JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Steve Barber on January 18, 2018, 03:42:34 PM
True or false? I've looked the internet over and cannot find any confirmation the *He* proved the film to be authentic.
Marsh's home is the alt.assassination.jfk newsgroup where he is constantly claiming this.
Where can I find the truth about it? Anyone? I thought that it was Roland Zavada who proved the film authentic, not Marsh.
Did you know that he called Bugliosi a liar right to his face? It's true! Just ask him.
The man feels compelled to weigh in on every topic at a.a.jfk whether he knows anything about it or not. In short, he's a spammer.
Did you know that he called Bugliosi a liar right to his face? It's true! Just ask him.
The man feels compelled to weigh in on every topic at a.a.jfk whether he knows anything about it or not. In short, he's a spammer.
Yes I did. I found this out when he was bragging about having called Vince a liar to his face at aajfk and. I think he bragged about it here at this forum. The man has no class, no respect for others, full of himself and as arrogant as they get. He actually posted a comment at aajfk saying "talk down to people with a lesser education. So easy to do here." He's the most unscrupulous person in that newsgroup. Yup. He's a spammer and king of the Trolls. He's proud of it.
Marsh's real home is 10 minutes down the road from me. Here's his website http://the-puzzle-palace.com/files/ . His website is just like him. A stagnant pond.
Oh, I feel sorry for you having to live 10 minutes from him. Have you ever met him? I have. VERY unscrupulous human being--if he can even be called that. His name should be listed next to the word loathsome within the dictionary. I have a feeling that on Judgment day, he will argue with the LORD when God says "Depart from me..."
Yes I did. I found this out when he was bragging about having called Vince a liar to his face at aajfk and. I think he bragged about it here at this forum. The man has no class, no respect for others, full of himself and as arrogant as they get. He actually posted a comment at aajfk saying "talk down to people with a lesser education. So easy to do here." He's the most unscrupulous person in that newsgroup. Yup. He's a spammer and king of the Trolls. He's proud of it.
don't forget smearing his opponents as "Nazis." no class at all.
Thanks, Steve. I read that awhile back. Very interesting, but I don't understand why he claims that he proved the Z film is authentic. He didn't, but he gets some sort of gratification out of saying that he did.
don't forget smearing his opponents as "Nazis." no class at all.
Exactly. He just did that to me earlier this week, but .John McAdams rejected the post. Marsh was so proud of his response to me that he actually emailed the thread to me, comparing me to the Nazi's for bawling him out. When I asked him about it in the thread he denied having sent me the email. Typical. Here's the link to the thread and his rejected post that came to me via email:
Anthony Marsh <anthony.marsh@comcast.net>
Jan 11 (7 days ago)
to me
On 1/10/2018 11:03 PM, Steve Barber wrote:
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 10:38:14 AM UTC-5, Anthony Marsh wrote:
On 1/9/2018 1:21 PM, Bud wrote:
On Monday, January 8, 2018 at 12:41:09 PM UTC-5, Anthony Marsh wrote:
On 1/6/2018 7:47 PM, Bud wrote:
On Friday, January 5, 2018 at 9:04:06 PM UTC-5, Anthony Marsh wrote:
On 1/4/2018 10:11 PM, Steve Barber wrote:
On Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 9:42:04 AM UTC-5, Anthony Marsh wrote:
This year can you just stop lying about the evidence and being
hypocritical about what the evidence means?
For example.
The bullet wounds.
The autopsy photos show that the wound from behind JFK was in his back,
but WC defenders keep saying neck. Or is it possible that the WC
defenders don't know the difference between the back and the neck.
WC defenders lie about the elongation of Connally's back wound and claim
that their elongated version proves that their Single Bullet was tumbling.
They also claim that There was no way for Connally to be hit by a
separate bullet, but the Dale Myers diagram shows that there was plenty
of room for a bullet to go over JFK's right shoulder and hit Connally's
right armpit. WC defenders lie and claim that their bullet hit the
middle of Connally's back.
