JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Charles Collins on December 11, 2019, 08:09:59 PM

Title: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Charles Collins on December 11, 2019, 08:09:59 PM
A very recent, well done, video interview by Jeff Meek:

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 13, 2019, 05:21:38 PM
A very recent, well done, video interview by Jeff Meek:


Paine: "I think it was a spur of the moment thing for him. That he could do this. I don’t think he was shooting at Kennedy. He was shooting at the Presidency."

That was Bugliosi's theory too: i.e., that Oswald was shooting at what JFK represented - that is, the head of the political and economic systems that he repeatedly said he hated - and not specifically at JFK.

It is odd that we have very little about what Oswald thought about JFK. De Mohrenschildt said that Oswald expressed admiration for JFK, especially his civil rights proposals. Marina said that she believed that Oswald liked JFK too. But she later testified that she wasn't sure and that she made that judgment because he would read favorable stories about JFK to her. I'll just add parenthetically: if Marina (and or DeMohrenschildt) was coached or coerced into giving damning information about Oswald then why didn't "they" tell her/him to say he hated JFK?

Again, however, we have Oswald's repeated denunciations of America, of its political and economic structure. So why would he "like" the leader of the systems he detested? Plus: Cuba. Oswald admired Castro, he wanted to defect there. Sure, after the problems with the Cubans in Mexico City obtaining a visa he seemed to sour on Cuba. But why turn on Castro?

In any case, I think Oswald was aware of JFK's covert war on Cuba, perhaps even about the assassination plots against Castro (question: did he meet anyone in Mexico City who "inflamed" his dislike of JFK?). And that played a role - large or small - in his decision. He may have been driven in part by a desire for fame or for attacking the Presidency and not the President but I don't think we can take JFK the man out of his motivations.

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Charles Collins on December 13, 2019, 05:41:31 PM
Paine: "I think it was a spur of the moment thing for him. That he could do this. I don’t think he was shooting at Kennedy. He was shooting at the Presidency."

That was Bugliosi's theory too: i.e., that Oswald was shooting at what JFK represented - that is, the head of the political and economic systems that he repeatedly said he hated - and not specifically at JFK.

It is odd that we have very little about what Oswald thought about JFK. De Mohrenschildt said that Oswald expressed admiration for JFK, especially his civil rights proposals. Marina said that she believed that Oswald liked JFK too. But she later testified that she wasn't sure and that she made that judgment because he would read favorable stories about JFK to her. I'll just add parenthetically: if Marina (and or DeMohrenschildt) was coached or coerced into giving damning information about Oswald then why didn't "they" tell her/him to say he hated JFK?

Again, however, we have Oswald's repeated denunciations of America, of its political and economic structure. So what would he "like" the leader of the systems he detested? Plus: Cuba. Oswald admired Castro, he wanted to defect there. Sure, after the problems with the Cubans in Mexico City obtaining a visa he seemed to sour on Cuba. But why turn on Castro?

In any case, I think Oswald was aware of the cover war on Cuba, perhaps even about the assassination plots against Castro. And that played a role - large or small - in his decision. He may have been driven in part by a desire for fame or for attacking the Presidency and not the President but I don't think we can take JFK the man out of his motivations.

Good observations, thanks. I think also that Marina was showing signs of being more independent of LHO and that that was a factor in his actions. Ruth Paine said that Marina had told Lee that they wouldn't come pick him up when he arrived in Dallas from Mexico City. And that Lee had subsequently hitchhiked to her house Irving. Ruth also said that Marina had told Lee not to come out to her house the weekend following the long holiday weekend because Marina felt that Lee was overstaying his welcome there. And, I don't think Ruth mentioned it in this interview, but Marina had refused to agree to move back in with Lee when Lee had asked on the evening of 1121/63.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Bill Chapman on December 13, 2019, 06:17:50 PM
Paine: "I think it was a spur of the moment thing for him. That he could do this. I don’t think he was shooting at Kennedy. He was shooting at the Presidency."

That was Bugliosi's theory too: i.e., that Oswald was shooting at what JFK represented - that is, the head of the political and economic systems that he repeatedly said he hated - and not specifically at JFK.

It is odd that we have very little about what Oswald thought about JFK. De Mohrenschildt said that Oswald expressed admiration for JFK, especially his civil rights proposals. Marina said that she believed that Oswald liked JFK too. But she later testified that she wasn't sure and that she made that judgment because he would read favorable stories about JFK to her. I'll just add parenthetically: if Marina (and or DeMohrenschildt) was coached or coerced into giving damning information about Oswald then why didn't "they" tell her/him to say he hated JFK?

Again, however, we have Oswald's repeated denunciations of America, of its political and economic structure. So what would he "like" the leader of the systems he detested? Plus: Cuba. Oswald admired Castro, he wanted to defect there. Sure, after the problems with the Cubans in Mexico City obtaining a visa he seemed to sour on Cuba. But why turn on Castro?

In any case, I think Oswald was aware of the cover war on Cuba, perhaps even about the assassination plots against Castro. And that played a role - large or small - in his decision. He may have been driven in part by a desire for fame or for attacking the Presidency and not the President but I don't think we can take JFK the man out of his motivations.

JFK was the ultimate 'somebody'
Oswald was the ultimate 'nobody'

'Spur of the moment'
>>> Cool
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Charles Collins on December 13, 2019, 06:36:55 PM
JFK was the ultimate 'somebody'
Oswald was the ultimate 'nobody'

'Spur of the moment'
>>> Cool

It was an opportunity that fell into his lap. And his plan of the surprise ambush was a good one.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 13, 2019, 07:07:56 PM
Good observations, thanks. I think also that Marina was showing signs of being more independent of LHO and that that was a factor in his actions. Ruth Paine said that Marina had told Lee that they wouldn't come pick him up when he arrived in Dallas from Mexico City. And that Lee had subsequently hitchhiked to her house Irving. Ruth also said that Marina had told Lee not to come out to her house the weekend following the long holiday weekend because Marina felt that Lee was overstaying his welcome there. And, I don't think Ruth mentioned it in this interview, but Marina had refused to agree to move back in with Lee when Lee had asked on the evening of 1121/63.
Marina told the HSCA that their plans were to move into a new apartment in another "week or two". And that she didn't agree to move in that weekend but that they would get back together later. So I think the explanation that the reason he left almost all of his money and his wedding ring was because they were splitting up is incorrect.

From her testimony:

Marina: "We were separated not for the reasons of having a divorce or something like that, it twas because of the financial difficulties and there was only one way we could manage to save some money, if we lived apart. He wanted to come back; we were planning to get together as soon as possible, so he did mention the apartment [the day before the assassination]."

And this:
Q.: Do you remember this particular discussion the day before the assassination about him renting an apartment in Dallas?
Marina: I think so.
Q.: Do you recall if he said when in particular he would rent this apartment?
M: The location, no.
Q. Not the location but when he would rent it?
M: In the very near future, maybe a week or two.

So from this account she said she had not agreed to move back with him that weekend but that she would later, in another week or two.

