JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: John Mytton on December 20, 2018, 05:31:50 AM
Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
The Croft photo was taken 3.5 seconds before we see both Kennedy and Connally along with Connally's billowing Jacket all reacting simultaneously.
Now, I'm not claiming that the following positions and angles are exact but for the sake of comparison they are close enough and I reckon that it looks like there is enough fabric to be bunched up to hit the mark that Specter indicates.
Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
If this was a poll, my answer would be Yes.
Of course, this would not be a good subject of a poll since the answer is so obvious.
Except to a CTer, since accepting his simple fact discards a favorite ?Proof? that the SBT is impossible.
Well that is one (the most obvious IMO) of the reasons the MBT is a fiction.
the obvious hole in JFK's shirt being WAY too low.
There are many others
how about the eyewitness evidence of a convinced Governor Connolly?
other members of the WC had serious doubts and refused to "sign off" on it at all.
when you find yourself upside down trying to make something fit.
Perhaps it's just the wrong dang size
Well that is one (the most obvious IMO) of the reasons the MBT is a fiction.
the obvious hole in JFK's shirt being WAY too low.
Are you saying Kennedy's shirts didn't bunch? Try again!
well, a full fledged member of the WC doesn't believe it
and nor did the sitting president of the US.
but If you goofs want to believe it
go ahead
you guys are more WC than the actual WC
:D :D :D :D
Yes the bullets hit simultaneously but are not the same bullet.
One hits JFK in the throat from the front
the other hits GC
GC swears to this numerous times and under oath - it was NOT the same bullet.
IMO the rear shooter is firing an semi-automatic rifle.
perhaps the new m16 with scope from the roof of the records building?Hits GC's right shoulder.Another shot ricochet off the limo and hits GC wrist and embeds in right thigh.3rd shot hits kennedy's upper back (3rd thoracic vertebrae) 4th shot hits between the men and strikes the upper windshield frame falling somewhere inside the vehicle and the last shot misses completely landing near the underpass.
yes a hypothetical
well, a full fledged member of the WC doesn't believe it
and nor did the sitting president of the US.
but If you goofs want to believe it
go ahead
you guys are more WC than the actual WC
:D :D :D :D
You just can't just admit that your shirt assumption was proven wrong and move on, so like a typical Kook I hurt your little fweelings and out comes the "how about this" and the inevitable insults. Yawn.
Btw Russell and Johnson didn't have the benefit of 55 years of technical advancement, many real world recreations, stabilized film, alternating gifs and CGI simulations but whatever, just keep your head stuck in the sand and live your fantasy.
well, a full fledged member of the WC doesn't believe it
Shockingly irresponsible, Russell only attended 6 out of the 94 hearings, having more important things to do at the time, namely, being the leader in the Senate of the South?s opposition to the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In fairness to Russell, he did write a letter to Johnson on February 24, 1964, saying that because of his ?legislative duties,? he did not have enough time to serve on the Commission, but Warren ignored the letter, and Russell continued to serve. (Fite, Richard B. Russell, pp. 406, 416, 421) Chief Justice Warren, who was busier and had more responsibilities outside the Commission than anyone else on the Commission, had the best attendance record, commendably attending all or a portion of all 94 hearings. Representative Gerald Ford had the next best attendance record, showing up at 70 of the 94 hearings. Dulles attended 60, and McCloy 35. (Meagher, Accessories after the Fact, p. xxx
One hits JFK in the throat from the front
Ha Ha Ha, absolutely bloody brilliant, set up your Patsy from behind and have a sniper in front. DOH!
could be worst comeback ever
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
3 post's in a row? why so angry?
You are frustrated because I am using WC witnesses,members and evidence
against your case.
what say you regarding the evidence I have pointed out?
Senator Russell was busy? thats it? you must do better than that. :D
"CGI simulations" LMFAO stop stop please is this a bit? :D :D :D
could be worst comeback ever
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
3 post's in a row? why so angry?
Hilarious, as you spiral out of control your escalating and excessive use of emoticons is a dead giveaway that you have subconsciously accepted defeat, Thanks. Your work is done!
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
yep, you won!
Well Done
could be worst comeback ever
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
3 post's in a row? why so angry?
You are frustrated because I am using WC witnesses,members and evidence
against your case.
what say you regarding the evidence I have pointed out?
Senator Russell was busy? thats it? you must do better than that. :D
"CGI simulations" LMFAO stop stop please is this a bit? :D :D :D
3 post's in a row? why so angry?
Hang on Eddie, you're the one who keeps editing and adding to your posts, all I'm doing is refuting your increasing pile of regurgitated garbage, but keep it up, I love laughing at Clowns.