We have one kook who claims that a bullet hit JFK in the back and just
stopped only an inch or so into the back. The WC defenders rightly claim
that was physically impossible, but then they have CE 399 penetrate only
an inch into Connally's thigh and then magically just fall out when they
removed Connally's cloths in the ER. It's like a hypocrisy contest to
see which WC defender can be more dishonest.
I think that it's interesting that you call "WC defenders" "liars". You
claim that the Dale Myers "diagram" shows that "there was plenty of room
for a bullet to go over JFK's right shoulder and hit Connally's right
armpit. WC defenders lie and claim that their bullet hit the middle of
Connally's back." That is an absolute false statement on your part. There
False. I SHOW you that there was plenty of room:
See the white dot?
Where are the people? And why are they both bald? And who is driving?
Well, usually anatomical figures are depicted as bald.
Don't blame me or Myers.
And how does that white dot in any way show what was visible from the
Similar angle from above and to the right.
That was why he drew it. To show the relative positions.
Perhaps it was drawn to bait conspiracy hobbyists into taking silly
That's where Connally's entrance wound was.
I see the TSBD ahead. If Oswald shot then we might have had a reverse
SBT, with Connally struck first.
I didn't say it was at the time of the shot.
It only shows the relative positions.
If the shooting occurred on Houston Street.
The HSCA drawing shows the top of JFK shoulder.
This is a HSCA drawing?
Yes, silly.
Why does it look like the cover of a magazine?
Don't try to flatter me and claim that I drew it.
You can see where I taped it over the Mysers drawing.
Plenty of room to go
above his right shoulder and hit Connally.
This is not Myers`s work. I produced Myers`s work. I doesn`t show the
room you claimed was there.
You did not produce Myer's work.
Yes, I did.
No, you are not listed as having any association with Video Toaster.
The file name says it: Toaster Magazine.
Anyone can see that there is plenty of room for a bullet to go over
Kennedy's right shoulder and hit Connally.
Nobody cares about your cartoons.
I did not draw that cartoon.
Any HONEST person.
No true Scotsman fallacy.
You of all people have absolutely no standing to call anyone a liar.
I allowed that you were merely ignorant.
So McAdams allows you to call me ignorant, but he won't allow me to call
you stupid. Hard to debate anything when he holds my arms behind my back
to allow you to punch me.
You are ignorant to the fact that "stupid" is an insult and "ignorant"
is not.
You are ignorant of the fact that McAams censors my messages to protect
his minions and yet allows his minions to insult me.
Whaaaaaaaaa-uh-haaaaaa--haaaaaaaa! Stop whining, Marsh, you poor,
mistreated, thing. You are ignorant of the fact that you talk down to
everyone in here, dishing out insult after insult to people constantly and
none of those posts are "censored". You dish plenty of it out, but you
can't take it when some of it's dished out to you!
That's the type of thing the Nazis said to the Jews as they pushed them into the gas chambers. Stop whining and take your punishment.
Please dish out more to prove to everyone what kind of person you are. Never debate honestly. Always insult.
You are a slave to the greatest lie of all, the Warren Commission Report.
They did what conspiracy hobbyists cannot. Put a reasonable and
supportable explanation for this event on the table for consideration.
Yet there it is.
You can't even think for yourself with a grade school education.
In which case he should be easy to sway with your persuasive arguments.
Except you don`t have any.
Sway? A closed mind can not be swayed.
He can't admit any facts.
You are blaming other people for your lack of persuasive arguments.
Worse than Trump.
Trump`s thinking seems very much on a par with the thinking I see
exhibited by conspiracy folk.
Trump IS a conspiracy folk!
That explains it then.
is no "room" and there is no way any bullet flew over President Kennedy's
right shoulder and struck the governor's armpit! If you actually believe
that, then post the Dale Myers diagram to which you refer, immediately.
I never said that is what actually happened. I just pointed out that it
is possible, to show the hypocrisy of the WC defenders. Stop trying to
put words in my mouth after you've lost the argument.
Pretend that you have never seen the file I just posted for the
thousandth time.
