JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Tom Pickering on October 19, 2018, 04:32:43 AM

Title: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Tom Pickering on October 19, 2018, 04:32:43 AM
Here is a synopsis of what I believe about the JFK Assassination.  First of all, the actual Assassin of JFK was Jackie Kennedy his wife, sitting next to him inside the Limousine.  Governor John Connally was a co-conspirator in that he was Jackie's handler, telling her what to do in the moments leading up to the assassination.  But this is just the beginning of trying to understand the mystery of this assassination.  By my definition,everybody inside the Limousine, except for JFK himself of course, had to know about the assassination in advance.  Most people inside of the Motorcade also had to know about the assassination in advance. This was big Conspiracy, involving a lot of people.  The CIA organized and set up the assassination.  This was a 100% CIA operation.  As for the why, I do not know this but I suspect that JFK was about to do something using his authority as POTUS that a lot of people in the Deep State did not want to happen.  One major theory of mine is that Kennedy was determined to break up the CIA itself, as he threatened to do.  So the CIA went into a lethal mode to protect itself from being destroyed.  It conspired with the U.S. Secret Service to allow a Sitting U.S. President who was a dangerous wild card to the CIA to be assassinated and replaced by a man who was fully corrupt, LBJ.  LBJ was a friend of the CIA, unlike JFK.  So they just killed him and replaced him.  Problem solved.  I invite people to comment on this.  I am prepared to use the frames of the Zapruder film itself as evidence of my theory, which I believe to be truth.  What I want is for Justice to come to those who were behind this Assassination and for JFK to get the Justice he has been denied up to this day.
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: John Mytton on October 19, 2018, 04:38:38 AM
Here is a synopsis of what I believe about the JFK Assassination.  First of all, the actual Assassin of JFK was Jackie Kennedy is wife, sitting next to him inside the Limousine.  Governor John Connally was a co-conspirator in that he was Jackie's handler, telling her what to do in the moments leading up to the assassination.  But this is just the beginning of trying to understand the mystery of this assassination.  By my definition,everybody inside the Limousine, except for JFK himself of course, had to know about the assassination in advance.  Most people inside of the Motorcade also had to know about the assassination in advance. This was big Conspiracy, involving a lot of people.  The CIA organized and set up the assassination.  This was a 100% CIA operation.  As for the why, I do not know this but I suspect that JFK was about to do something using his authority as POTUS that a lot of people in the Deep State did not want to happen.  One major theory of mine is that Kennedy was determined to break up the CIA itself, as he threatened to do.  So the CIA went into a lethal mode to protect itself from being destroyed.  It conspired with the U.S. Secret Service to allow a Sitting U.S. President who was dangerous wild card to the CIA to be assassinated and replaced by a man who was fully corrupt, LBJ.  LBJ was a friend of the CIA, unlike JFK.  So they just killed him and replaced him.  Problem solved.  I invite people to comment on this.  I am prepared to use the frames of the Zapruder film itself as evidence of my theory, which I believe to be truth.  What I want is for Justice to come to those who were behind this Assassination and for JFK to get the Justice he has been denied up to this day.

