JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Patrick Jackson on October 27, 2019, 11:53:04 AM
While searching for the CE142 topic I have compared sniper nest shadows and it seems there is something very wrong with the official WC story.
If you arrange photos by the shadow lines, here is how it looks like:
Earliest photo:
Later photos:
Afternoon photo:
The question is why there is no photo of the gun shells taken at the same time when the earliest photo was taken?
Because the gun shells were planted later than the earliest photo?
Bellow left photo is taken prior to the right one and if you compare tiny floor markings seems there are no gun shells on the earlier photo?
The point is that there is no chance bellow picture was taken later than 12:30PM on 11/22/63.
Most probably it was taken the following morning, 11/23/63.
The earliest untouched photo shows the shells in Oswald's Sniper's Nest and the rifle rest boxes original positions. And as proof Jerry Organ and Charles used the position of the boxes and made 3D graphics and the position of the box corner overhanging the window in this position corresponds to the corner seen in Powell's and Dillard's photos.
And as Patrick above says, the overhead box view is a recreation and was taken at a later time. The following GIF shows the original position and the recreated position.
The earliest untouched photo shows the shells in Oswald's Sniper's Nest and the rifle rest boxes original positions. And as proof Jerry Organ and Charles used the position of the boxes and made 3D graphics and the position of the box corner overhanging the window in this position corresponds to the corner seen in Powell's and Dillard's photos.
And as Patrick above says, the overhead box view is a recreation and was taken at a later time. The following GIF shows the original position and the recreated position.
John, the find of what appears to be CE 142 in CE 503 (508) and CE 723 is what triggered the query about shadows/time. Is there a away of investigating the shadows of this image to determine the approximate time? As you are aware CE 142 would have been present between 2 and 3pm.
https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339412/m1/1/high_res_d/ (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339412/m1/1/high_res_d/)
John, the find of what appears to be CE 142 in CE 503 (508) and CE 723 is what triggered the query about shadows/time. Is there a away of investigating the shadows of this image to determine the approximate time? As you are aware CE 142 would have been present between 2 and 3pm.
https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339412/m1/1/high_res_d/ (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339412/m1/1/high_res_d/)
Hi Colin, thanks for the high res image and after a search for some sort of sun interaction with something on the inside I noticed the down pipe with the window frame shadow, so perhaps with the help of Charles's 3D sniper's nest model with the pipes, it should be easy enough to put in different sun angles so we can get a pretty close approximation of the time.
Hi Colin, thanks for the high res image and after a search for some sort of sun interaction with something on the inside I noticed the down pipe with the window frame shadow, so perhaps with the help of Charles's 3D sniper's nest model with the pipes, it should be easy enough to put in different sun angles so we can get a pretty close approximation of the time.
The 3D program that I am using does allow me to specify the time and date and will position the sun accordingly. I can input any time you want and see where the shadows fall. I think that Jerry might have a more precise model of the structure than I have. (I have improvised some items due to the computer program that I am using.) So if Jerry has the same capability regarding the time and position of the sun, it would be good to compare his results with mine. By the way, I am having trouble seeing the shadow lines in the photo due to flash from the camera. What are the red and green arrows showing?
The 3D program that I am using does allow me to specify the time and date and will position the sun accordingly. I can input any time you want and see where the shadows fall. I think that Jerry might have a more precise model of the structure than I have. (I have improvised some items due to the computer program that I am using.) So if Jerry has the same capability regarding the time and position of the sun, it would be good to compare his results with mine. By the way, I am having trouble seeing the shadow lines in the photo due to flash from the camera. What are the red and green arrows showing?
Thanks Charles.
The red arrow on the left is the shadow from the window frame on the pipe.
The green arrow can be seen in both images and is 2 bolts.
The purple arrow on the left shows the bottom of window's shadow on the pipe.
The earliest untouched photo shows the shells in Oswald's Sniper's Nest and the rifle rest boxes original positions.
Which demonstrates Patrick's point. The ejected shells would have flown far to the right of the window [were you to understand anything about rifles] Instead, a shell was obviously planted right below the middle of the the sill where it could be easily found and the others in close proximity.
Thanks Charles.
The red arrow on the left is the shadow from the window frame on the pipe.
The green arrow can be seen in both images and is 2 bolts.
The purple arrow on the left shows the bottom of window's shadow on the pipe.
Thanks Charles.
The red arrow on the left is the shadow from the window frame on the pipe.
The green arrow can be seen in both images and is 2 bolts.
The purple arrow on the left shows the bottom of window's shadow on the pipe.