Go ahead.
He's one of those Old School Nutjobs that's very bitter about the fact that he's nearing the expiration date of his carbon footprint so he's come to the realization that all that he's about has amounted to a tiny blip on a very large radar. We have one on here now. He fabricates like there's no tomorrow and in his case very few tomorrows. The sands of time are running out on these old wackos.
I can vouch for what you just said. He seldom, if ever, would start threads at aajfk. Now, he is posting several a week all of a sudden. I wondered why that was, and now that you mention what you just did in your comment, therein lies the answer.
Marsh also claims credit for the entire Drommer and Associates Dealey Plaza survey because he once corrected a 1 foot error in one of the measurements.
If I'm not mistaken, he's an old retired guy living on a very fixed income. I guess aajfk, not shuffleboard, is how he intends to spend his golden years.
I don't know why Bugliosi drank the Kool-Aid , but he totally lost it in his book , Reclaiming History. I never thought that Bugliosi would lie so much about the JFK Assassination. Bugliosi had to be in the top 3 of the Egomaniac list . The book made Vincent look real bad and I thought he was the real deal until his 1,600 page book came out . It's almost as bad as the WC 26 volumes and that is bad. On a side note of importance, whoever has Orville Nix's "Original film of the JFK Assassination", needs to give it back to Gayle Nix Jackson .
I don't know why Bugliosi drank the Kool-Aid , but he totally lost it in his book , Reclaiming History. I never thought that Bugliosi would lie so much about the JFK Assassination. Bugliosi had to be in the top 3 of the Egomaniac list . The book made Vincent look real bad and I thought he was the real deal until his 1,600 page book came out . It's almost as bad as the WC 26 volumes and that is bad. On a side note of importance, whoever has Orville Nix's "Original film of the JFK Assassination", needs to give it back to Gayle Nix Jackson .
I'm pretty sure I know who has it, and I let Gayle know about it 3 years ago. I truly hope she can get to the bottom of this.
'I view myself primarily as a trial lawyer who happens to be writing, as opposed to a writer who happens to be a trial lawyer, so the audience is like a jury to me.' --- Vincent Bugliosi
'I view myself primarily as a trial lawyer who happens to be writing, as opposed to a writer who happens to be a trial lawyer, so the audience is like a jury to me.' --- Vincent Bugliosi
Bungliosi became rich and famous off the Manson murders - blood money.
He was in over his head with JFK. His ego and greed won the battle.
I'm pretty sure I know who has it, and I let Gayle know about it 3 years ago. I truly hope she can get to the bottom of this.
'I view myself primarily as a trial lawyer who happens to be writing, as opposed to a writer who happens to be a trial lawyer, so the audience is like a jury to me.' --- Vincent Bugliosi
Which is why his book is lawyer rhetoric instead of evidence.
Which is why his book is lawyer rhetoric instead of evidence.
It's all evidence.
Bungliosi became rich and famous off the Manson murders - blood money.
He was in over his head with JFK. His ego and greed won the battle.
What would you rather he do, Gary? Allow Manson and his loony followers to go free so they could accomplish what they set out to do? He did his job, and did a very good job at it and saved a lot of lives because of it. Now, if you want to talk about "blood money", lets take a look at the thousands of conspiracy books, articles, DVD's, VHS tape, movies, etc. that people have made off the death of President Kennedy! Vince Bugliosi writes a book, and you accuse him of making "blood money" off the Manson killing. People wanted to know the facts about the Manson killings just like they do the assassination of President Kennedy! The only reason conspiracy buffs hate him is because he presents evidence that points the finger at Oswald. I swear, you people who support Oswald are as bad as the Manson family supporting Charlie. I'm surprised you guys all don't get together on Oswald's grave and sing Kum-ba-yah! OR maybe they already do that. I've seen some pretty disgusting pictures of kooks at his grave.
