The Hard Hat guy and the guy at the front and the policeman could be looking in the direction of a shot being fired and if you look at John Connally , he looks like he is reacting to a shot ! Also , the motorcycle cop could be looking at JFK after he was shot with the bullet that hit him in the front of his neck which was of course an entry wound to the front of his neck . I can't buy any reasoning for LHO to be looked at as a "Lone Nut" who could not shoot worth a damn. It's time to face the fact that the murder of JFK was a conspiracy in every sense . Once the Warren Commission did it's white-wash on this case , then there were so many lies being told that the conspirators just kept tripping over each other. And unfortunately there are so many who lie these days as they also lied back then .And here's another looking away... What's up?
Why does this fellow seem so disinterested in the president passing by?
Why does this fellow seem so disinterested in the president passing by?
Why does this fellow seem so disinterested in the president passing by?
Isn't that strange....
the car appears to be much further down Elm in Z255 than A6 in relation to the lane marker near that bit of shadow...
Isn't that strange....?
the car appears to be much further down Elm in Z255 than A6 in relation to the lane marker near that bit of shadow...
Huh? mr yellow squigglies? :D --do you?
poor mytton can't see the obvious mistake in his own composite
Thumb1: -- that's classic --thanx for the pic! --again!
Isn't that strange....?
the car appears to be much further down Elm in Z255 than A6 in relation to the lane marker near that bit of shadow...
Anyway Einstein, explain what you think you are seeing seeing in the following composite, which btw you cropped and ripped off me and then didn't even give me credit, the shame!
LOL. "Mytton" is trying to take credit for a panorama composite that a youtube user called "antdavisonNZ" actually did.
Anyway, the limo position at Z255 is at the far right of that panorama.
LOL. "Mytton" is trying to take credit for a panorama composite that a youtube user called "antdavisonNZ" actually did.
Anyway, the limo position at Z255 is at the far right of that panorama.
Jake, Millican and others appear to be looking in the direction of the DalTex where I believe the real action is occurring. Millican shows up in other photos with odd postures. Probably the most important is immediately after the assassination he is one of the first few people to head toward the grassy knoll. If you want me to publish them I will. He is also odd in that he reported many gunshots in his police report (12-15?). I'm too lazy to look it up to be exact here, but I also remember that his plumbing company was connected somehow to Republic National Bank, widely regarded by authors as a CIA front, and connected to Bush.
Another walkie talkie/ radio in Dealey Plaza? Does anybody have a copy of a list of channels that the shooting teams were using? Multiple shooters, multiple spotters and still, they could only get one shot on the bullseye.Yes, it does look like another walkie talkie....
These guys sucked.
Why does this fellow seem so disinterested in the president passing by?
Hardhat doesn't really act like he's responding to a noise. There are also three black ladies in the picture looking in the same direction as 'Hardhat'... were they identified? A motorcycle cop was [also] sort of looking around. The DCM had been noticed in the pictures with the walkie talkie over 50 years ago. No one cared then either.Wow... 50 years ago... Official investigators seem to lack necessary curiosity... and the reason.....
Official investigators seem to lack ...Integrity.
Integrity.I think the reason is that they didn't want to draw attention to anything that might cause them to alter the accepted storyline...
Another walkie talkie/ radio in Dealey Plaza? Does anybody have a copy of a list of channels that the shooting teams were using? Multiple shooters, multiple spotters and still, they could only get one shot on the bullseye.
These guys sucked.
Another walkie talkie/ radio in Dealey Plaza? Does anybody have a copy of a list of channels that the shooting teams were using? Multiple shooters, multiple spotters and still, they could only get one shot on the bullseye.
These guys sucked.
Greer. the Limo driver, looks back when JFK is hit st Z223 and STILL doesn't get it? he slows the limo down? WTF?? Sees the President slumping and :... oh well, IDK, lets just let off the accelerator and slow the car down to almost a stop, and wait for another 4.8 seconds so the gunman can aim and get a head shot. HUH???
Are we supposed to beleive that SS agents, would be so oblivious to 3 rifle shots. but dont recognize those as shots, spaced EVENLY over 8.5 seconds or longer? It takes Clint Hill to jump off and run to JFK Limo to get Gteer to react FINALLY?? The other SS agents.. they seem totally oblivous even AFTER its quite apparent somebody has been shooting bullets, not "firecrackers"
The vast majority of crowd DOESNT GET IT EITHER??? It take Gloria Cavalry running up and eclaiming "The Shot the President" before the crowd of person at Elm st and in front of TSBD FINALLY GET IT???
This the reason, imo that 3 shots were fired VERY RAPIDLY in less that 5 seconds just at Harold Norman and Lee Bowers have demonstrated their respective video interviews.
3 shots in 4.5 sec and last 2 shots only 1 sec apart, would explain the confusion, and Greer. because it is NOT a 8.5 or 10 second even spacing of 3 shots but a 1...2.3 rapid fire , the 3rd shot NOT taking 4.8 seconds from 2nd shot, but so close that Greer could not have reacted any faster.
Have you ever considered the possibility that Greer slowed down because he thought the shots were coming from in front of him?
Have you ever considered the possibility that Greer slowed down because he thought the shots were coming from in front of him?
Or to allow SS agents climb on to car?
Or to allow SS agents climb on to car?
Insets: Ready - Hickey - Gov. Connally - Mrs. Kennedy (all turn from their left to their right)
( ( ( (
Far right: Rosemary Willis, the little girl running, said she stopped when she heard the first shot. She begins slowing in the Z160s.
The side of the Depository was in partial shade at 12:30, meaning the sun was relatively south, not southwest. Sun wasn't shining along the length of Elm Street where the shooting occurred.So... people are shielding their eyes for no reason at all.
Seems most of the eye-shielding people are looking towards the south. Nearly all those in the Altgens photo looking to the southwest, as the Sniper's Nest gunman would have been, are facing away from the sun and not shielding their eyes.
So when you wrote "How could a gunman make any kind of an accurate shot facing into such glare?" you either didn't think about the angle of the sun and it's relationship to the limousine position on Elm, or you think a gunman was aiming at the motorcade down Houston Street or towards the reflecting pool.
A teachable moment if you want to grasp it. ::)
Seems most of the eye-shielding people are looking towards the south. Nearly all those in the Altgens photo looking to the southwest, as the Sniper's Nest gunman would have been, are facing away from the sun and not shielding their eyes.Teachable? Meaning- just look at a map and never mind a photograph? Facing away from the sun? The person in the Altgens photo-- on the front steps apparently shielding his eyes with both hands [between Lovelady and the SS agents on the right side of their car].. is not looking at the motorcade?
So when you wrote "How could a gunman make any kind of an accurate shot facing into such glare?" you either didn't think about the angle of the sun and it's relationship to the limousine position on Elm, or you think a gunman was aiming at the motorcade down Houston Street or towards the reflecting pool. A teachable moment if you want to grasp it.
If you buy into the way the boxes were set up inside the sniper's nest then Oswald would have been seated a few feet Back from the window. I would doubt the Sun would be a factor if he were seated back from the window. A difficult scenario to envision is how if Oswald was Seated a few feet Back from the window he was able to Fire DOWNWARD at a sharp angle with the 1st alleged shot.Lets take another look..
Maybe he had his hands up earlier when the limousine went by and figured he'll turn back and see who else was in the motorcade. So he left his hands in place for the hell of it. Maybe the sun felt good on his forearms."For the hell of it"? Who are you trying to convince?
( (HSCA)(