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
yep, you won!
Well Done
It's not a competition, it only happened one way.
The magic bullet?
Its the weakest part of your entire case.
I dont know why you'd bring it up
the evidence against the THEORY is overwhelming
The WR truly is the worlds biggest hoax
and as I have proven you maniacs are
more WC than the actual WC
I don't think I'm about to change your mind
It is funny watching you guys try and make sense of it.
Hey, I know, we could use some
"real world recreations, stabilized film, alternating gifs and CGI simulations"
and then it would all make sense
The magic bullet?
Its the weakest part of your entire case.
I dont know why you'd bring it up
the evidence against the THEORY is overwhelming
The WR truly is the worlds biggest hoax
and as I have proven you maniacs are
more WC than the actual WC
I don't think I'm about to change your mind
It is funny watching you guys try and make sense of it.
Hey, I know, we could use some
"real world recreations, stabilized film, alternating gifs and CGI simulations"
and then it would all make sense
Sorry Eddie, no more of your unprovable worthless assertions, you already admitted defeat, Fcuk off!
WHOA, Johnny boy
better better, your comebacks are getting more sensical
I thought you said it wasn't a competition? :-[
you dont agree with me - but you keep re-posting everything I say
johnny you are so funny :D :D :D :D
your case is a loser bud - It's a Donkey
If you take a donkey and some rope.
then tie it from its leg and hang it from the roof
then stick a feather in its butt
it's still a donkey
WHOA, Johnny boy
better better, your comebacks are getting more sensical
I thought you said it wasn't a competition? :-[
you dont agree with me - but you keep re-posting everything I say
johnny you are so funny :D :D :D :D
your case is a loser bud - It's a Donkey
How quaint, you've got no evidence to dispute the OP so here we go with even more amateur Ad Hom's, Yawn!
If you take a donkey and some rope.
then tie it from its leg and hang it from the roof
then stick a feather in its butt
it's still a donkey
How predictable, whenever you Kooks run out of ideas out comes the Ad Homs and the "funny" pictures, nice one Einstein!
Hey will you stop reposting all my hilarious posts?
bout ta hit you with a copyright infringement
Why do you keep putting yo name at the bottom?
we know who you are MF'er.
EddieH - look how important I am
Hey will you stop reposting all my hilarious posts?
Why do you keep putting yo name at the bottom?
we know who you are MF'er.
Hey will you stop reposting all my hilarious posts?
Well we're getting somewhere, you agree that your posts are really not that funny, good.
Why do you keep putting yo name at the bottom?
Because I want to.
we know who you are MF'er.
No you don't, you don't know Spotty Avocada!
Again comeback - terrible
you gonna have to work at this Johnny
you are not good at this.
Did you want to speak to GC's testimony regarding the shots?
What say you?
Again comeback - terrible
you gonna have to work at this Johnny
you are not good at this.
Did you want to speak to GC's testimony regarding the shots?
What say you?
Again comeback - terrible
Again your opinion - worthless.
you gonna have to work at this Johnny
I'm still waiting for you to refute the OP, but all you want to do is show us is how depressingly unfunny you are.
you are not good at this.
So to be good at this I have to post pictures of "donkeys" and that's how you think you got good? What a wanker!
Did you want to speak to GC's testimony regarding the shots?
How about you refute the OP, then we can discuss more stuff that you don't understand.
It's not a competition, it only happened one way.
It's not a competition,
Well, it seems to you it is. Why else would you have written;
you already admitted defeat,
Sorry Eddie, no more of your unprovable worthless assertions, you already admitted defeat, Fcuk off!
You can't keep up the pretense for long, can you now, Johnny?
Just saying?..
It's no longer the SBT it's the SBFact.
It's no longer the SBT it's the SBFact.
Just like the "THEORY of relativity", until such time as the SBT can be replicated/duplicated in reality, it can Not be labeled as "Fact".
It's no longer the SBT it's the SBFact.
Something that's based on all sorts of assumptions somehow is a fact to you? ???
Something that's based on all sorts of assumptions somehow is a fact to you? ???
These are the lengths they have to go in order to sell the SBT. Falsely declaring Harry Potter and The Matrix worthy material as being "Fact". BS:
It's not a competition,
Well, it seems to you it is. Why else would you have written;
you already admitted defeat,
You can't keep up the pretense for long, can you now, Johnny?
Just saying?..
Marty, you're comparing 2 events which are non congruous.
The competition I was clearly refering to was never between two debaters but to what actually happened which has already been proven beyond all doubt by the overwhelming evidence and as pointed out, the sbf only happened one way so logically there is no other alternative and therefore in a one horse race there can be no competition and has zero do do with your doppelganger Eddie conceding that yes in fact I had already won.