What would you rather he do, Gary? Allow Manson and his loony followers to go free so they could accomplish what they set out to do? He did his job, and did a very good job at it and saved a lot of lives because of it. Now, if you want to talk about "blood money", lets take a look at the thousands of conspiracy books, articles, DVD's, VHS tape, movies, etc. that people have made off the death of President Kennedy! Vince Bugliosi writes a book, and you accuse him of making "blood money" off the Manson killing. People wanted to know the facts about the Manson killings just like they do the assassination of President Kennedy! The only reason conspiracy buffs hate him is because he presents evidence that points the finger at Oswald. I swear, you people who support Oswald are as bad as the Manson family supporting Charlie. I'm surprised you guys all don't get together on Oswald's grave and sing Kum-ba-yah! OR maybe they already do that. I've seen some pretty disgusting pictures of kooks at his grave.
Still in print, making money
It's all evidence.
- Leaving his wedding ring behind at the Paine house is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Not reading the newspaper in the domino room that morning is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Going to the second floor to get a Coke when he preferred Dr. Pepper is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Not being chatty with the cab driver is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Showing reporters his handcuffed hands is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Marina thinking his eyes looked guilty is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Leaving his blue jacket in the domino room is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Leaving a clipboard on the sixth floor is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Leaving his wedding ring behind at the Paine house is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Not reading the newspaper in the domino room that morning is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Going to the second floor to get a Coke when he preferred Dr. Pepper is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Not being chatty with the cab driver is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Showing reporters his handcuffed hands is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Marina thinking his eyes looked guilty is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Leaving his blue jacket in the domino room is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
- Leaving a clipboard on the sixth floor is evidence that points toward Oswald's guilt.
Yes Iacoletti, that's all evidence that Bugliosi would present in court, you know the guy who was a famous and very successful lawyer, who are you again? LOL!
BTW you keep picking the easy low lying fruit and continuously repeat the above but you still have 45 powerful pieces of evidence that you neglect to address, why???
Still in print, making money
Big. Freaking. Deal. Vince Bugliosi is dead. I could post all kinds of JFK assassination conspiracy books that are still in print! What bearing does the fact that Helter Skelter is still in print have on ANYTHING! "Crossfire" by Jim Marrs, still in print. Rush To Judgment by Mark Lane, still in print. ANY book that was a best seller is still in print. Marrs, Lane and others are still making blood money, even though they're deceased.
don't forget smearing his opponents as "Nazis." no class at all.
Marsh is probably a Communist. Disgusting. Should be illegal.
Which is why his book is lawyer rhetoric instead of evidence.
Tell us what (Bugliosi stated) inspired him to write Reclaiming History in the first place.*
*Hint: Conspiracy theorists get all the credit
(All y'all should be proud of being so important & inspiring to him.)
Marsh is probably a Communist. Disgusting. Should be illegal.
He is as leftist liberal as they come.
Marsh is probably a Communist. Disgusting. Should be illegal.
He's definitely on the far Left and hates Trump with a passion. And like most CTers, he thinks the CIA is behind everything. Evidently, a "rogue element" at Langley killed Kennedy, but he refuses to name names. Weak.
I've seen some pretty disgusting pictures of kooks at his grave.
What's disgusting about it? Just because you think he killed somebody?
Yes Iacoletti, that's all evidence that Bugliosi would present in court, you know the guy who was a famous and very successful lawyer, who are you again? LOL!
Sorry, your hero worship isn't evidence either.
BTW you keep picking the easy low lying fruit and continuously repeat the above but you still have 45 powerful pieces of evidence that you neglect to address, why???
"Powerful pieces of evidence". LOL. Those are just the most ridiculous. But perhaps you'd like to point out what specific things you think are powerful. Here's my take.
The only items in the whole list of 53 that have any evidentiary value whatsoever in the murder of JFK are:
11. Howard Brennan's eventual identification after his "change of heart".
33. Handwriting on Klein's order coupon and PO box form and partial palm print that showed up at the FBI a week later on a card.