Y'know, for a CIA agent Oswald sure didn't have much money. I guess having no car, no house, no phone and not much of anything else was his cover. Because in conspiracy world everything indicates a conspiracy.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Charles Collins on December 13, 2019, 07:54:50 PM
Marina told the HSCA that their plans were to move into a new apartment in another "week or two". And that she didn't agree to move in that weekend but that they would get back together later. So I think the explanation that the reason he left almost all of his money and his wedding ring was because they were splitting up is incorrect.

From her testimony:

Marina: "We were separated not for the reasons of having a divorce or something like that, it twas because of the financial difficulties and there was only one way we could manage to save some money, if we lived apart. He wanted to come back; we were planning to get together as soon as possible, so he did mention the apartment [the day before the assassination]."

And this:
Q.: Do you remember this particular discussion the day before the assassination about him renting an apartment in Dallas?
Marina: I think so.
Q.: Do you recall if he said when in particular he would rent this apartment?
M: The location, no.
Q. Not the location but when he would rent it?
M: In the very near future, maybe a week or two.

So from this account she said she had not agreed to move back with him that weekend but that she would later, in another week or two.

Y'know, for a CIA agent Oswald sure didn't have much money. I guess having no car, no house, no phone and not much of anything else was his cover. Because in conspiracy world everything indicates a conspiracy.

Well, there you have it then. LHO the innocent must have been out looking for apartment-for-rent signs when he encountered Tippit. And he left almost all his money with Marina because he didn't want to be tempted to put any money down on an apartment until he had a chance to discuss it with Marina. He was just that kind of guy... right?  ;)
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on December 13, 2019, 10:18:10 PM
So from this account she said she had not agreed to move back with him that weekend but that she would later, in another week or two.

I don’t think that’s accurate. There was never an agreement for her to move back in with him.

Mr. RANKIN. Did your husband give any reason for coming home on Thursday?

Mrs. OSWALD. He said that he was lonely because he hadn't come the preceding weekend, and he wanted to make his peace with me.

Mr. RANKIN. Did you say anything to him then?

Mrs. OSWALD. He tried to talk to me but I would not answer him, and he was very upset.

Mr. RANKIN. Were you upset with him?

Mrs. OSWALD. I was angry, of course. He was not angry--he was upset. I was angry. He tried very hard to please me. He spent quite a bit of time putting away diapers and played with the children on the street.

Mr. RANKIN. How did you indicate to him that you were angry with him?

Mrs. OSWALD. By not talking to him.

Mr. RANKIN. And how did he show that he was upset?

Mrs. OSWALD. He was upset over the fact that I would not answer him. He tried to start a conversation with me several times, but I would not answer. And he said that he didn't want me to be angry at him because this upsets him.

On that day, he suggested that we rent an apartment in Dallas. He said that he was tired of living alone and perhaps the reason for my being so angry was the fact that we were not living together. That if I want to he would rent an apartment in Dallas tomorrow--that he didn't want me to remain with Ruth any longer, but wanted me to live with him in Dallas.

He repeated this not once but several times, but I refused. And he said that once again I was preferring my friends to him, and that I didn't need him.

Mr. RANKIN. What did you say to that?

Mrs. OSWALD. I said it would be better if I remained with Ruth until the holidays, he would come, and we would all meet together. That this was better because while he was living alone and I stayed with Ruth, we were spending less money. And I told him to buy me a washing machine, because two children it became too difficult to wash by hand.

Mr. RANKIN. What did he say to that?

Mrs. OSWALD. He said he would buy me a washing machine.

Mr. RANKIN. What did you say to that?

Mrs. OSWALD. Thank you. That it would be better if he bought something for himself--that I would manage.

Mr. RANKIN. Did this seem to make him more upset, when you suggested that he wait about getting an apartment for you to live in?

Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. He then stopped talking and sat down and watched television and then went to bed. I went to bed later. It was about 9 o'clock when he went to sleep. I went to sleep about 11:30. But it seemed to me that he was not really asleep. But I didn't talk to him.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Joe Mannix on December 13, 2019, 10:36:55 PM
JFK was the ultimate 'somebody'
Oswald was the ultimate 'nobody'

'Spur of the moment'
>>> Cool

The most amazing thing Ozzy did was make his bullets perform u-turns and cause them to sound like they came from knoll.  Nearly everyone was tricked into thinking that the shots came from there.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 14, 2019, 12:00:51 AM
Well, there you have it then. LHO the innocent must have been out looking for apartment-for-rent signs when he encountered Tippit. And he left almost all his money with Marina because he didn't want to be tempted to put any money down on an apartment until he had a chance to discuss it with Marina. He was just that kind of guy... right?  ;)
Hah, don't be surprised if that isn't suggested by one of the Oswald defenders. More than one.

And he had his revolver and extra bullets because the apartment he was looking into was in a dangerous part of town.

Look, Oswald shot JFK. Maybe he was manipulated, maybe he was used, maybe he had some help (or thought he was going to get some). But the evidence is powerful for me that he shot JFK. And any alternate explanation of what happened that day simply don't make sense. Put that together and one has to start with Oswald shooting JFK: then argue/suggest a conspiracy from there. Otherwise one is just falling for "the wish is the father of the idea." That is: You want to believe in a conspiracy.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jack Trojan on December 14, 2019, 12:09:04 AM
Marina told the HSCA that their plans were to move into a new apartment in another "week or two". And that she didn't agree to move in that weekend but that they would get back together later. So I think the explanation that the reason he left almost all of his money and his wedding ring was because they were splitting up is incorrect.

From her testimony:

Marina: "We were separated not for the reasons of having a divorce or something like that, it twas because of the financial difficulties and there was only one way we could manage to save some money, if we lived apart. He wanted to come back; we were planning to get together as soon as possible, so he did mention the apartment [the day before the assassination]."

And this:
Q.: Do you remember this particular discussion the day before the assassination about him renting an apartment in Dallas?
Marina: I think so.
Q.: Do you recall if he said when in particular he would rent this apartment?
M: The location, no.
Q. Not the location but when he would rent it?
M: In the very near future, maybe a week or two.

So from this account she said she had not agreed to move back with him that weekend but that she would later, in another week or two.

Y'know, for a CIA agent Oswald sure didn't have much money. I guess having no car, no house, no phone and not much of anything else was his cover. Because in conspiracy world everything indicates a conspiracy.

One thing for certain is that Paine was one of Oswald's handlers. So anything she did/said must be looked at with that in mind. As far as Oswald's poverty level was concerned, that's what the "False Defector" program was all about. Oswald was an Angleton singleton agent selected to be the pasty in the Big Event for Plan B just like Thomas Arthur Vallee was in Chicago for Plan A. Since Oswald was officially off the grid the CIA could disavow him.

You guys must think the CIA were a bunch of amateurs that couldn't pull off a coup. But that was their biz and they were pretty good at it up until the whole Bay of Pigs fiasco, which got Dulles fired and JFK declared war on them. We all know who prevailed.