Caprio once claimed that JFK's clothes couldn't bunch because he wore expensive, tailored made suits from Brooks Brothers. You can't make that kind of comedy gold up. The pictures clearly provide the answer but CTers never let the facts get in the way of a far out fantasy.
Caprio once claimed that JFK's clothes couldn't bunch because he wore expensive, tailored made suits from Brooks Brothers. You can't make that kind of comedy gold up. The pictures clearly provide the answer but CTers never let the facts get in the way of a far out fantasy.
I can understand the "coat bunching". What does Not make sense is the bullet hole in the coat Matching up with the bullet hole in JFK's dress shirt. How many of you have worn a dress shirt anchored by a tie and had that dress shirt "bunch up"? This does Not happen.
Just like the "THEORY of relativity", until such time as the SBT can be replicated/duplicated in reality, it can Not be labeled as "Fact".
Where in the video is the replication?
Where in the video is the replication?
Not available for streaming according to PBS.
Not available for streaming according to PBS.
So what's the point of providing a link to a video that doesn't support your claim?
So what's the point of providing a like to a video that doesn't support your claim?
It does
It does
In your dreams... just more theory by some "experts"...
Makes good tv but is no different to the Dale Myers cartoon.
Usually, something happens because it is probable...or at least it is possible.
In the case of the Magic Bullet... it was proclaimed that it happened so therefore it is possible no matter how improbable that it may seem.
Jerry Freeman
In your dreams... just more theory by some "experts"...
Makes good tv but is no different to the Dale Myers cartoon.
That's right. Both prove the SBF.
That's right. Both prove the SBF.
Keep the faith, Oscar, because that's all you've got..
Oh well, at least we now know what you consider to be "proof".... :D
It does
There is absolutely Nothing in the Link which in Reality corroborates the Lack of Damage to the bullet involved in the SBT. None
A one-inch high bunch (which uses two-inches of material in total) is enough to raise the jacket so it accommodates the SBT entrance. The shirt isn't visible but it was similarly displaced. The jacket and shirt have a 1/8" difference in the height of the hole.
No actual proof is being offered as to the alleged shirt bunching. Saying it did is merely verbiage. And as usual, the visual aid shows the bullet exiting JFK through his sternum.
All you guys do is shout people down .
you cannot deny the fact Senator Russell thought it was unbelievable himself
and so did the sitting president of the united states
who QUICKLY agree's
you've all heard the telephone call
you guy's are holier than the pope himself, Its laughable
lone nutters are the minority now
and getting smaller everyday
Wasn't the final legal verdict on the assasination a probable conspiracy?
Marty, you're comparing 2 events which are non congruous.
The competition I was clearly refering to was never between two debaters but to what actually happened which has already been proven beyond all doubt by the overwhelming evidence and as pointed out, the sbf only happened one way so logically there is no other alternative and therefore in a one horse race there can be no competition and has zero do do with your doppelganger Eddie conceding that yes in fact I had already won.
The competition I was clearly refering to was never between two debaters
Of course it wasn't....pfffff :D. You've been playing this game for years, so pull the other one, Johnny!
what actually happened which has already been proven beyond all doubt by the overwhelming evidence
In your not so modest opinion, of course....
the sbf only happened one way so logically there is no other alternative
There's nothing logical about claiming something happened one way when you can't prove it and the alternative is simply that it didn't happen at all.
in a one horse race there can be no competition
Very true, but in your kind of one horse race, your horse always loses.... why is that?
Eddie conceding that yes in fact I had already won.
I'm sure your ego got a boost from that one. Too bad the sarcasm went over your head.
Please stop drawing your fancy computer pictures
and illustrated diagrams
why don't you use the WR diagrams?
they are my favourites
It is widely accepted the bullet entered at or about
the third thoracic vertebrae
"The President's death certificate places the wound at the third thoracic vertebra, which corresponds to the holes in the coat and shirt. This document was also marked verified."
Thats 5-6 inches down from the collar folks
please do this for me at home and get your partner to put their finger on your back there.Then try to explain how that bullet travels through to your neck and without smashing the spinal column.please try this at home.Feel how LOW that is?
FBI says 21 degrees down angle from the TSBD
At autopsy the Dr could feel the bottom of the back wound with his pinky finger
forget about this "bunched shirt bologna" lets not re-invent the wheel
We know exactly where the wound was - another LN'er red herring
case closed - weak sauce
Bunched or not bunched the SBT is impossible and unsupportable.
It's no longer the SBT it's the SBFact.