Okay, here is what I have been able to produce so far. I have used some measurements that Jerry Organ provided. They were actual measurements from Stephen Fagin at the sixth floor museum.
Sniper Nest measurements from Stephen Fagin.
- Circumference of pipe = 7”
- Width of floorboard = 3.25”
- Corner to edge of brick at window = 33”
Corner --> Southeast interior corner.
Brick at window --> east edge of window's masonry opening.
As you will see, due to the limitations of my free 3D program, I have improvised some things (including using an extended floor lamp post for the pipe). And I have made certain of the boxes invisible in order to see the pipe, etc.
The first image is the shadows at 1:30 PM on 11/22/1963 as viewed from the north at a similar angle to the actual photograph that shows what appears to be the bag on top of the boxes:
The second image is the same view at 2:00 PM on 11/22/1963:
The third image is the same view at 2:30 PM on 11/22/1963:
The fourth image is the same view at 3:30 PM on 11/22/1963:
One item that I have noticed is how the patches of sunlight move across and up the inside of the east wall between the first window and the northeast corner. If the bright sliver of a patch on the inside of that wall near the first window in the actual photograph below is a patch of sunlight, then I suggest that the photograph was taken between between 1:30 and 2:00. This is based on the height of the top of that patch in relation to the height of the middle of that window.
Okay, here is what I have been able to produce so far. I have used some measurements that Jerry Organ provided. They were actual measurements from Stephen Fagin at the sixth floor museum.
As you will see, due to the limitations of my free 3D program, I have improvised some things (including using an extended floor lamp post for the pipe). And I have made certain of the boxes invisible in order to see the pipe, etc.
The first image is the shadows at 1:30 PM on 11/22/1963 as viewed from the north at a similar angle to the actual photograph that shows what appears to be the bag on top of the boxes:
The second image is the same view at 2:00 PM on 11/22/1963:
The third image is the same view at 2:30 PM on 11/22/1963:
The fourth image is the same view at 3:30 PM on 11/22/1963:
One item that I have noticed is how the patches of sunlight move across and up the inside of the east wall between the first window and the northeast corner. If the bright sliver of a patch on the inside of that wall near the first window in the actual photograph below is a patch of sunlight, then I suggest that the photograph was taken between between 1:30 and 2:00. This is based on the height of the top of that patch in relation to the height of the middle of that window.
Charles, nice pick-up on the bright sliver. The shadow on the pipe appears to correspond to about your 2PM graphic, which is pretty closely corroborated by the bright slivers position.
Charles, nice pick-up on the bright sliver. The shadow on the pipe appears to correspond to about your 2PM graphic, which is pretty closely corroborated by the bright slivers position.
Thanks John, yes you are seeing the same thing as I. Nice graphic that points out these things!
Thanks John, yes you are seeing the same thing as I. Nice graphic that points out these things!
Thanks you to you both for assisting gentlemen. Your efforts are much appreciated.
It would seem that CE142 is in a position close to the right hand side of the SN some time between 2 and 3pm. In position to accept the 30" wooden strip from the closed frame that was originally (erroneously) assumed to be from where the assassin fired. Day mentioned that the realization of this error occurred about 3.30pm in his WC testimony.
Thanks you to you both for assisting gentlemen. Your efforts are much appreciated.
It would seem that CE142 is in a position close to the right hand side of the SN some time between 2 and 3pm. In position to accept the 30" wooden strip from the closed frame that was originally (erroneously) assumed to be from where the assassin fired. Day mentioned that the realization of this error occurred about 3.30pm in his WC testimony.
I love it when a plan comes together, here's a time-lapse of Charles's SN shadows.
It would seem that CE142 is in a position close to the right hand side of the SN some time between 2 and 3pm. In position to accept the 30" wooden strip from the closed frame that was originally (erroneously) assumed to be from where the assassin fired. Day mentioned that the realization of this error occurred about 3.30pm in his WC testimony.
It's odd that anyone would think the shots came from the right hand window because the rifle rest boxes were setup for the left window and the right window was closed?
I love it when a plan comes together, here's a time-lapse of Charles's SN shadows.
It's odd that anyone would think the shots came from the right hand window because the rifle rest boxes were setup for the left window and the right window was closed?
John, both Mooney and Day allude to the idea that the scar on the box was indicative of the direction of the shots. I believe this was towards Houston and that because they were not aware of the true direction of the shots at the time, until about 3.30 that was assumed to be the shooting direction. Later changed by 90 degrees towards the underpass.
PS other factors that might have suggested the wrong direction initially was that Mooney entered from the right side and the position of the shells.