Oswald was extracted from the fake defector program to be the patsy, otherwise, there is no way in hell that Oswald gets a job at the TSBD 3 weeks before Nov 22rd and the motorcade route gets re-routed down Elm, plus a thousand other "coincidences" that made the Big Event viable. It is much easier to accept the truth that this was a coup d'etat and Oswald was the patsy than he was a LNer with the luck of the Irish.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Charles Collins on December 14, 2019, 12:33:49 AM
One thing for certain is that Paine was one of Oswald's handlers. So anything she did/said must be looked at with that in mind. As far as Oswald's poverty level was concerned, that's what the "False Defector" program was all about. Oswald was an Angleton singleton agent selected to be the pasty in the Big Event for Plan B just like Thomas Arthur Vallee was in Chicago for Plan A. Since Oswald was officially off the grid the CIA could disavow him.

You guys must think the CIA were a bunch of amateurs that couldn't pull off a coup. But that was their biz and they were pretty good at it up until the whole Bay of Pigs fiasco, which got Dulles fired and JFK declared war on them. We all know who prevailed.

Oswald was extracted from the fake defector program to be the patsy, otherwise, there is no way in hell that Oswald gets a job at the TSBD 3 weeks before Nov 22rd and the motorcade route gets re-routed down Elm, plus a thousand other "coincidences" that made the Big Event viable. It is much easier to accept the truth that this was a coup d'etat and Oswald was that patsy than he was a LNer with the luck of the Irish.

One thing for certain is that Paine was one of Oswald's handlers. So anything she did/said must be looked at with that in mind.

Yeah, all the “suspicious behavior” like playing the guitar for her kids when putting them to bed on the eve of the “big event.” And taking her daughter to the dentist on the morning of the “big event.” It’s “so obvious” that she takes the responsibility of her “handling” of LHO very seriously...
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jack Trojan on December 14, 2019, 12:56:05 AM

One thing for certain is that Paine was one of Oswald's handlers. So anything she did/said must be looked at with that in mind.

Yeah, all the “suspicious behavior” like playing the guitar for her kids when putting them to bed on the eve of the “big event.” And taking her daughter to the dentist on the morning of the “big event.” It’s “so obvious” that she takes the responsibility of her “handling” of LHO very seriously...

An agent would be negligent if they didn't do their domestic duty including the day to day stuff that would not blow their cover. Give them some credit. What did you expect Paine to tell you what she was up to? Dig deeper.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on December 14, 2019, 12:59:57 AM
Hah, don't be surprised if that isn't suggested by one of the Oswald defenders. More than one.

And he had his revolver and extra bullets because the apartment he was looking into was in a dangerous part of town.

Do you all make up strawman arguments all the time to try to make people forget that you can’t actually prove that your made-up narrative is true?

Look, Oswald shot JFK. Maybe he was manipulated, maybe he was used, maybe he had some help (or thought he was going to get some). But the evidence is powerful for me that he shot JFK. And any alternate explanation of what happened that day simply don't make sense. Put that together and one has to start with Oswald shooting JFK: then argue/suggest a conspiracy from there. Otherwise one is just falling for "the wish is the father of the idea." That is: You want to believe in a conspiracy.

No doubt that is true for some. Just as it’s true that for other people they just want to believe that Oswald did it.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on December 14, 2019, 01:09:39 AM
Yeah, all the “suspicious behavior” like playing the guitar for her kids when putting them to bed on the eve of the “big event.”

Is that in this interview? I haven’t watched it yet. I don’t recall her ever mentioning that before.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Charles Collins on December 14, 2019, 01:36:55 AM
Is that in this interview? I haven’t watched it yet. I don’t recall her ever mentioning that before.

Yes it is. It takes place at her old house that has been renovated to look like it did in 1963 and turned into a museum of sorts. Definitely worth a look.

Edit: Another comment Ruth made that I don’t remember hearing about before involved LHO using Michael Paine’s drill press. She said he drilled a hole in a peso and made a pendant necklace for Marina soon after he arrived from Mexico.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on December 14, 2019, 03:46:12 AM
Yes it is. It takes place at her old house that has been renovated to look like it did in 1963 and turned into a museum of sorts. Definitely worth a look.

The Paine House museum is definitely worth a visit if you’re ever in the Dallas area.

I made a couple of videos when I was there a few years ago.

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Charles Collins on December 14, 2019, 12:27:09 PM
The Paine House museum is definitely worth a visit if you’re ever in the Dallas area.

I made a couple of videos when I was there a few years ago.

Thanks, I plan to visit there the next time I get to Dallas. I noticed the guitar in your video. It was probably there in the interview video when they did a similar tour of the house. But I hadn’t noticed it before.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 14, 2019, 04:28:21 PM

One thing for certain is that Paine was one of Oswald's handlers. So anything she did/said must be looked at with that in mind.

Yeah, all the “suspicious behavior” like playing the guitar for her kids when putting them to bed on the eve of the “big event.” And taking her daughter to the dentist on the morning of the “big event.” It’s “so obvious” that she takes the responsibility of her “handling” of LHO very seriously...
A Quaker pacifist housewife with three (or was it two?) small children is a CIA handler for operatives operating out of Ft. Worth, Texas.

This is what they believe.

There is no evidence whatsoever that she was a "CIA handler" for Oswald. None. No documents indicate this, no eyewitnesses have even suggested it. It's complete fantasy. All we get is this "But her sister...!"

Paine testified in the WC and HSCA. At no time did she ever implicate Oswald in the assassination. She never said he expressed hatred towards JFK (in fact, she said she never heard him say anything about JFK). She never said she found his rifle in the garage. She never said she saw him leave that morning with a package. And on and on and on.

If Paine was part of this conspiracy to frame Oswald she could have said far more damaging things than she did. But she didn't. Why?

The Oswald defenders don't like these type of questions. If I was one of them I wouldn't either. Because they can't answer them. They can't even consider them. For if they do their entire fantasy is exposed for what it is.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Gary Craig on December 14, 2019, 05:04:40 PM


Why He Died And Why It Matters"
By James W. Douglas


"On October 9, 1963, one week before Lee Harvey Oswald began his job at a site overlooking the president's future parade route,
an FBI official in Washington, D.C., disconnected Oswald from a federal alarm system that was about to identify him as a threat to
national security. The FBI man's name was Marvin Gheesling. He was a supervisor in the Soviet espionage section at FBI headquarters.
His timing was remarkable. As author John Newman remarked in an analysis of this phenomenon, Gheesling "turned off the alarm switch
on Oswald literally an instant before it would have gone off."


Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Sean Kneringer on December 14, 2019, 09:19:39 PM
Poor woman. The only thing she's "guilty" of is being a mushy headed leftist.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jack Trojan on December 15, 2019, 01:31:47 AM
Poor woman. The only thing she's "guilty" of is being a mushy headed leftist.

She also blatantly lied about how many back yard photos she took. Someone needs to ask her if any G-men came around snapping photos of Lee posing with the murder weapons and holding up commie lit. (BAAA!)

When Roscoe White developed the photos of Oswald taken with the Imperial Reflex camera, he noticed that none of the headlines could be made out on the commie lit. So he sent his boys back to take the money shot, CE-133A probably with Lee's Minox spy camera. The lenses on each camera have very different spherical aberration, which is evident in the following graphic:


CE-133A & CE-133B,C,D,E,F,G,... were shot with different lenses (cameras). Did that slip Marina's mind?
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on December 15, 2019, 06:13:54 AM
CE-133A was the last of the shots Marina took and she was more confident holding the camera, so it was steadier.