You can't even support the contention that LHO used an alias, but you claim that the SBT is fact!. Hilarious.
Caprio once claimed that JFK's clothes couldn't bunch because he wore expensive, tailored made suits from Brooks Brothers. You can't make that kind of comedy gold up. The pictures clearly provide the answer but CTers never let the facts get in the way of a far out fantasy.
I never said that his expensive clothes came from Brooks Brothers. Fibber.
DVP always said "comedy gold" too. At least I have given you a "belly laugh". Speaking of making things up -- SBT.
Bunch or no bunch the SBT is impossible and unsupportable.
lone nutters are the minority now
and getting smaller everyday
I see no evidence that LNers are currently losing ground.
LNers are not the only ones who have been in the minority for a long time.
People who believed that slavery should be abolished in the United States were in the minority for decades, over two centuries. Right up to 1865.
People who believed that the Earth moves were in the minority.
Having a majority of the people in America who believe the Theory of Evolution is true is in jeopardy if he hasn?t already been lost.
What impresses me is not how few people believed the Earth moved 350 years ago. What impresses me is that the minority who did were the ones who really studied the matter and approached problems with logic and the Scientific Method.
Today the people who really know what they are talking about, who conduct real world ballistic tests, the ballistic experts, all find the Single Bullet Theory to be very plausible and most likely true. People like Luke and Michael Haag.
After over 50 years, CTers have not found a single Ballistic expert who thinks otherwise. A person who conducts real life ballistic tests and is called upon to present his evidence in court. Not in the U. S. Not in Canada. Not in Europe, or Japan, or India, or anywhere.
So, it doesn?t matter how many people who never conduct ballistic tests believe the SBT is false, or how many people who don?t know what a telescope is believe the Earth is stationary. I won?t begin to bulge from my opinion until CTers can produce a ballistic expert who thinks the SBT is wrong.
Slavery? are you kidding?
A bit dramatic, jeez you're not a martyr
we are the ones trying to expose this enormous and obvious lie (WR)
No evidence you're losing ground?
Go back and read this whole thread
You don't have to budge though bud
You don't care how many people disagree?
Not even one of the commissioners or the president himself so...
I cannot trump that - but nor can you
BTW the magic bullet is not science - its magic
The house select committee on assassinations believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee was unable to identify the other gunmen or the extent of the conspiracy.
There it is from your US Government
Can you guys stop flogging this dead donkey?
The house select committee on assassinations believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee was unable to identify the other gunmen or the extent of the conspiracy.
There it is from your US Government
Do you know why the committee delivered that finding? Have you wondered why that finding is very rarely brought up in discussions even by devout CTs?
pray tell
All you guys do is shout people down .
you cannot deny the fact Senator Russell thought it was unbelievable himself
and so did the sitting president of the united states
who QUICKLY agree's
you've all heard the telephone call
you guy's are holier than the pope himself, Its laughable
lone nutters are the minority now
and getting smaller everyday
Wasn't the final legal verdict on the assasination a probable conspiracy?
You need to add Dr. Humes to your list of SBT Non-Believers.
I mean how credible is that?
Senator Richard Russell?
Not exactly a civil rights advocate
an old friend of LBJ's
He still cannot bring himself to sign off on that BS
I mean how credible is that?
Senator Richard Russell?
Not exactly a civil rights advocate
an old friend of LBJ's
He still cannot bring himself to sign off on that BS
LBJ made sure he stacked the WC. His ace-in-the-hole being Gerry Ford. Ford moved the location of JFK's back wound and was the FBI/Hoover's eyes and ears inside the WC. No job was too big or too small for this soon to be appointed President.
Since the jacket has been shown to have bunched up -- and the shirt had a similar pattern of displacement, as the bullet holes in the jacket and shirt demonstrate -- then the shirt must have been bunched up. The shirt being lighter material, it was probably bunched up near the shirt collar in a series of wrinkles. The jacket was of denser material and bunched up in a single bunch.
The sternum (which somewhat resembles a necktie) is clearly below the exit site shown in the line drawing.
Ford thought the initial description (something like above the shoulder) was too vague (sounds to me like it could even be read as a missed shot). Ford convinced the other Commissioners to employ a description that better reflected what was in the autopsy report. Nothing was "moved." It's a little incidental thing that really captured the imagination of the conspiracy-minded.
Who/What is the source of your "....ABOVE the shoulder" initial description of the BACK Wound? Unless that is referencing a different/additional wound, that description is Not in close proximity to the BACK wound notated on the autopsy face sheet and photographed at the autopsy. Oh, and who wears the knot in their necktie BELOW the collar bone? Hilarious visual aid chicanery.