34. Limousine bullet fragments matched to rifle
35. Expended cartridge shells matched to rifle
36. Large brown paper bag with Oswald's prints
37. Palm print and fingerprint in sniper's nest
34, 35 implicate a weapon, not a person. It cannot be proven that the large paper bag was the one Frazier saw or that Oswald carried it into the building or that it was in the sniper's nest when it was first discovered or that it ever contained a rifle. And 37 is not remarkable because he worked there and would be expected to handle boxes.
So we're left with an inconsistent identification from a witness who was influenced by television and newspaper reports, a questionable reappearing partial print, and unscientific and biased analysis of two block letters on a photo of a microfilm copy of a two-inch order coupon.
Is this what you're calling "powerful"?
He's one of those Old School Nutjobs that's very bitter about the fact that he's nearing the expiration date of his carbon footprint so he's come to the realization that all that he's about has amounted to a tiny blip on a very large radar. We have one on here now. He fabricates like there's no tomorrow and in his case very few tomorrows. The sands of time are running out on these old wackos.
Wow, you are one despicable human being. I pity you.
He's one of those Old School Nutjobs that's very bitter about the fact that he's nearing the expiration date of his carbon footprint so he's come to the realization that all that he's about has amounted to a tiny blip on a very large radar. We have one on here now. He fabricates like there's no tomorrow and in his case very few tomorrows. The sands of time are running out on these old wackos.
The truth will not die...... But the lie must be propped up constantly. Eventually as people become indifferent, the lie will no longer be propped up, and the truth will be standing. I'm encouraged by the desperate attempts to "shoot the messenger" who bears the truth. Mr Logan never has anything constructive to contribute on the forum.... But he's always prepared to try to discredit the message by smearing the messenger.
What's disgusting about it? Just because you think he killed somebody?
Hey John....When you knelt there by Lee's grave did he whisper to you that he saw Jarman and Norman come in to the first floor shipping room at about 12:27?.....
Hey, little snowflake is back. Anybody hurt your feeling lately?
You certainly didn't and couldn't. Your comments are flat out rude, that's all. But, then again, rudeness remains your only contribution to this forum.
You certainly didn't and couldn't. Your comments are flat out rude, that's all. But, then again, rudeness remains your only contribution to this forum.
rudeness remains your only contribution to this forum.
You can't expect anything else from Mr Logan..... He has nothing to refute the information presented, so he can only attack the messenger.
As opposed to the crap you spew out here? You're the biggest liar on here. Now you have Princess Sallyass stepping up for you. GMAFB
Right on que....... Dangle a lure and the sucker will hook himself every time......
Right on que....... Dangle a lure and the sucker will hook himself every time......
Ok children, behave yourselves. Read the title of the thread.
Yes Iacoletti, that's all evidence that Bugliosi would present in court, you know the guy who was a famous and very successful lawyer, who are you again? LOL!
BTW you keep picking the easy low lying fruit and continuously repeat the above but you still have 45 powerful pieces of evidence that you neglect to address, why???
Mytton is so besotted with Bugliosi that it is kinda creepy....
you know the guy who was a famous and very successful lawyer,
Would that be the same guy who, in 1972 and 1976, ran twice for Los Angeles County District Attorney and lost?
Mytton is so besotted with Bugliosi that it is kinda creepy....
you know the guy who was a famous and very successful lawyer,
Would that be the same guy who, in 1972 and 1976, ran twice for Los Angeles County District Attorney and lost?
Interesting take on "Reclaiming History"
Bugliosi Fails to Resuscitate the Single-Bullet Theory
by Jerry McKnight
"In its own unique way Reclaiming History is a masterful prosecution brief. But in his crusading zeal to reclaim the Warren Commission for History the author has allowed his critical faculties to go on French leave. His command and understanding of the relevant facts surrounding the single-bullet theory are so minimal that it approaches the vanishing point. Perhaps we should expect this given his profession in the law. Lawyers are paid for parading experts before juries, not for presenting the evidence.
When it comes to the single-bullet explanation all of the convincing evidence and testimony is stacked against Bugliosi. "
You think a judge would set a standard of proof that required time travel or everything claimed must be captured on high-definition film with sound?
No, just the usual "beyond a reasonable doubt".