Governor John Connally was a co-conspirator in that he was Jackie's handler


Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Tom Pickering on October 19, 2018, 04:45:20 AM
In my theory, Secret Service Agent Clint Hill was a co-conspirator who allowed Jackie to murder JFK in cold blood and did absolutely nothing to try to stop it.  He covered up for Jackie after the assassination. 
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Jerry Freeman on October 19, 2018, 10:58:26 AM
No...the way I heard it is that First Lady Wannabe--- Ladybird Johnson hired a double to ride with the VP and it was her behind the picket fence.
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Tom Pickering on October 19, 2018, 12:14:05 PM
Although I am completely new on the forum, I am not new to the internet.  I am not new to childish sarcastic attacks on the truth such as the one that was made above me.  Quite the contrary.  I have experienced them everywhere on the internet.  I have come to expect that whenever I go anywhere and tell the truth about anything, I will be subject to such immature childish attacks, which are actually very revealing about the people making the attacks.  For example, the person who attacked me above did not address any of the points I made very eloquently to state why that I believe Jackie is the assassin of her own husband.  He just mocked and ridiculed and dissmissed the entire concept of what I was saying without addressing it as a factual possibility at all.  I am well accustomed to such tactics.  This is not just happening on this forum.  It is happening everywhere across the internet. Why is it that truth is hated and mocked and ridiculed in this world and lies and deception and ignorance are promoted so strongly, especially inside America?  This topic goes far beyond the JFK assassination.  It goes to the heart of what American society is.  America is supposed to be the most technically advanced country in the world, and perhaps we are that, but spirtually (which another way of saying truthfully) it is my experience that the American people are the most ignorant and deceived people on earth, who are so brainwashed that they no longer care about truth.  Truth to them is what the mass herd of people believe it to be.  They do not think for themselves.  They do not question.  Their minds are like closed boxes and they are unable to think.  All they can do is jump on the bandwagon of what someone else has given them to believe.  As someone who cares about truth, I am greatly dismayed at what I see in the vast majority of American people.  I consider myself a truth sayer who is trying to wake people up, but its almost impossible to wake up most Americans in this day and age.  We live in an age of deception, where deception is truth and actual truth is attacked and degraded as "Fake News" and "Conspiracy Theories" to be mocked and ridiculed by such fine people as Jerry Freeman.  I find this extremely sad.  I do not expect anything I say here to make one bit of a difference in the big scheme of things, but I think it is important to state what I believe to be the truth.  Here is the truth about the JFK assassination that goes far beyond the assassination itself:  America in 2018 is a very heavily deceived society, where lies are promoted as truth, and actual truth has become lies.  American society itself is a lie.  It can only continue to exist if the American people believe all the lies they have been told.  So the liars and deceivers and mockers and ridiculers are king in American society and people who only want the truth to be known are mocked and belittled and put down.  This is the truth and yet I will certainly be mocked and ridiculed even for saying these words by those who hate and despise the truth.  As I said before, I am fully willing to back up what I said about the JFK assassination with actual evidence, the Zapruder film itself.  I consider it a great and worthy caused to spread truth and back it up with evidence, and let the mockers and ridiculers do what they do best.  Of course Jerry Freeman is a Hero Member of this forum.  I would expect nothing less.
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Ray Mitcham on October 19, 2018, 01:22:38 PM


Hey, it  seems Mytton is a conspiracy believer after all.
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on October 19, 2018, 05:10:00 PM
Well, before the forum restart, Patrick Jackson had a thread on Jackie having hidden blood cannons in her purse.
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Tom Pickering on October 19, 2018, 05:15:30 PM
All the Heroes of the JFK Assassination Forum are coming out to welcome the new arrival in their midst.  I feel honored to be getting a Hero's welcome here.  Are there any other Heroes among you wanting to lay your heroic sarcasm and contempt at my feet?  Come on out.  We'll have a party to celebrate the evil of Lee Harvey Oswald and spit in the face of truth.
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Tom Pickering on October 19, 2018, 06:18:48 PM
Since the Heroes have stopped coming out the woodwork to lay their acid sarcasm on my thread, I will start to delve into the details of what I believe to be the truth that completely contradicts the explanation that Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin of JFK.  The evidence I have to present is the Zapruder film itself.  Before I get started, I just want to say that we all owe a great debt of gratitude to Mr. Abraham Zapruder for filming the JFK Assassination.  Had he not done so, there would be no reason to doubt the official explanation that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK.  It is only because Abraham Zapruder gave us an eye witness view of the assassination that we, some fifty odd years later, can see with our own eyes who killed JFK that completely contradicts the official story.  Specifially, Zapruder gives us an eye witness view inside of the Limousine so we can see the assassination take place as if it were happening just yesterday instead of way back in 1963.  It is amazing what a person can understand just from watching this scene as it plays out, as we will come to find out.  First, please find a stabalized version of the Zapruder film, one that does not jerk around making it hard to see what is happening.  You can find these on Youtube.  Find a slow motion version of the film also.  It helps to be able to view the scene in slow motion so you can clearly see what is happening inside the Limousine.  In my explanation, the entire assassination happens inside the Limousine, so its important to clearly see what is happening inside of it before, during and after the assassination.  The Zapruder film tells a story very different from that of Lee Harvey Oswald being the assassin, which I will cover in detail.  Stay tuned. 
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on October 19, 2018, 06:30:34 PM
Is this going to be another one of those "here's what I think I see in the Zapruder film" arguments?
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Tom Pickering on October 19, 2018, 06:38:31 PM
I have a hero in my midst who cares not about the truth but about defending and keeping alive the legend that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered JFK.  Well, hero, whatever it turns out to be, it will be a milion times closer to the truth than any of the disinformation on this forum.  Why don't you let me speak my mind without butting in?  Let the rubes hear some truth for a change.  Would that be the end of the world?  I know you cannot wait to attack and ridicule and mock everything I say.  That is well understood.  I do not ask for your approval about anything I say.  Just let me speak my piece in my own thread without you excrementing all over it with your obvious sarcasm and contempt.  Can you do that, Hero? 
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Nicholas Turner on October 19, 2018, 07:04:25 PM
I'm sure we've all seen the stabilised, slow motion Zapruder film (yes, even me). What is it we have missed in your view?
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Rob Caprio on October 19, 2018, 07:38:18 PM
Since the Heroes have stopped coming out the woodwork to lay their acid sarcasm on my thread, I will start to delve into the details of what I believe to be the truth that completely contradicts the explanation that Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin of JFK.  The evidence I have to present is the Zapruder film itself.  Before I get started, I just want to say that we all owe a great debt of gratitude to Mr. Abraham Zapruder for filming the JFK Assassination.  Had he not done so, there would be no reason to doubt the official explanation that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK.  It is only because Abraham Zapruder gave us an eye witness view of the assassination that we, some fifty odd years later, can see with our own eyes who killed JFK that completely contradicts the official story.  Specifially, Zapruder gives us an eye witness view inside of the Limousine so we can see the assassination take place as if it were happening just yesterday instead of way back in 1963.  It is amazing what a person can understand just from watching this scene as it plays out, as we will come to find out.  First, please find a stabalized version of the Zapruder film, one that does not jerk around making it hard to see what is happening.  You can find these on Youtube.  Find a slow motion version of the film also.  It helps to be able to view the scene in slow motion so you can clearly see what is happening inside the Limousine.  In my explanation, the entire assassination happens inside the Limousine, so its important to clearly see what is happening inside of it before, during and after the assassination.  The Zapruder film tells a story very different from that of Lee Harvey Oswald being the assassin, which I will cover in detail.  Stay tuned.