A one-inch high bunch (which uses two-inches of material in total) is enough to raise the jacket so it accommodates the SBT entrance. The shirt isn't visible but it was similarly displaced. The jacket and shirt have a 1/8" difference in the height of the hole.
Bump as to visual aid sternum exit wound.
So you don't know the context and rationale behind Ford's concern over the initial wording? You're just mindlessly aping Ford's "moving" the back wound location because it suits your bias.
The initial wording (that Ford and the other Commissioners decided to make more accurate) was so vague it could have been taken as being away from the actual wound site or even as a "miss". Just like you are doing with my words in the above quote.
The red highlighted object in the 3D graphic is the sternum. Obviously lower than the exit site on the line drawing.
YOU referenced "...ABOVE the shoulder" regarding an initial description. A description being generally "vague" would be understandable. A description Specifically referencing "....ABOVE the shoulder" would be one I am not familiar with. This is why I asked Who/What your source was.
Maybe you should avoid using that visual aid? It Clearly displays the exit wound to be through the sternum
It is widely accepted the bullet entered at or about
the third thoracic vertebrae
"The President's death certificate places the wound at the third thoracic vertebra, which corresponds to the holes in the coat and shirt. This document was also marked verified."
Thats 5-6 inches down from the collar folks
please do this for me at home and get your partner to put their finger on your back there.Then try to explain how that bullet travels through to your neck and without smashing the spinal column.please try this at home.Feel how LOW that is?
FBI says 21 degrees down angle from the TSBD
forget about this "bunched shirt bologna" lets not re-invent the wheel
We know exactly where the wound was
case closed
If you wish to challenge the official death cert. evidence please do so
Around the sternum yes - somewhere around the nipple level is where the bullet would have exited (It obviously hit a vertebrae and embedded there)
Similar to the angle of GC's wound. That would fit the evidence
There is absolutely Nothing in the Link which in Reality corroborates the Lack of Damage to the bullet involved in the SBT. None
There's only one CE-399. That bullet caused all the wounds to JFK and JBC other than the final and fatal head shot to JFK. As Dale Myers says
For a really detailed study of the SBF read The JFK Myths; A Scientific Investigation of the Kennedy Assassination by Larry M. SPersonivant.
There's only one CE-399. That bullet caused all the wounds to JFK and JBC other than the final and fatal head shot to JFK. As Dale Myers says
For a really detailed study of the SBF read The JFK Myths; A Scientific Investigation of the Kennedy Assassination by Larry M. SPersonivant.
Can you, or Dale Myers or Larry SPersonivant, prove that the bullet now in evidence as CE-399;
(1) was fired by the MC rifle on 11/22/63,
(2) was the bullet found by Tomlinson at Parkland Hospital
and (3) was the bullet that passed through Kennedy and Connally?
Why do you guys need all these computer generated aids?
When the sitting president of the US himself said it was BS?
The bullet damage? hell, we cant even get that far
The MB stops at JFK's 3rd Thoracic and cannot continue
UP to jfk's throat through his spinal column and miraculously out a perfect round hole THEN THINGS GET CRAZY.
If that was an exit wound (having smashed through the spinal column and trachea) in the throat it would have been "blasted out" around the size of a golf ball.JFK would have died instantly and the bullet would have lost all inertia.How would the bullet look? There would not be much left of it.
I could go on all day with simple logic.
If you believe this nonsense you are brain dead yourself
Forget Kennedy we need a de-fib in here for you - stat.
You can't sell this rubbish, hell you can't give it away
this donkey is dead.
Im calling it. Time of death. 5.51pm EST some 2 minutes ago...
The best anyone can do is to say that the SBT is possible, and then only if a whole bunch of assumptions are made that cannot actually be demonstrated:
- that JFK's shirt and coat bunched up an equal amount
- that the back wound was not really at the 3rd thoracic vertebra
- that Connally was moved over far enough to the left that his butt was halfway off the jump seat
- that Nellie was mistaken about the president being hit first
- that the shot originated from the 6th floor SE window of the TSBD at about Z223-4
- that Connally had a "delayed" physical reaction to being shot
I believe they were hit simultaneously but Kennedy from the front
and Connolly from behind
For me the GC back wound is evidence of how a normal bullet reacts
The JFK back shot reacted in much the same way (perhaps an inch or 2 higher up)
but was stopped by striking the strong Vertebrae bones
thats why the wound was so shallow
there is so much evidence to support the neck shot as a "wound of entry"
I'm sorry I must disagree - for me it is impossible
yeah impossible.
bullets do deviate
bullets do not deviate near 90 degree's
when bullets hit bone the bone breaks
It's not steel plate.It's bone.