Shadow analysis….LOL
From an interesting article on sundials on Wikipedia:
The earliest household clocks known, from the archaeological finds, are the shadow clocks (1500 BCE) in ancient Babylonian astronomy. Ancient analemmatic sundials of the same era (about 1500 BCE) and their prototype have been discovered on the territory of modern Russia.
Designers of the Taipei 101, the first record-setting skyscraper of the 21st century, brought the ancient tradition forward. The tower, tallest in the world when it opened in Taiwan in 2004, stands over half a kilometer in height. The design of an adjoining park uses the tower as the style for a huge horizontal sundial.
Go back to the first page of this thread and see the photo posted at 1:09:29. We have a view of the sniper's nest bottom windows both left and right side (from our POV). We can see through the right pane all the way down and see some people on the street below. OTOH the left pane is completely blacked out. Why is that?
I ran the sun from 1pm to 3pm and the sun strike on the east wall looks about right and agrees with your 3D work around 2:20pm. However, my sim does not pick up the lower sun/shadow on the straight pipe during this time, if that is what we are actually seeing in the CE502/508 photo.
I ran the sun from 1pm to 3pm and the sun strike on the east wall looks about right and agrees with your 3D work around 2:20pm. However, my sim does not pick up the lower sun/shadow on the straight pipe during this time, if that is what we are actually seeing in the CE502/508 photo.
Excellent work (as usual) James. It might be that (in your sim) the boxes that are stacked in front of the sniper’s window are blocking the sunlight from shining on the pipe. If so, that’s an indication that Studebaker had already processed them for fingerprints, and moved them in that process, before this photo was taken. Just a thought…
Excellent work (as usual) James. It might be that (in your sim) the boxes that are stacked in front of the sniper’s window are blocking the sunlight from shining on the pipe. If so, that’s an indication that Studebaker had already processed them for fingerprints, and moved them in that process, before this photo was taken. Just a thought…
Now watch Iacoletti pop up and desperately exclaim 'yeah, but how does that prove that Oswald shot anybody?
Why would a decision to frame Oswald necessarily have to be made before the assassination?
Why would a decision to frame Oswald necessarily have to be made before the assassination?
Excellent work (as usual) James. It might be that (in your sim) the boxes that are stacked in front of the sniper’s window are blocking the sunlight from shining on the pipe. If so, that’s an indication that Studebaker had already processed them for fingerprints, and moved them in that process, before this photo was taken. Just a thought…
Interesting suggestion about the boxes. Today I modeled with and without the boxes and it is the window box that blocks the sunlight on that pipe at about 2:20 pm.. So far, so good. William Allen photographed Studebaker at the rest boxes at about 2:45 pm (see the photo in POTP page 536. Time estimate by me via a shadow study). Yet, the window box seems to be un-moved from it's Dillard position. A little confusing to me.
Which demonstrates Patrick's point. The ejected shells would have flown far to the right of the window [were you to understand anything about rifles] Instead, a shell was obviously planted right below the middle of the the sill where it could be easily found and the others in close proximity.
You're 100% correct, Mr Freeman..... It's utterly amazing how LBJ's "Special Committee" handed us the blatant "lying photos" which show spent shells on the floor, where they most certainly would not have landed if a sniper were rapidly operating the bolt of that carcano. The shells were obviously planted and the fact that one of the shells was dented by the elevator in the magazine of a carcano is mute proof that that shell had been the bottom empty shell in a clip that had been loaded into the magazine of a carcano.
While searching for the CE142 topic I have compared sniper nest shadows and it seems there is something very wrong with the official WC story.
If you arrange photos by the shadow lines, here is how it looks like:
Earliest photo:
Later photos:
Afternoon photo:
The question is why there is no photo of the gun shells taken at the same time when the earliest photo was taken?
Because the gun shells were planted later than the earliest photo?
Bellow left photo is taken prior to the right one and if you compare tiny floor markings seems there are no gun shells on the earlier photo?
Look at the 4th photo ....( afternoon photo) See the hammer handle on the window sill.... Who can explain that hammer being there?
Interesting suggestion about the boxes. Today I modeled with and without the boxes and it is the window box that blocks the sunlight on that pipe at about 2:20 pm.. So far, so good. William Allen photographed Studebaker at the rest boxes at about 2:45 pm (see the photo in POTP page 536. Time estimate by me via a shadow study). Yet, the window box seems to be un-moved from it's Dillard position. A little confusing to me.
Interesting, how did you perform the shadow study on the Allen photo?