How could you possibly know that for a fact?
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jack Trojan on December 15, 2019, 09:01:00 PM
Bad shot. Slightly blurred all over. No one in his right mind believes the Roscoe White story.

Are you commenting as a qualified photo analyst? Didn't think so.

Roscoe White was an expert in the darkroom. He joined the DPD Oct 7, 1963, where he was employed in the photo section of the Crime Lab. It was the HSCA that claimed a previously undocumented back yard photo of Oswald was found with Roscoe's widow. She told them Roscoe said it would be very valuable some day. So why wasn't this photo (CE-133c) not admitted into evidence with the rest of them? And what happened to all the negatives? The HSCA only recovered 1 negative of the BYPs, CE-749. And why did the DPD do a re-enactment of CE-133c and then make a cutout of it?


There is no good reason to be doing re-enactments and creating darkroom cutouts of photos that were never admitted into evidence. Explain that one if you are in your right mind.

You think that would make a superior negative? CE-133A was the last of the shots Marina took and she was more confident holding the camera, so it was steadier.

LOL. Superior negative? Last of the shots? Held the camera steadier? Don't embarrass yourself.

LOL! How do you expect anything to match if you don't have parts of Oswald's body that are the same distance to the camera in the two photos compared? In fact, there may not even be parts of his body the same distance to the camera in any two of the photos. The backgrounds aren't necessarily the same distance to the camera in the shots.

Since Oswald was standing within a step or 2 of the same spot in both photos, and his image size on the prints was the same on both negatives, the camera was the same distance from Oswald in both shots. Besides, do you even know how that would distort Oswald's image w.r.t. distances from the camera between CE-133a & c, or do you want me to tell you?

Camera tilt is doing a number on the perspective which in turn distorts proportions of common elements in each picture. Using a tripod or fixed camera position is the most-reliable way to get consistent shots.

You can easily measure the camera tilt from the prints, which puts Oswald's head a few degrees higher in the frame for CE-133c. This slight tilt would be negligent if you were comparing 2 photos shot with the same lens. Instead, the superior quality of the lens that took the "in focus" money shot (CE-133a) was evident compared to all the rest. As a matter of fact the spherical aberration for CE-133b,c,d,etc. all match up to each other perfectly even though there were some tilt differences between them. Check and mate.

Same lens. Differing camera angles and subject positions/posture, and even slightly-differing camera positions.

As if you would know. LOL.

ps. I'm more than willing to have a civil discussion with you about this stuff if you'd take that chip off your shoulder and stop attacking everything I post merely because you are a LNer and you consider me the enemy.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jerry Freeman on December 15, 2019, 10:59:04 PM
  CE-133A was the last of the shots Marina took and she was more confident holding the camera, so it was steadier.
I must have asked umpty-seven times...If that was a legitimate roll of film--What ever happened to the rest of it?
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Bill Chapman on December 16, 2019, 01:31:49 AM
Bad shot. Slightly blurred all over. No one in his right mind believes the Roscoe White story.

You think that would make a superior negative? CE-133A was the last of the shots Marina took and she was more confident holding the camera, so it was steadier.

LOL! How do you expect anything to match if you don't have parts of Oswald's body that are the same distance to the camera in the two photos compared? In fact, there may not even be parts of his body the same distance to the camera in any two of the photos. The backgrounds aren't necessarily the same distance to the camera in the shots.

Camera tilt is doing a number on the perspective which in turn distorts proportions of common elements in each picture. Using a tripod or fixed camera position is the most-reliable way to get consistent shots.

Same lens. Differing camera angles and subject positions/posture, and even slightly-differing camera positions.

I remember something about somebody (George deM?) showing Marina the proper way to hold the camera at some point. And somebody said the guy that did the cutout had nothing to do at some point and was just screwing around.

And this should inform serious onlookers:

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Richard Smith on December 16, 2019, 02:09:59 AM
One thing for certain is that Paine was one of Oswald's handlers. So anything she did/said must be looked at with that in mind. As far as Oswald's poverty level was concerned, that's what the "False Defector" program was all about. Oswald was an Angleton singleton agent selected to be the pasty in the Big Event for Plan B just like Thomas Arthur Vallee was in Chicago for Plan A. Since Oswald was officially off the grid the CIA could disavow him.

You guys must think the CIA were a bunch of amateurs that couldn't pull off a coup. But that was their biz and they were pretty good at it up until the whole Bay of Pigs fiasco, which got Dulles fired and JFK declared war on them. We all know who prevailed.

Oswald was extracted from the fake defector program to be the patsy, otherwise, there is no way in hell that Oswald gets a job at the TSBD 3 weeks before Nov 22rd and the motorcade route gets re-routed down Elm, plus a thousand other "coincidences" that made the Big Event viable. It is much easier to accept the truth that this was a coup d'etat and Oswald was the patsy than he was a LNer with the luck of the Irish.

Instead of wasting your time on an Internet forum why don't you present your proof of Paine's involvement in the assassination to the authorities or make a Gomer Pyle-like citizen's arrest when she makes one of these appearance?  Surely you believe your own nonsense and aren't just spinning come compulsion driven conspiracy nonsense to pass the time.  Get back to us with the results.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Richard Smith on December 16, 2019, 02:22:06 AM

It was an opportunity that fell into his lap. And his plan of the surprise ambush was a good one.

Yes, many CTers suggest there must be some tidy, rational motive for a guy to take his rifle to work and assassinate the President.  As though that is the act of a normal person which must be explained with absolute certainty that we can all agree upon.  Oswald was clearly an angry malcontent.  That is the leitmotif of his entire life.  He hated authority and blamed society for his unhappiness.  He wanted to make his mark like many angry people with an act of violence.  He likely had no particular personal grievance against JFK.  As the President, JFK was a representative of American society who became a target of opportunity for a disgruntled nut who had already decided he was willing to sacrifice his own life to commit an act of violence. Oswald must have felt like he had won a golden ticket when he learned that JFK would be passing the TSBD in an open car.  Everything fell in place for him after that.  A happy guy to go out in a blaze of glory.  The fact that we are still discussing him 50 plus years later is a sign that he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.  Ironically it is the CTers that are trying to rob him of his one successful act in life. 
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on December 16, 2019, 05:13:41 AM
Yes, many CTers suggest there must be some tidy, rational motive for a guy to take his rifle to work and assassinate the President.  As though that is the act of a normal person which must be explained with absolute certainty that we can all agree upon.  Oswald was clearly an angry malcontent.  That is the leitmotif of his entire life.  He hated authority and blamed society for his unhappiness.  He wanted to make his mark like many angry people with an act of violence.  He likely had no particular personal grievance against JFK.  As the President, JFK was a representative of American society who became a target of opportunity for a disgruntled nut who had already decided he was willing to sacrifice his own life to commit an act of violence. Oswald must have felt like he had won a golden ticket when he learned that JFK would be passing the TSBD in an open car.  Everything fell in place for him after that.  A happy guy to go out in a blaze of glory.  The fact that we are still discussing him 50 plus years later is a sign that he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.  Ironically it is the CTers that are trying to rob him of his one successful act in life.