Dr Humes did Not buy into the hokum of CE399. Why? (1) He knew how much lead was removed from JFK + how much remained inside Connally. This was Far more lead than was missing from CE399, and (2) Humes stunned utterance of "Surgery to the head" when he initially eyeballed the body of JFK. He knew the body of JFK had already been picked clean.
Since the jacket has been shown to have bunched up -- and the shirt had a similar pattern of displacement, as the bullet holes in the jacket and shirt demonstrate -- then the shirt must have been bunched up. The shirt being lighter material, it was probably bunched up near the shirt collar in a series of wrinkles. The jacket was of denser material and bunched up in a single bunch.
The shirt being lighter material, it was probably bunched up near the shirt collar in a series of wrinkles.
And yet there was only one bullet hole in the shirt.... Go figure!
Mr Kennedy must have had a really crappy tailor.
Again with the shirt?
Its irrelevant.
Since the jacket has been shown to have bunched up -- and the shirt had a similar pattern of displacement, as the bullet holes in the jacket and shirt demonstrate -- then the shirt must have been bunched up. The shirt being lighter material, it was probably bunched up near the shirt collar in a series of wrinkles. The jacket was of denser material and bunched up in a single bunch.
The sternum (which somewhat resembles a necktie) is clearly below the exit site shown in the line drawing.
Ford thought the initial description (something like above the shoulder) was too vague (sounds to me like it could even be read as a missed shot). Ford convinced the other Commissioners to employ a description that better reflected what was in the autopsy report. Nothing was "moved." It's a little incidental thing that really captured the imagination of the conspiracy-minded.
Anomaly hunters, the lot of them.
the shirt is irrelevant
we know exactly where the wounds were
this is a RED HERRING
you are just trying to muddy the waters
I'm sorry it is crystal clear
Yes, the shirt/jacket bunching proves squat. And the SBF is actually the SBH (Hypothesis) because it is merely a guess and there is NO evidence to support it. Especially the bunching of JFK's clothing. ::)
Mytton is such a cut and paster who knows squat about ballistics, image analysis and science in general. There is only 1 thing you need to ask yourself and that is at what vertebrae did the MB strike JFK's back and what vertebrae did it exit his throat? How his jacket bunched is totally irrelevant and proves that you don't know what proof means. A scientist you ain't. So what is your answer Mytton? Here's a hint dufus:
So what vertebrae did the MB smash thru? T1/T2?
What vertebrae did they perform the tracheotomy? C6/C7?
Now draw a straight line from the back wound to the throat to see if it lines up with the 6th floor of the TSBD. What was JFK's body orientation to make it work? Was that his actual body orientation? Do they mesh? This is just simple geometry, no ballistics expert required. So what angle did you get? What angle should you have got? Here's a hint dufus:
Get in between 2 lasers pointed at each other as shown below. Line up the lower laser at your throat at approx. C6/C7. Does the high laser strike your back as per the autopsy photo at T1/T2? Or is it where Gerald Ford moved it to?
We will wait for you to post your "proof" that the SBH was even possible, let alone feasible. Otherwise, you need to give up on all this jacket bunching nonsense and use some common sense for a change.
Never mind the fact that several autopsy witnesses reported Humes' struggles to understand why the BULLET DID NOT TRANSIT THE BODY. These witnesses and the Sibert and O'Neill report state that the end of the wound could be felt while probing this wound. How could this missile be any threat to Connally? Answer is simple and it TOTALLY DESTROYS the imbecilic SBT.
Never mind the fact that several autopsy witnesses reported Humes' struggles to understand why the BULLET DID NOT TRANSIT THE BODY. These witnesses and the Sibert and O'Neill report state that the end of the wound could be felt while probing this wound. How could this missile be any threat to Connally? Answer is simple and it TOTALLY DESTROYS the imbecilic SBT.
Doesn't this destroy the MBT alone?
It's clearly not a ricochet but a direct hit
The windshield damage could be a ricochet from the final shot
This clearly is not
Jack your wound looks WAY too high.
It looks as If Mr Ford has done some of his handy work on it. lol
Official autopsy say's 3rd thoracic vertebrae (5-6 inches down from the collar)
The evidence fits perfectly
this is where the bullet stopped and why the wound was so shallow
To think people really believe this bullet could find its way to the front of the trachea without smashing the spinal column amazes me.If it did do that all the bone and bullet would have blasted out the front of the trachea and JFK would have died instantly with a golfball sized exit wound in his throat.
Dont forget this bullet is still traversing at high velocity (enough to kill another man) on exiting JFK's neck.