I just tried a quick and dirty eyeball with a protractor guesstimate. I compared the angle of the shadow on the brick wall as shown on this image:
I compared that angle to a similar shadow angle on the Allen photo of Gerald Hill in the next window to the west. And I got a roughly 15-degrees difference in the two angles. Testing for that difference in shadow angles on my 3-D computer model, I came up with a time difference of about 1-hour and ten minutes. Therefore if the Gerald Hill photo is around one o’clock, then the photo of Studebaker should be around two ten. If this turns out to be anywhere close to accurate, then it appears to me that Studebaker must have moved the window box sometime after the Allen photo of him in the window, but before the DPD photo was taken at approximately two-twenty.
Go back to the first page of this thread and see the photo posted at 1:09:29. We have a view of the sniper's nest bottom windows both left and right side (from our POV). We can see through the right pane all the way down and see some people on the street below. OTOH the left pane is completely blacked out. Why is that?
We can see through the right pane all the way down and see some people on the street below. OTOH the left pane is completely blacked out. Why is that?
I believe that the photo was taken at night and the scene that "appears" in the right hand window was cut from a photo that was taken t about !;30 that afternoon .....The forger didn't bother to insert any thing in the left window..... He wanted the firetruck in the photo to establish that the phony photo was taken at about 1:30.
If someone was interested in finding the exact time of the street scene that was inserted into the night time photo, there are now computer programs that will analyze the shadows and time stamp the street scene.
Interesting, how did you perform the shadow study on the Allen photo?
I just tried a quick and dirty eyeball with a protractor guesstimate. I compared the angle of the shadow on the brick wall as shown on this image:
I compared that angle to a similar shadow angle on the Allen photo of Gerald Hill in the next window to the west. And I got a roughly 15-degrees difference in the two angles. Testing for that difference in shadow angles on my 3-D computer model, I came up with a time difference of about 1-hour and ten minutes. Therefore if the Gerald Hill photo is around one o’clock, then the photo of Studebaker should be around two ten. If this turns out to be anywhere close to accurate, then it appears to me that Studebaker must have moved the window box sometime after the Allen photo of him in the window, but before the DPD photo was taken at approximately two-twenty.
You've provided a very clear photo of the shadow being cast by the corner of the cornice. It's easy to see that that shadow was five bricks below the sixth floor window sill and 2 1/2 bricks east of the vertical column at time that Studebaker was taking a photo of something in the corner of the "S. N." ( 2:30?) At 12 30 when Tom Dillard snapped the photo of the sixth floor window that shadow was jut four bricks below the sixth floor window sill and one and a half brick east of the vertical column... IOW that shadow had dropped one brick ( 2 1/4 " ) and moved the length of one brick (8 1/2" ) east between 12:30 and 2:30. So in two hours the point of that shadow had dropped over two inches (2 1/4 " ) and moved eastward over eight inches )
The point is:.... There is a significant difference in the place where that shadow strikes the face of the building when comparing the Powell and Dillard photos ...and there should not be any difference if the two photos wee taken just 30 seconds apart.
Interesting, how did you perform the shadow study on the Allen photo?
I just tried a quick and dirty eyeball with a protractor guesstimate. I compared the angle of the shadow on the brick wall as shown on this image:
I compared that angle to a similar shadow angle on the Allen photo of Gerald Hill in the next window to the west. And I got a roughly 15-degrees difference in the two angles. Testing for that difference in shadow angles on my 3-D computer model, I came up with a time difference of about 1-hour and ten minutes. Therefore if the Gerald Hill photo is around one o’clock, then the photo of Studebaker should be around two ten. If this turns out to be anywhere close to accurate, then it appears to me that Studebaker must have moved the window box sometime after the Allen photo of him in the window, but before the DPD photo was taken at approximately two-twenty.
First I ran my 3D model showing me that the horizontal shadow length between the pilaster and window was unrelated to the sun's altitude within the range of a photo I took a few weeks ago at 14:43pm (azimuth 214 degrees). What I intended to do was equate that 214 degrees to 19631122 time but apparently the 14:43 stuck in my mind and was rounded to 14:45. After making the conversion as I should have the Allen photo is taken very close to the 14:20 time frame that the Studebaker photo was taken.
Thanks for checking my work.
My main question I wanted to get to was are we seeing true sun reflection on the lower portion of the pipe in Studebaker's photo, or reflection of the camera flash?
First I ran my 3D model showing me that the horizontal shadow length between the pilaster and window was unrelated to the sun's altitude within the range of a photo I took a few weeks ago at 14:43pm (azimuth 214 degrees). What I intended to do was equate that 214 degrees to 19631122 time but apparently the 14:43 stuck in my mind and was rounded to 14:45. After making the conversion as I should have the Allen photo is taken very close to the 14:20 time frame that the Studebaker photo was taken.