I am not here to ridicule anyone's beliefs. I have supported others when they made claims that seemed outrageous (i.e. Patrick Jackson saying that JFK didn't die at all) so I am open to hearing alternate theories.

One thing that you should know is that this is not the original forum as the old version was hacked in the beginning of the year. On the old forum I had posted several series that showed unequivocally that the official story is totally false. One of the series had 464 posts and in a number of them I presented research that went outside the box (i.e. two posts looked at the issue of Jack Ruby using blanks on LHO, Marina Oswald having a double, LHO never spent time on Neeley Street, etc...) so I am not against this type of stuff.

I reposted over 300 of them on this new version before they were deleted because the LNers complained repeatedly about them spamming the board. Keep that in mind when you use the search feature. It doesn't represent all that has been discussed here over the years (the original forum began in 2009).

With all that being said, I am a person that believes in supporting evidence. I don't just hold the LNers to this standard, but I also hold myself and other CTers to this standard. I have had disagreements with other CTers because they offered a theory and then when questioned about it and asked to provide supporting evidence they began to get rude. If we CTers present a theory as the truth or a fact then we need to support it with evidence otherwise we are no better than the WC.

To claim something is the truth is bold, and there should be firm supporting evidence for it. Be prapared to cite your evidence. I would also recommend that you use the carriage return as these very long paragraphs tend to make people skip what you are saying. Don't be Richard Smith.

The first question that comes to mind is -- why would Jackie do this? I am not aware of her killing anyone so to put a gun to her husband's head and pull the trigger is a big deal. I have other questions, but I will wait to see your answer to this one.
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Rob Caprio on October 19, 2018, 07:44:43 PM
I have a hero in my midst who cares not about the truth but about defending and keeping alive the legend that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered JFK.  Well, hero, whatever it turns out to be, it will be a milion times closer to the truth than any of the disinformation on this forum.  Why don't you let me speak my mind without butting in?  Let the rubes hear some truth for a change.  Would that be the end of the world?  I know you cannot wait to attack and ridicule and mock everything I say.  That is well understood.  I do not ask for your approval about anything I say.  Just let me speak my piece in my own thread without you excrementing all over it with your obvious sarcasm and contempt.  Can you do that, Hero?

You talk about others who use sarcasm and then you do the same thing. We have no control over the ranks of the board so why are you referencing them?

The truth is a vague term as different people can see a different truth. That is why supporting evidence is key.
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on October 19, 2018, 08:13:08 PM
I have a hero in my midst who cares not about the truth but about defending and keeping alive the legend that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered JFK.

 :D  You're new around here, aren't you?

Just let me speak my piece in my own thread without you excrementing all over it with your obvious sarcasm and contempt.  Can you do that, Hero?

Who's stopping you?
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Bill Chapman on October 19, 2018, 08:32:56 PM
Is this going to be another one of those "here's what I think I see in the Zapruder film" arguments?

What did you see in the Zapruder film, John?
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on October 19, 2018, 08:34:56 PM
What did you see in the Zapruder film, John?