After all that the bullet really GETS CRAZY. It is simply nonsensical.
There's some of our evidence. Where is your's?
Doesn't this destroy the MBT alone?
It's clearly not a ricochet but a direct hit
The windshield damage could be a ricochet from the final shot
This clearly is not
Jack your wound looks WAY too high.
It looks as If Mr Ford has done some of his handy work on it. lol
Official autopsy say's 3rd thoracic vertebrae (5-6 inches down from the collar)
The evidence fits perfectly
this is where the bullet stopped and why the wound was so shallow
To think people really believe this bullet could find its way to the front of the trachea without smashing the spinal column amazes me.If it did do that all the bone and bullet would have blasted out the front of the trachea and JFK would have died instantly with a golfball sized exit wound in his throat.
Dont forget this bullet is still traversing at high velocity (enough to kill another man) on exiting JFK's neck.
After all that the bullet really GETS CRAZY. It is simply nonsensical.
There's some of our evidence. Where is your's?
Very concise & on point presentation. They have absolutely nowhere to go. Hence the crickets.
I don't have to sell it either, this sh^t sells itself
Thankyou Sir - For your kind words
Is that it Mr Organ?
Thats your comeback?
That x-ray is NOT consistent with JFK's wounds
It is no where even close.
At least an inch higher than the clavicle (feel that on your neck)
Which means the rear bullet had to strike higher than that from behind
It has to hit JFK squarely in the lower neck - which is NOT EVEN CLOSE
To the actual wounds.Clearly shot in the upper back and not the neck (official
autopsy photos) The MB would be an OBVIOUS neck shot from behind.
Even though I feel this picture is not correct or has been altered
I cannot resist using it as it is supplied by the government
AND IT STILL HARMS THE WC CASE,Its obviously too low to support the MBT.
you see the unusual wound shape? Tweezers have removed the bullet
and left their telltale marks on the wound.
come on Bugliosi's Boyz - bring it, I'm at yo mamma's house for Christmas.
The discussion centered on the JFK BACK Wound. You were better off going crickets vs running away to the Connally back wound.
You've done it Mr Organ
that evidence you provided has made it all clear
super powerful argument
well done
We can see the picture Bud
we know what someone's back is
and what their neck is
what say you regarding the bullet hole in the windshield frame? (pg8)
It's an obvious impact
see the clavicle in your picture
JFK's "exit" wound was a inch above that at the front
So the rear impact has to be higher again
right up into the neck at the rear - no mistake about it.
you don't see a bullet impact?
great defence - glaucoma
I hope santa gives you some new spectacles this year
see the clavicle in your picture
JFK's "exit" wound was a inch above that at the front
So the rear impact has to be higher again
right up into the neck at the rear - no mistake about it.
you don't see a bullet impact?
great defence - glaucoma
I hope santa gives you some new spectacles this year
You got 'em. First he goes crickets. Then when you take your victory lap he attempts to shift the discussion onto the Connally Back Wound. Now, he is going to pick at your wording in relation to the ding on the JFK Windshield Frame. He's been DOA for 2 days running.
Here are some "new" photos of the clothing. Regardless of the clothing being bunched up or not, there's no way a shot that low could have exited the throat.
I'm sorry guys
I don't see how someone MODERATELY objective could view this simple evidence
And not think something is rotten in Denmark
The misrepresentation and manipulation of evidence in the WR is so obvious
I have been surprised by revelations on this website from CT's
but from the LN'ers I have not seen 1 shred of compelling or revealed evidence
no surprises regarding Oswald's guilt - nothing
Now thats not the LN'ers fault
This case is...when you look into it.Shockingly mishandled almost proving a
conspiracy within itself.(the WR)
Our look into the MB only made it to the third thoracic and sadly could not continue
This whole thread really is a troll though - the shirt bunched?
a red herring - I guess we fell for it
If the JFK Autopsy photo of his Back is legit, it's Game Over. There is No Way a shot fired Downward from the 6th floor of the TSBD could have exited via his neck. On top of that, the back wound was Shallow.
It would have acted in much the same way as the Connolly back wound
and exited around (slightly above) the nipple
had it not hit bone of course
its not even "ballpark" close
Near horizontal in anatomical-position. The wounding position was different.
JFK's wounding position was about in the middle of what's shown above.
Sure, I see an "impact" in the frame possibly caused by a metal fragment. I just don't see your so-called "bullet hole."
Ask him for books on basic anatomy and forensics.
You're getting into Dale Myers comedy territory with that diagram. Myers made Kennedy look like a hunchback in his award-winning cartoon and your diagram is just as bad. How do you account for the downward angle of the bullet from the 6th floor?
