JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: John Mytton on September 07, 2018, 02:18:36 AM
Why would the conspirators pick Dallas for the assassination then be faced with the problem of having to deal with the Dallas Police, the Parkland doctors, getting Kennedy out of Dallas, getting the evidence across the country and basically just having no control?
When all "they" had to do was do it all in Washington where they would have had more control of virtually everything.
Why would the conspirators pick Dallas for the assassination......?
It was perfect.
The cops were crooked...hated Kennedy...so did the mayor, big business men like Muchinson and Hunt...Dealey Plaza was ideal-under complete control by the authorities. A little big city then and very vunerable.
That?s where Oswald lived.
That?s where Oswald lived.
That is quite correct. The ideal patsy.
Like everything was predestined.
That?s where Oswald lived.
That's right. Oswald lived in that city and worked in that building. It was a perfect fit requiring very little planning with just an ounce of luck.
That's right. Oswald lived in that city and worked in that building. It was a perfect fit requiring very little planning with just an ounce of luck.
And an Oswald epiphany as soon as he found out the motorcade would pass right under his nose.
And an Oswald epiphany as soon as he found out the motorcade would pass right under his nose.
He then appointed himself Lord High Executioner for The People's Revolution. What a hero.
He then appointed himself Lord High Executioner for The People's Revolution. What a hero.
Now people will remember him
Poor dumb cop, too, huh?
Now people will remember him
Poor dumb cop, too, huh?
Some people sit by his graveside and sing Happy Birthday every October 18; some just post admiring messages on the internet; some, I'm told do both.
He was a hero right until the end. Sensing that a crazed nightclub owner was intent on killing homicide detective Jim Leavelle Oswald threw his body into the path of the bullet.
What a man, What a legend.
Some people sit by his graveside and sing Happy Birthday every October 18; some just post admiring messages on the internet; some, I'm told do both.
He was a hero right until the end. Sensing that a crazed nightclub owner was intent on killing homicide detective Jim Leavelle Oswald threw his body into the path of the bullet.
What a man, What a legend.
I blame 'mother dearest' for most of his problems. Having no father figure and having a few loose screws didn't help either. A scholarly article said Oswald hated men in general, especially ones with authority over him and any man more successful than him. One might wonder that mama Oswald seemed the real assassin who did everything but pull the trigger, who inadvertently set Oswald on the life path that led Oswald to that window to indeed pull the trigger.
Should have known it would go from Why Dallas?.... to the psychosomatic.
Why aren't these anal..ists out helping people instead of being here stroking each others cyber-willys?
Aha! Yet another pathetic attempt by yet another trolling Oswald apologist to minimize his backstory as a clear victim of 'mommy dearest'.
Aha! Yet another pathetic attempt by yet another trolling Oswald apologist to minimize his backstory as a clear victim of 'mommy dearest'.
Must maintain a balance with the un-apologist trolls.
You know...you totally overuse the word 'pathetic' try.. pitiful, pitiable or poignant once in a while.
The only type of conspiracy I can fathom is a small one that didn?t involve anyone outside of Dallas.
Why would the conspirators pick Dallas for the assassination then be faced with the problem of having to deal with the Dallas Police, the Parkland doctors, getting Kennedy out of Dallas, getting the evidence across the country and basically just having no control?
When all "they" had to do was do it all in Washington where they would have had more control of virtually everything.
I think there must be an echo in here. You asked pretty much the identical question about your fantasy conspirators here:
https://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,1194.msg27990.html#msg27990 (https://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,1194.msg27990.html#msg27990)
Hoping for a different answer?
Some people sit by his graveside and sing Happy Birthday every October 18; some just post admiring messages on the internet; some, I'm told do both.
He was a hero right until the end. Sensing that a crazed nightclub owner was intent on killing homicide detective Jim Leavelle Oswald threw his body into the path of the bullet.
What a man, What a legend.
Some people think that sarcasm is a compelling argument to support their unsubstantiated claims.
You read to many conspiracy books. Simple question for you. If indeed Oswald was a ?patsy?, when did the conspirators begin the set up?
Some people think that sarcasm is a compelling argument to support their unsubstantiated claims.
You have nothing at all. Do you sing song's at Oswald's grave site each year?
Must maintain a balance with the un-apologist trolls.
You know...you totally overuse the word 'pathetic' try.. pitiful, pitiable or poignant once in a while.
You're confusing me with Martin & JohnI
I haven't used pathetic but a couple of times
The Mayor of Dallas Earl Cabell was in the motorcade. JFK fired his brother Charles Cabell from the CIA along with Bissell and Dulles. In my book I have a photograph of Earl Cabell helping to pull Oswald out of the Texas theatre.
JFK was an enemy of the oil industry. He was going to get rid of. The Oli Depletion Allowence. This would cost the CIA Jewish Oil Kings billions. The Hunt family, The Rockefellers. The Rockefellers also covered up the assassination with the Rockefeller Commission.
LBJ who was on bed with the Hunt Family would become the next President. It was his home state
In my book I have a photograph of Earl Cabell helping to pull Oswald out of the Texas theatre.
Be careful, there are so many faked photographs around it seems.
Why would the conspirators pick Dallas for the assassination then be faced with the problem of having to deal with the Dallas Police, the Parkland doctors, getting Kennedy out of Dallas, getting the evidence across the country and basically just having no control?
When all "they" had to do was do it all in Washington where they would have had more control of virtually everything.
What connection do the alleged Conspirators have to Washington DC?