Cool story, bro.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Thomas Graves on December 16, 2019, 05:30:37 AM
Yes, many CTers suggest there must be some tidy, rational motive for a guy to take his rifle to work and assassinate the President.  As though that is the act of a normal person which must be explained with absolute certainty that we can all agree upon.  Oswald was clearly an angry malcontent.  That is the leitmotif of his entire life.  He hated authority and blamed society for his unhappiness.  He wanted to make his mark like many angry people with an act of violence.  He likely had no particular personal grievance against JFK.  As the President, JFK was a representative of American society who became a target of opportunity for a disgruntled nut who had already decided he was willing to sacrifice his own life to commit an act of violence. Oswald must have felt like he had won a golden ticket when he learned that JFK would be passing the TSBD in an open car.  Everything fell in place for him after that.  A happy guy to go out in a blaze of glory.  The fact that we are still discussing him 50 plus years later is a sign that he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.  Ironically it is the CTers that are trying to rob him of his one successful act in life.

Richard and Bill,

If, as I suspect, all-around loser and self-proclaimed Marxist Lee Harvey Oswald, disgusted as he was with life in America as well as in the USSR, assassinated President Kennedy on November 1963 in order to "accelerate The Dialectic" (and bring down both systems), I wonder if he could have envisioned that a mobbed-up, multi-billionaire, former KGB officer would be a de facto dictator of Russia today, and that his (Putin's) number one  "useful idiot," Donald Trump, would be the nominal president of The United States?

Ironically, what Oswald did gave rise to oodles and gobs of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, some of it Kremlin-promulgated, that paved the way for the likes of far-left (Oliver Stone, James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio) and far-right conspiracy-spewing ideologues (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones), and, as a result of their "works," the advent of Donald J. Trump as our president.

--  MWT  ;)
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Richard Smith on December 16, 2019, 03:24:44 PM
Richard and Bill,

If, as I suspect, all-around loser and self-proclaimed Marxist Lee Harvey Oswald, disgusted as he was with life in America as well as in the USSR, assassinated President Kennedy on November 1963 in order to "accelerate The Dialectic" (and bring down both systems), I wonder if he could have envisioned that a mobbed-up, multi-billionaire, former KGB officer would be a de facto dictator of Russia today, and that his (Putin's) number one  "useful idiot," Donald Trump, would be the nominal president of The United States?

Ironically, what Oswald did gave rise to oodles and gobs of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, some of it Kremlin-promulgated, that paved the way for the likes of far-left (Oliver Stone, James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio) and far-right conspiracy-spewing ideologues (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones), and, as a result of their "works," the advent of Donald J. Trump as our president.

--  MWT  ;)

I don't believe Oswald gave much thought to the consequences of his actions.  He was just an angry guy who was going to shake the tree and see what happened.  He only had a few days to plan and this opportunity was purely one of chance.  That's about all he could do given his limited means.  And he succeeded in changing society in a fundamental way.  Imagine an American president being able to drive through a city in an open car on a preannounced route.  That was routine before Nov. 22, 1963.  Now it is unimaginable.  Oswald was the guy who showed the way to every angry nut who was willing to die for some grievance and wanted to make their mark.  A perfect storm with the media coverage which gives ideas to other such nuts.  And on and on until today.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 16, 2019, 03:59:55 PM
I don't believe Oswald gave much thought to the consequences of his actions.  He was just an angry guy who was going to shake the tree and see what happened.  He only had a few days to plan and this opportunity was purely one of chance.  That's about all he could do given his limited means.  And he succeeded in changing society in a fundamental way.  Imagine an American president being able to drive through a city in an open car on a preannounced route.  That was routine before Nov. 22, 1963.  Now it is unimaginable.  Oswald was the guy who showed the way to every angry nut who was willing to die for some grievance and wanted to make their mark.  A perfect storm with the media coverage which gives ideas to other such nuts.  And on and on until today.
About 10 days before the assassination Oswald goes to the FBI headquarters in Dallas to confront the FBI agent, James Hosty, about his (Hosty's) questioning of Marina. That's not an act of someone who is planning to murder the president. That's drawing attention to yourself, raising a red flag.

Granted the FBI, Hosty specifically, dropped the ball. But Oswald wouldn't know how the FBI would act. In fact when he was in Mexico City he complained that the "notorious FBI" was after him.

Then he gets his rifle the day before the assassination. He doesn't get it earlier to practice with it, to check on its accuracy and reliability. He has four bullets. He needs a rife ride from a co-worker. He has to hope that he can be alone at the time JFK passes by. He has to hope on....well it's not a small list.

He got tragically lucky. He had almost no resources, no planning, no escape. It was essentially suicide.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 16, 2019, 04:16:07 PM
Richard and Bill,

If, as I suspect, all-around loser and self-proclaimed Marxist Lee Harvey Oswald, disgusted as he was with life in America as well as in the USSR, assassinated President Kennedy on November 1963 in order to "accelerate The Dialectic" (and bring down both systems), I wonder if he could have envisioned that a mobbed-up, multi-billionaire, former KGB officer would be a de facto dictator of Russia today, and that his (Putin's) number one  "useful idiot," Donald Trump, would be the nominal president of The United States?

Ironically, what Oswald did gave rise to oodles and gobs of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, some of it Kremlin-promulgated, that paved the way for the likes of far-left (Oliver Stone, James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio) and far-right conspiracy-spewing ideologues (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones), and, as a result of their "works," the advent of Donald J. Trump as our president.

--  MWT  ;)
You have dozens of post here positing this bizarre (to me) theory that the KGB/DGI and Khrushchev or Castro directed Oswald to kill JFK. And then you (correctly) complain about rampant conspiracy thinking going around?

Frankly, your views on the assassination are really not much different than those of Oliver Stone and DiEugenio and Simpich. They just believe that the CIA was behind it all and you think the KGB or DGI was.

Then, to top it off, you've suggested that people here who disagree with you may be Putin's assets? Really?

As Richard pointed out above, Oswald probably didn't give much thought to his act. He retrieves his rifle the day before the assassination, he has zero practice with it, doesn't check it for accuracy and reliability. He has four bullets. He has to get a ride from a co-worker. He has to hope that he'll be alone at the time JFK passes by.

This is not the act of a well-trained assassin who prepares for the act on orders of Khrushchev. This is a desperate, angry man who got tragically lucky.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Richard Smith on December 16, 2019, 06:01:15 PM
About 10 days before the assassination Oswald goes to the FBI headquarters in Dallas to confront the FBI agent, James Hosty, about his (Hosty's) questioning of Marina. That's not an act of someone who is planning to murder the president. That's drawing attention to yourself, raising a red flag.

Granted the FBI, Hosty specifically, dropped the ball. But Oswald wouldn't know how the FBI would act. In fact when he was in Mexico City he complained that the "notorious FBI" was after him.

