carcano-bolt-action-rifle.aspx

Jerry, I believe that you'll learn that I'm telling the truth and presenting FACTUAL information if you visit a couple of websites that give details about how a Mannlicher Carcano operates...

The Carcano CANNOT be loaded to use as a single shot rifle "Just like a Springfield 30.06", as the FBI "EXPERT" Robert Frazier testified.....

Simply saying that it can be used as a single shot rifle is NOT the same as saying it can be loaded and used as a single shot rifle by dropping a cartridge into the breech and closing the bolt, just like a 30.06.

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2019, 10:37:12 PM »
6 in the clip and one in the chamber = SEVEN cartridges.

OK...That's simple arithmetic ....  Now, using a Mannlicher Carcano,  please demonstrate how that can be accomplished....

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2019, 10:57:37 PM »

I'm not surprised that you would present a phony video in an attempt to prove that Hoover's EXTRA SPECIAL agent was correct in saying that the carcano could be loaded with seven live cartridges and fire seven shots without reloading....

So, Mr easily duped....Please count the number of LIVE cartridges that are visible in the clip at the 1:10 point in the video, just before the magician loads the clip into the rifle .....  Can you count to FIVE Mr Snickerson.....   
« Last Edit: January 24, 2019, 12:26:09 AM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Handy guide to Walt's fabrications
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2019, 10:57:37 PM »