Why couldn't they have been from Dallas or other parts of the South?
It was perfect.
The cops were crooked...hated Kennedy...so did the mayor, big business men like Muchinson and Hunt...Dealey Plaza was ideal-under complete control by the authorities. A little big city then and very vunerable.
The Mayor of Dallas at the time worked for the CIA
David Atlee Phillips was from Ft Worth
The Mayor of Dallas at the time worked for the CIA.
What did he do for them?
The Mayor of Dallas at the time worked for the CIA
David Atlee Phillips was from Ft Worth
Where does it say in these documents he "worked" for them?
A standard secrecy agreement? And a 201 file which has personal information about a person of interest? Which are generated for a variety of reasons: Oswald had one. Nothing in either about him "working" for them.
What did he do for them?
Cabell owned a chain of minute marts.
His brother was Gen Chas Cabell Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1953?1962). ..fired by Kennedy.
Cabell owned a chain of minute marts.
His brother was Gen Chas Cabell Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1953?1962). ..fired by Kennedy.
So what did he do for the CIA?
Cabell owned a chain of minute marts.
His brother was Gen Chas Cabell Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1953?1962). ..fired by Kennedy.
We're not talking about his brother. Where is the evidence he "worked" for the CIA?
The documents linked to say nothing about "working" for the CIA. There's a standard secrecy agreement he signed and a 201 file. Neither show he "worked" for the agency.
So what did he do for the CIA?
Why don't you go conduct a s?ance and ask him?
Why don't you go conduct a s?ance and ask him?
Which can be translated as we don't know. So to draw any conclusions from this is unsound, do you agree?
We're not talking about his brother.
You're moderating the thread?
Which can be translated as we don't know. So to draw any conclusions from this is unsound, do you agree?
We don?t know what he did for the CIA. It wasn?t until 2017 that it had been declassified that he was a CIA Asset
We don?t know what he did for the CIA. It wasn?t until 2017 that it had been declassified that he was a CIA Asset
So can we draw any conclusions from him being an asset?
We don?t know what he did for the CIA. It wasn?t until 2017 that it had been declassified that he was a CIA Asset
What evidence is there that he was an "asset"? You've gone from "working" for the CIA to "asset." Which is it?
The two documents are a secrecy agreement and a standard 201 personality file (Oswald had one of these too). Neither indicate - and Newman doesn't show it - that he "worked" for the CIA or was an "asset."
This is, frankly, typical John Newman hyperbole and exaggeration. He's simply not, for me, a trustworthy historian.
What exactly is the allegation here: Is it that Cabell, an "asset" for the CIA was therefore willing to join up with the CIA and commit treason, murder the President and frame an innocent person for the act? You think that because a person is an "asset" (assuming he was) that therefore WHATEVER the CIA told him to do he would do?
What evidence is there that he was an "asset"?
Cabell signed a Secrecy Agreement with the CIA. Which means he knowingly shared secret information with the CIA.
If you're a CIA asset, you in some capacity, work for the CIA.
In intelligence, assets are persons within organizations or countries being spied upon who provide information for an outside spy.[1][2][3][4] They are sometimes referred to as agents, and in law enforcement parlance, as confidential informants, or "CIs" for short.
There are different categories of assets, including people who:
Willingly work for a foreign government for ideological reasons such as being against their government, but live in a country that doesn't allow political opposition. They may elect to work with a foreign power to change their own country because there are few other ways available.
Work for monetary gain. Intelligence services often pay good wages to people in important positions that are willing to betray secrets.
Have been blackmailed and are forced into their role.
Do not even know they are being used. Assets can be loyal to their country, but may still provide a foreign agent with information through failures in information safety, such as using insecure computers or not following proper OPSEC procedures during day-to-day chatting.
The two documents are a secrecy agreement and a standard 201 personality file (Oswald had one of these too). Neither indicate - and Newman doesn't show it - that he "worked" for the CIA or was an "asset."
This is, frankly, typical John Newman hyperbole and exaggeration. He's simply not, for me, a trustworthy historian.
Newman was a high ranking Intelligence officer. With all due respect, Newman is more qualified to understand the Intelligence Trade than you.
If you need a confession from the CIA that the brother of a high-ranking CIA official was a CIA informant or asset, then fine. You can wait forever if you want. I'm not here to convince you.
What exactly is the allegation here: Is it that Cabell, an "asset" for the CIA was therefore willing to join up with the CIA and commit treason, murder the President and frame an innocent person for the act? You think that because a person is an "asset" (assuming he was) that therefore WHATEVER the CIA told him to do he would do?
I noted the new info on Cabell because it seems unusual and it's connected to the city of Dallas. I could be wrong about it being unusual. Maybe it's perfectly normal for local politicians to conduct secret business with the CIA.
What I haven't done is suggest that it's meaningful as evidence of a Conspiracy.
You have nothing at all. Do you sing song's at Oswald's grave site each year?
Are you ever going to actually provide evidence to support what you believe?
Quote from: Jerry Freeman on September 08, 2018, 08:55:46 PM
Why don't you go conduct a s?ance and ask him?
Which can be translated as we don't know. So to draw any conclusions from this is unsound, do you agree?
We don't know what you do for a living. Dare we draw any unsound conclusions? Works both ways.
Quote from: Jerry Freeman on September 08, 2018, 08:55:46 PM
We don't know what you do for a living. Dare we draw any unsound conclusions? Works both ways.
Well, yes. Of course. Did I say different?