Then he gets his rifle the day before the assassination. He doesn't get it earlier to practice with it, to check on its accuracy and reliability. He has four bullets. He needs a rife ride from a co-worker. He has to hope that he can be alone at the time JFK passes by. He has to hope on....well it's not a small list.

He got tragically lucky. He had almost no resources, no planning, no escape. It was essentially suicide.

Yes, he wouldn't have even known JFK was coming to Dallas and would pass his building until Monday or Tuesday before the assassination.  He also made a request to hold up his tax form when he was hired at the TSBD so he could add another dependent when his child was born.  Saving himself a few bucks.  Not something a guy who knew he would be killing the president in a few weeks would have concerned himself with.  There is no escaping from assassinating the president.  Oswald knew that which is why he left most of his money and wedding ring at home that morning.  This is where CTers ask why Oswald would have made a run for it if he knew his situation was hopeless.  As though criminals simply sit down and give themselves up even if there is no hope of escape.  Oswald just played his hand out like any number of criminals have done throughout history.  He had nothing to lose by giving it a try.  With a little luck (i.e. not encountering Tippit) he might have got out of Dallas and even to Mexico before the authorities caught up to him.  Like James Earl Ray did.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Bill Chapman on December 16, 2019, 06:59:38 PM
Yes, he wouldn't have even known JFK was coming to Dallas and would pass his building until Monday or Tuesday before the assassination.  He also made a request to hold up his tax form when he was hired at the TSBD so he could add another dependent when his child was born.  Saving himself a few bucks.  Not something a guy who knew he would be killing the president in a few weeks would have concerned himself with.  There is no escaping from assassinating the president.  Oswald knew that which is why he left most of his money and wedding ring at home that morning.  This is where CTers ask why Oswald would have made a run for it if he knew his situation was hopeless.  As though criminals simply sit down and give themselves up even if there is no hope of escape.  Oswald just played his hand out like any number of criminals have done throughout history.  He had nothing to lose by giving it a try.  With a little luck (i.e. not encountering Tippit) he might have got out of Dallas and even to Mexico before the authorities caught up to him.  Like James Earl Ray did.

Yeah, Oswald seemed an unlikely candidate to voluntarily give himself up
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Charles Collins on December 16, 2019, 07:05:16 PM
Yeah, Oswald seemed an unlikely candidate to voluntarily give himself up

The real perpetrator of the Centennial Olympic Park bombing hid out in the wilderness, surviving on acorns, bugs, etc. for five years after he had been identified and became a fugitive.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Bill Chapman on December 16, 2019, 07:08:21 PM
You have dozens of post here positing this bizarre (to me) theory that the KGB/DGI and Khrushchev or Castro directed Oswald to kill JFK. And then you (correctly) complain about rampant conspiracy thinking going around?

Frankly, your views on the assassination are really not much different than those of Oliver Stone and DiEugenio and Simpich. They just believe that the CIA was behind it all and you think the KGB or DGI was.

Then, to top it off, you've suggested that people here who disagree with you may be Putin's assets? Really?

As Richard pointed out above, Oswald probably didn't give much thought to his act. He retrieves his rifle the day before the assassination, he has zero practice with it, doesn't check it for accuracy and reliability. He has four bullets. He has to get a ride from a co-worker. He has to hope that he'll be alone at the time JFK passes by.

This is not the act of a well-trained assassin who prepares for the act on orders of Khrushchev. This is a desperate, angry man who got tragically lucky.

Lee Harvey Occam-Oswald
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Richard Smith on December 17, 2019, 02:19:46 PM
The real perpetrator of the Centennial Olympic Park bombing hid out in the wilderness, surviving on acorns, bugs, etc. for five years after he had been identified and became a fugitive.

I don't think Oswald would have had the fortitude to last long eating acorns and bugs.  He doesn't strike me as that type.  From what we do know about him and his actions, he appears to have understood that his chances of pulling this off and getting away were slim to none.  He wasn't delusional on that point.  As evidenced by leaving most of his money and wedding ring with Marina.  So arrest or death was part of his calculation in deciding to commit the act.  That doesn't mean he was going to sit down and give up.  He played out his hand.   At first just trying to move away from a known location after obtaining his pistol.   What he would have done had he not encountered Tippit has to be speculation but we know his objective over the previous months was to gain entry to Cuba.  And that, however unrealistic, was his best and perhaps only hope after assassinating the president.  Castro gave asylum to hijackers and murders from the US including a guy who killed a police officer.   So as fantastic as it might sound it was Oswald's only real hope and consistent with his objectives prior to the assassination.  He knew the drill about going to Mexico from his recent trip.  Maybe in his demented mind if he could get to Mexico City and the Cuban embassy, he might be given asylum by Castro as some type of revolutionary hero.   A fantasy Oswald was cultivating for himself with the BY photos and attempt on Walker. 
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Charles Collins on December 17, 2019, 03:05:37 PM
I don't think Oswald would have had the fortitude to last long eating acorns and bugs.  He doesn't strike me as that type.  From what we do know about him and his actions, he appears to have understood that his chances of pulling this off and getting away were slim to none.  He wasn't delusional on that point.  As evidenced by leaving most of his money and wedding ring with Marina.  So arrest or death was part of his calculation in deciding to commit the act.  That doesn't mean he was going to sit down and give up.  He played out his hand.   At first just trying to move away from a known location after obtaining his pistol.   What he would have done had he not encountered Tippit has to be speculation but we know his objective over the previous months was to gain entry to Cuba.  And that, however unrealistic, was his best and perhaps only hope after assassinating the president.  Castro gave asylum to hijackers and murders from the US including a guy who killed a police officer.   So as fantastic as it might sound it was Oswald's only real hope and consistent with his objectives prior to the assassination.  He knew the drill about going to Mexico from his recent trip.  Maybe in his demented mind if he could get to Mexico City and the Cuban embassy, he might be given asylum by Castro as some type of revolutionary hero.   A fantasy Oswald was cultivating for himself with the BY photos and attempt on Walker.

I agree, and I believe that if he hadn’t been detoured by the Tippit encounter then captured when he was, that there might have been an attempted hi jack at Love Field made by him that afternoon. And that Cuba was still where he wanted to be.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Thomas Graves on December 17, 2019, 03:09:57 PM
You have dozens of post here positing this bizarre (to me) theory that the KGB/DGI and Khrushchev or Castro directed Oswald to kill JFK. And then you (correctly) complain about rampant conspiracy thinking going around?

Frankly, your views on the assassination are really not much different than those of Oliver Stone and DiEugenio and Simpich. They just believe that the CIA was behind it all and you think the KGB or DGI was.

Then, to top it off, you've suggested that people here who disagree with you may be Putin's assets? Really?

As Richard pointed out above, Oswald probably didn't give much thought to his act. He retrieves his rifle the day before the assassination, he has zero practice with it, doesn't check it for accuracy and reliability. He has four bullets. He has to get a ride from a co-worker. He has to hope that he'll be alone at the time JFK passes by.

This is not the act of a well-trained assassin who prepares for the act on orders of Khrushchev. This is a desperate, angry man who got tragically lucky.