Thanks for checking my work.
My main question I wanted to get to was are we seeing true sun reflection on the lower portion of the pipe in Studebaker's photo, or reflection of the camera flash?
My main question I wanted to get to was are we seeing true sun reflection on the lower portion of the pipe in Studebaker's photo, or reflection of the camera flash?
In your sim (with the window box removed) do you see the shadow on the pipe as indicated by the red arrow on Mytton’s graphic in his earlier post below? If so, I think that that shadow could be caused by the bottom member of the lower window pane. Please let us know. Thanks!
Hi Colin, thanks for the high res image and after a search for some sort of sun interaction with something on the inside I noticed the down pipe with the window frame shadow, so perhaps with the help of Charles's 3D sniper's nest model with the pipes, it should be easy enough to put in different sun angles so we can get a pretty close approximation of the time.
You've provided a very clear photo of the shadow being cast by the corner of the cornice. It's easy to see that that shadow was five bricks below the sixth floor window sill and 2 1/2 bricks east of the vertical column at time that Studebaker was taking a photo of something in the corner of the "S. N." ( 2:30?) At 12 30 when Tom Dillard snapped the photo of the sixth floor window that shadow was jut four bricks below the sixth floor window sill and one and a half brick east of the vertical column... IOW that shadow had dropped one brick ( 2 1/4 " ) and moved the length of one brick (8 1/2" ) east between 12:30 and 2:30. So in two hours the point of that shadow had dropped over two inches (2 1/4 " ) and moved eastward over eight inches )
The point is:.... There is a significant difference in the place where that shadow strikes the face of the building when comparing the Powell and Dillard photos ...and there should not be any difference if the two photos wee taken just 30 seconds apart.
There is no difference (see below):
Both angles are approximately 24-degrees. Your problem might be that the Powell photo isn’t detailed enough to count the bricks…
My main question I wanted to get to was are we seeing true sun reflection on the lower portion of the pipe in Studebaker's photo, or reflection of the camera flash?
In your sim (with the window box removed) do you see the shadow on the pipe as indicated by the red arrow on Mytton’s graphic in his earlier post below? If so, I think that that shadow could be caused by the bottom member of the lower window pane. Please let us know. Thanks!
The animation raises the window from 9 to 19" (approximate Dillard height). It shows the bottom of the window would send a shadow near the area indicated by the red arrow.
The animation raises the window from 9 to 19" (approximate Dillard height). It shows the bottom of the window would send a shadow near the area indicated by the red arrow.
Great, I think that pretty much confirms (to me anyway) that it is sunlight and not a flash reflection in the DPD photo! Thanks for everything you do, I enjoy learning these details!
The animation raises the window from 9 to 19" (approximate Dillard height). It shows the bottom of the window would send a shadow near the area indicated by the red arrow.
James, is this based on the time of day being 2:20 pm?
James, is this based on the time of day being 2:20 pm?
Yes, 2:20 pm. I did move the camera a little to the east to better match Studebakers location.
Yes, 2:20 pm. I did move the camera a little to the east to better match Studebakers location.
I thought so. Thanks! Just eyeballing it, the shadow of the bottom of the window on the pipe appears to be about the same height (when in the highest position) off the floor as it appears in the DPD photo. I think I remember Jerry Organ posting a measurement of the coupling off the floor that Stephen Fagin made for us. That coupling shows up in the DPD photo and is indicated in Mytton’s graphic. It might be a further indicator to help judge the time of day if we were to place a coupling at the right place in our models. Just a thought.
I thought so. Thanks! Just eyeballing it, the shadow of the bottom of the window on the pipe appears to be about the same height (when in the highest position) off the floor as it appears in the DPD photo. I think I remember Jerry Organ posting a measurement of the coupling off the floor that Stephen Fagin made for us. That coupling shows up in the DPD photo and is indicated in Mytton’s graphic. It might be a further indicator to help judge the time of day if we were to place a coupling at the right place in our models. Just a thought.
Coupling estimated as 3” long, 1.25” radius, 10-13” from floor (no nuts or bolts).
The photo shows the coupling as red for easy viewing, while the animation flips the 3D rendering with the photo using the same texture as the pipe.
Coupling estimated as 3” long, 1.25” radius, 10-13” from floor (no nuts or bolts).
The photo shows the coupling as red for easy viewing, while the animation flips the 3D rendering with the photo using the same texture as the pipe.
Well done James! It appears to me that everything is reasonably close to the DPD photo. Thanks for the good work! You always go the extra “miles” and it sure does help us understand things better!