Absolutely NO Proof offered above. "In between" = whatever that Specifically means. "Compare the chin relative to the shoulder line" = more blather. This is the classic Dancing-A-Jig when stuck = BS:
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
please stop this Jerry
you are making a fool of yourself
You don't even have the guts to put your bullets impact site on your diagram
dont bother
Why did Gerald R. Ford think that he could actually move the back shot all the way up to the base of the neck . Maybe Richard Nixon told him to do it and told him , "hell the American people are a bunch of dumb asses and they will believe anything . Wait a minute , didn't Donald Trump say several years ago that the Republicans were a bunch of dumb asses and you can tell them anything and they will believe it ?
Absolutely NO Proof offered above. "In between" = whatever that Specifically means. "Compare the chin relative to the shoulder line" = more blather. This is the classic Dancing-A-Jig when stuck = BS:
In between: In this case, a third head placed equidistant between the two heads.
I'd say Jerry thought you xxxxx would get the idea just by describing it... but evidently forgot that you lot are permanent short-bus passengers.
Why did Gerald R. Ford think that he could actually move the back shot all the way up to the base of the neck .
All Gerald Ford did was make what was in the Warren Commission Report more accurately reflect what was written in the Official Autopsy Report.
The WC autopsy pictures show otherwise
you know that!
C'mon Johnny boy
In between: In this case, a third head placed equidistant between the two heads.
I'd say Jerry thought you xxxxx would get the idea just by describing it... but evidently forgot that you lot are permanent short-bus passengers.
Now that's funny - "a third head" LOLOL. I thought only CTers were only kooks and loons but you take the cake on this one. Maybe you can reach out to Myers and he'll throw some pixels together and create that third head.
More Crickets
Now that's funny - "a third head" LOLOL. I thought only CTers were only kooks and loons but you take the cake on this one. Maybe you can reach out to Myers and he'll throw some pixels together and create that third head.
Yeah. "Pick a head, any head" is the Proof being thrown out there. Embarrassingly funny to see these guys forced into taking this position.
Near horizontal in anatomical-position. The wounding position was different.
JFK's wounding position was about in the middle of what's shown above.
Sure, I see an "impact" in the frame possibly caused by a metal fragment. I just don't see your so-called "bullet hole."
Ask him for books on basic anatomy and forensics.
you were right Mr Storing
right to "I dont see no bullet hole"
Its the classic setup where I say "not a hole an impact"
"Well,If it was a bullet It would make a hole"
Do these guys take some deluded pride in defending this crap?
There should be a fresh congressional investigation into the JFK crime
based on that picture alone
Now that's funny - "a third head" LOLOL. I thought only CTers were only kooks and loons but you take the cake on this one. Maybe you can reach out to Myers and he'll throw some pixels together and create that third head.
You continue to demonstrate that your IQ is smaller than your shoe size. The 'third head' refers to the 'in between' position, the one equidistant between the two.
Either you're a gaslighting troll, implying a three-headed Kennedy.. or are profoundly stupid.
The car was on a slight incline. The angle from the so-called shooting nest on the 6th floor has a downward angle. Yet Bill chooses to take a deformed body illustration and then wants us to squeeze a third head in between the other two.
Funny stuff, Bill!
you were right Mr Storing
right to "I dont see no bullet hole"
Its the classic setup where I say "not a hole an impact"
"Well,If it was a bullet It would make a hole"
Do these guys take some deluded pride in defending this crap?
There should be a fresh congressional investigation into the JFK crime
based on that picture alone
Can you picture a lawyer presenting that 2 headed visual aid to a jury and saying, "Now imagine a head in the middle........." ?? "My Cousin Vinny" worthy material.
:D :D
At least an inch higher than the clavicle (feel that on your neck)
Which means the rear bullet had to strike higher than that from behind
It has to hit JFK squarely in the lower neck - which is NOT EVEN CLOSE
To the actual wounds.Clearly shot in the upper back and not the neck (official
autopsy photos wiki page) The MB would be an OBVIOUS neck shot from behind.
This wound is obviously too low to support the MBT.
you see the unusual wound shape? Surgical tweezers/clamps have removed the bullet
and left their telltale marks on the wound.
DO YOU accept this as an accurate autopsy picture? nutters?
That says 5-6 inches BELOW THE COLLAR
A WR diagram
The WR says the MB did not hit bone in JFK
So he apparently had no spinal column
Because the front "exit" wound is directly in the middle of the throat
and the bullet exited at high velocity
:D :D
"Now. Mrs Riley, and Only Mrs Riley"