Given the fact that we are now saddled with a pro-"KGB" / anti-CIA president (soon to be dictator-for-life?), whom would you say, in hindsight, benefited more from the assassination of JFK (by an avowed Marxist, no less)?

1) The evil, evil, evil CIA, whose anti-KGB counterintelligence capabilities were destroyed by the combined efforts of Yuri "KGB Had Nothing To Do With Oswald In The USSR" Nosenko, Aleksei "I Duped Hoover For Fifteen Years" Kulak, Dimitri "I Tag-Teamed With Kulak" Polyakov, Boris "KGB Determined The Evil, Evil, Evil MIICC Did It" Orehkov, et al., and useful American idiots (or worse) Kovich, McCoy, Hart, Solie, Colby, et al., ... or ...

2) The humanitarian organization (and Putin's former employer) best known and  remembered as the "KGB" (oh-so-innocuously split into the "SVR" and the "FSB" because, "Hey, you gullible Americans, The Cold War Is Over!") ?


--  MWT  ;)

PS. Don't run away now, like you usually do.

PPS  There are oodles and gobs of wishful-thinking Americans who are unwitting (by definition) "useful idiots" of KGB-boy Vladimir Putin.

As I recall, 63 million of then voted for Trump in 2016.

So don't take it so personally, Steve M.

It can happen to any ignorant and/or gullible person.

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on December 17, 2019, 03:20:22 PM
Speaking of fantasies, “Richard” is apparently vying for the Pulitzer Prize in fiction.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Thomas Graves on December 17, 2019, 03:38:25 PM

Given the fact that we are now saddled with a pro-"KGB" / anti-CIA president (soon to be dictator-for-life?), whom would you say, in hindsight, benefited more from the assassination of JFK (by an avowed Marxist, no less)?

1) The evil, evil, evil CIA, whose anti-KGB counterintelligence capabilities were destroyed by the combined efforts of Yuri "KGB Had Nothing To Do With Oswald In The USSR" Nosenko, Aleksei "I Duped Hoover For Fifteen Years" Kulak, Dimitri "I Tag-Teamed With Kulak" Polyakov, Boris "KGB Determined The Evil, Evil, Evil MIICC Did It" Orehkov, et al., and useful American idiots (or worse) Kovich, McCoy, Hart, Solie, Colby, et al., ... or ...

2) The humanitarian organization (and Putin's former employer) best known and  remembered as the "KGB" (oh-so-innocuously split into the "SVR" and the "FSB" because, "Hey, you gullible Americans, The Cold War Is Over!") ?


--  MWT  ;)

PS. Don't run away now, like you usually do.

PPS  There are oodles and gobs of wishful-thinking Americans who are unwitting (by definition) "useful idiots" of KGB-boy Vladimir Putin.

As I recall, 63 million of then voted for Trump in 2016.

So don't take it so personally, Steve M.

It can happen to any ignorant and/or gullible person.

PPPS  Oswald wasn't necessarily controlled by the Kremlin. But he was influenced by it (by Marx, if nothing else), or ... gasp ... maybe Pacepa was telling the truth when he said Khrushchev wasn't able to call off the hit!

Regardless, the assassination gave false-defector Yuri Nosenko a great talking point  / "icebreaker" and reason to be "listened to" by the likes of my heroes Anglenton and Bagley and Westin and Miler and Rocca et al., (who already knew from Geneva 1962 that he was fake), and "taken seriously" by the likes of wishful-thinkers Leonard McCoy, HSCA-perjurer John L. Hart, and Bruce "Gum Shoe" Solie, et al.

The latter gang won out in the long run, and as a result, CIA Counterintelligence was decimated and demoralized, and false-defector Yuri Nosenko was not only given a large cash reward, but was actually hired by CIA to help train its recruits.

All of which paved the way for Adrich Ames' getting away with what he did, for so incredibly long as he did.

And for "Popov Mole" Edward Ellis Smith's not being uncovered during his lifetime, and the person in CIA's Soviet Russia Division he probably helped KGB to recruit never being uncovered ...

Etcetera ...


--  MWT  ;)
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Richard Smith on December 17, 2019, 08:30:05 PM
You have dozens of post here positing this bizarre (to me) theory that the KGB/DGI and Khrushchev or Castro directed Oswald to kill JFK. And then you (correctly) complain about rampant conspiracy thinking going around?

Frankly, your views on the assassination are really not much different than those of Oliver Stone and DiEugenio and Simpich. They just believe that the CIA was behind it all and you think the KGB or DGI was.

Then, to top it off, you've suggested that people here who disagree with you may be Putin's assets? Really?

As Richard pointed out above, Oswald probably didn't give much thought to his act. He retrieves his rifle the day before the assassination, he has zero practice with it, doesn't check it for accuracy and reliability. He has four bullets. He has to get a ride from a co-worker. He has to hope that he'll be alone at the time JFK passes by.

This is not the act of a well-trained assassin who prepares for the act on orders of Khrushchev. This is a desperate, angry man who got tragically lucky.

I agree that there is no credible evidence of the involvement of the Russians in the JFK assassination.  At most, they may have used the CTer movement to promote distrust of the American government by promoting false theories like the CIA or LBJ were behind the crime.  There was some discussion of Mark Lane having been paid or working with the Russians in promoting his nutty claims.  A sort of disinformation campaign that Lane was adept at (if nothing else).  The Russians might have falsely hinted that they had intelligence information linking the CIA or LBJ to the crime.  There would be a Russian interest in eroding the American public's confidence in their own government.   So I wouldn't put that entirely past them.  But no involvement in the assassination itself.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jack Trojan on December 17, 2019, 09:41:38 PM
Instead of wasting your time on an Internet forum why don't you present your proof of Paine's involvement in the assassination to the authorities or make a Gomer Pyle-like citizen's arrest when she makes one of these appearance?  Surely you believe your own nonsense and aren't just spinning come compulsion driven conspiracy nonsense to pass the time.  Get back to us with the results.

 :D You are such a troll. I'm just here challenging all your LNer bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns because you know jack squat about how to process evidence, which is obvious. You have always been a shill for the conspirators, and I'm sure they thank you bigly for your patronage. But you can ease up now that 99% of them are dead, with the exception of Barr and a few other secondary players. IOWs, give it up, you've lost the war. Try not to think about the decades wasted shilling for nonsense. Maybe you should take a deep breath, reset, and start over.  ;D
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Thomas Graves on December 18, 2019, 04:15:07 AM
It's quite an obsession you have there, Thomas. Low-resolution images; and again with the adolescent sex references..


Are you telling me that, based on the clothes they're wearing (and the light blue headscarf one of them is wearing), you can't see that the three people on the Pergola Patio in the enlarged Towner film aren't only women, but that they're the same three women who were standing by the Stemmons sign in Zapruder?

Do you actually agree with Iacoletti when he suggests that they might be Bermuda shorts-wearing men?


Regarding Russophile Ruth Paine, isn't it interesting the the guy who handed the Oswalds off to her when he left the scene, George DeMohrenschildt, was probably a long-term KGB "illegal" according to CIA counterintelligence analyst Clare Edward Petty, as spelled out in Russell's The Man Who Knew Too Much?