I don't see a guy getting shot by his wife, but I'm looking forward to seeing Mr. Pickering's evidence.
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Bill Chapman on October 19, 2018, 08:42:47 PM
I have a hero in my midst who cares not about the truth but about defending and keeping alive the legend that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered JFK.  Well, hero, whatever it turns out to be, it will be a milion times closer to the truth than any of the disinformation on this forum.  Why don't you let me speak my mind without butting in?  Let the rubes hear some truth for a change.  Would that be the end of the world?  I know you cannot wait to attack and ridicule and mock everything I say.  That is well understood.  I do not ask for your approval about anything I say.  Just let me speak my piece in my own thread without you excrementing all over it with your obvious sarcasm and contempt.  Can you do that, Hero?

Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Mark A. Oblazney on October 19, 2018, 09:01:45 PM
Before I go read what the trolls left on my post, I want to say this.  I entered the word "Jackie" in the Search bar and pressed the search button in the upper right hand corner of this web site to see if anyone else in this huge forum dedicated to the JFK Assassination was saying anything similar to what I am saying by stating that Jackie was the murderer of her own husband.  Do you know what I found?  No?  Well, I will tell you.  I found that of all the people posting here, not one single person other than me has come within ten miles of saying what I am saying here.  So, what can we infer from this?  One possibility of course is that I am either deranged or a Troll who is telling a lie that nobody else would ever believe to be true, so of course nobody else would ever say what I am saying here.  But that is not the reason.  The reason why nobody else here is coming even close to the truth about who actually killed JFK is that this entire forum is ONLY dedicated to discussing the fantasy that Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin of JFK.  Why, his picture is even shown in the right hand upper corner of the web site to remind us all who killed JFK.  That is a given.  That is an assumption.  We are not to question that assumption.  We are to embrace it and delve into the fine details of that assumption while completely ignoring the truth of who killed JFK.  In a forum like this, I am an unwanted heretic.  My voice and my point of view is definately not wanted here.  I can understand that.  But maybe, just maybe, my point of view needs to be heard in a place like this. I am no friend of Jews, as the person above me pointed out, but, that aside, if you will allow me to stay here without banning me or censoring me, I promise that I will stick to only telling the truth about the JFK Assassination as I believe it to be.  I will let people see what I say and make up their mind whether or not I am a lying deceiver or a person who is honestly telling the truth.  Like I said, all I care about is telling the truth and wanting others to know the truth.  This place needs to hear what I have to say, if you will allow me to say it.  I believe that at least some members of this forum would like to actually know the truth about the JFK assassination, and I mean to tell it, if I am allowed to stay here.  I know who runs this web site, so I guess it will be up to them if I am allowed to state my case without censorship or harrassment or not. As a person who wants to tell truth, I know I have a lot of enemies here, but do I have any allies here at all?  If I do, please let me know I am not alone.
I'm with you, my brother.  To delve into this deeper, google 'mark o'blazney meet culto', and there you shall find the majestry (some shameless self-promotion there_
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Walt Cakebread on October 19, 2018, 09:08:34 PM
I'm with you, my brother.  To delve into this deeper, google 'mark o'blazney meet culto', and there you shall find the majestry (some shameless self-promotion there_

I am saying by stating that Jackie was the murderer of her own husband.

You need help....  If Jackie were bent on murdering Jack.... Do you really believe she would shoot him while parading in front of hundreds of witnesses??
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on October 19, 2018, 09:09:43 PM
Hell hath no fury...
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Bill Chapman on October 19, 2018, 09:25:34 PM
I don't see a guy getting shot by his wife, but I'm looking forward to seeing Mr. Pickering's evidence.

I asked what you did see...
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on October 19, 2018, 09:31:17 PM
I asked what you did see...

Is there a point to this?
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Walt Cakebread on October 19, 2018, 09:32:39 PM
Hell hath no fury...

Does Jackie look "furious" to you as she smiles and waves her gun free hands at the crowd?
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Martin Weidmann on October 19, 2018, 09:33:19 PM
Is there a point to this?

With Chapman there normally isn't, but then you already know this, right?
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Bill Chapman on October 19, 2018, 10:10:07 PM
Is there a point to this?

So no opinion on what happened in the limo. Got it.
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on October 19, 2018, 10:27:30 PM
So no opinion on what happened in the limo. Got it.

No point -- just the usual disruption.  Got it.
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Colin Crow on October 19, 2018, 11:37:22 PM
The OP made my brain hurt.....

Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Walt Cakebread on October 20, 2018, 12:01:25 AM
So no opinion on what happened in the limo. Got it.

Chappi Ol chum.... Why do you frequently use the SA term ...  "got It"?  When in fact you don't "get it".....
Title: Re: My Expose of the JFK Assassination
Post by: Royell Storing on October 20, 2018, 08:46:27 PM
Well, before the forum restart, Patrick Jackson had a thread on Jackie having hidden blood cannons in her purse.

     You neglected to mention his Plot Twist involving the "body switch" on the way to Parkland Hosp.