Petty came to that conclusion around 1977, iirc, after having taken a close look at some WW II VENONA decrypts.

--  MWT  ;)
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Richard Smith on December 18, 2019, 02:38:41 PM
:D You are such a troll. I'm just here challenging all your LNer bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns because you know jack squat about how to process evidence, which is obvious. You have always been a shill for the conspirators, and I'm sure they thank you bigly for your patronage. But you can ease up now that 99% of them are dead, with the exception of Barr and a few other secondary players. IOWs, give it up, you've lost the war. Try not to think about the decades wasted shilling for nonsense. Maybe you should take a deep breath, reset, and start over.  ;D

Try to focus.  It's impossible to follow your ramblings here.  So you won't be submitting your "evidence" of Paine's involvement in the assassination to the authorities or making a citizen's arrest?  I can only infer from that you don't believe your own nonsense but are just in the midst of some type of delusion.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 19, 2019, 04:25:13 PM
Try to focus.  It's impossible to follow your ramblings here.  So you won't be submitting your "evidence" of Paine's involvement in the assassination to the authorities or making a citizen's arrest?  I can only infer from that you don't believe your own nonsense but are just in the midst of some type of delusion.
He not only thinks the "conspirators" are still around (Paine and?) but that they also thank you "bigly for your patronage".

To top this lunacy off, he thinks they - who are still alive, remember - care what people write on this forum. I guess they hold meetings and then they tell you, "Hey, Richard, this guy Trojan is on our case. Go stop him now!"

So, I guess Ruth will be sending you an extra gift card this year for Christmas as thanks for all your work defending her evil work.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Richard Smith on December 19, 2019, 10:48:03 PM
He not only thinks the "conspirators" are still around (Paine and?) but that they also thank you "bigly for your patronage".

To top this lunacy off, he thinks they - who are still alive, remember - care what people write on this forum. I guess they hold meetings and then they tell you, "Hey, Richard, this guy Trojan is on our case. Go stop him now!"

So, I guess Ruth will be sending you an extra gift card this year for Christmas as thanks for all your work defending her evil work.

Yes, Ruth Paine is baking me some brownies as we speak in gratitude.  The Quaker housewife, master spy behind the assassination (cue sinister music).  Nutty CTers want to view this case in a purely hypothetical context in which they can nitpick testimony and imply sinister motivations that fit their kooky world view.  They want nothing to do with reality or the actual players.  It is absurd to suggest that the real, living and breathing Ruth Paine (a kind and charitable person) had anything whatsoever to do with the assassination.   It's fall on the ground laughing nonsense.  CTers have some unconscious understanding of the absurdity of their claims because they make no effort whatsoever to do what any normal person would do if they believed they had evidence of the complicity of someone in murder.  Particularly of the president.  Like report it to the authorities.  Instead they limit themselves to forums like this one where they can vent their compulsion driven fantasies to their heart's content.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jack Trojan on December 20, 2019, 12:35:21 AM
He not only thinks the "conspirators" are still around (Paine and?) but that they also thank you "bigly for your patronage".

To top this lunacy off, he thinks they - who are still alive, remember - care what people write on this forum. I guess they hold meetings and then they tell you, "Hey, Richard, this guy Trojan is on our case. Go stop him now!"

So, I guess Ruth will be sending you an extra gift card this year for Christmas as thanks for all your work defending her evil work.

Psst..the lunacy here is sticking with the fringe LN hypothesis when the consensus by the HSCA and most of the general public think this was likely a conspiracy. And if this was a conspiracy then LHO was not a lone nut. If LHO was not a lone nut then he was a patsy. If he was a patsy then he had handlers. If he had handlers then Paine was one of them.

And yes, the conspirators have thanked you LNer suckers bigly for your patronage over the many decades. Not exclusively on this forum but for all the good shilling you've done in print and media to keep the LNer ghost alive. Congrats!

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 20, 2019, 06:33:26 PM
Psst..the lunacy here is sticking with the fringe LN hypothesis when the consensus by the HSCA and most of the general public think this was likely a conspiracy. And if this was a conspiracy then LHO was not a lone nut. If LHO was not a lone nut then he was a patsy. If he was a patsy then he had handlers. If he had handlers then Paine was one of them.

And yes, the conspirators have thanked you LNer suckers bigly for your patronage over the many decades. Not exclusively on this forum but for all the good shilling you've done in print and media to keep the LNer ghost alive. Congrats!
How do you reason from "Oswald was not a lone nut then he must have been a patsy"? Isn't it possible he was part of a small conspiracy? He wasn't a patsy but was a willing participant? And how do you reason from "If he was a patsy then he must have had handlers?" Why would he need handlers? I cannot begin to understand this "If A then B" thinking on your part.

Again, you think the "conspirators" are still active and are rewarding LN "shills". I mean, this is beyond absurd. Even Donald "Impeached as President" Trump doesn't believe this type of goofiness. Although who really knows what this awful petty man believes.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 20, 2019, 06:35:20 PM
Do you know where I can collect a stipend for being a LN "shill"? I urgently need a new computer for my 3D work.
I guess I need to fess up: I've been cashing your checks all of these years, Jerry.

Give me your checking account information and my Nigerian co-conspirator and son of the deposed King of Nigeria (at least, that's who he told me who he was) will put the money in it. We're loaded.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Bill Chapman on December 20, 2019, 06:55:41 PM
Most of the general public don't give a spombleprofglidnoctobuns about the JFK assassination. Most of the general public don't know the details other than those gleaned from conspiracy-monger pulp fiction. Conspiracy-theorizing has always been the real national sport in America.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Charles Collins on December 20, 2019, 07:18:06 PM
Most of the general public don't give a spombleprofglidnoctobuns about the JFK assassination. Most of the general public don't know the details other than those gleaned from conspiracy-monger pulp fiction. Conspiracy-theorizing has always been the real national sport in America.

Exactly, and most of the general public becomes jaded by the conspiracy stuff first. Then refuse to give the official records an open-minded review.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 20, 2019, 07:21:10 PM
Most of the general public don't give a spombleprofglidnoctobuns about the JFK assassination. Most of the general public don't know the details other than those gleaned from conspiracy-monger pulp fiction. Conspiracy-theorizing has always been the real national sport in America.
Yes. And for the younger generation - under 40 or so - most of what they know comes from watching the Stone movie in history class. Swell, just swell.

These supposed JFK "conspirators" are almost all dead. We have Paine and who else? Any major figure, anyone in "command" has long been dead. To think this nefarious "they" care about what is said here is just...well, I have no words. To think "they" reward "LN shills" is, again, I have no words. Not all conspiracy believers suffer from a form of "conspiracism"; but not all of them don't either.

Conspiracism is defined as: "Conspiracism serves the needs of diverse political and social groups in America and elsewhere. It identifies elites, blames them for economic and social catastrophes, and assumes that things will be better once popular action can remove them from positions of power. As such, conspiracy theories do not typify a particular epoch or ideology."

So we see Trump and his supporters promoting them; and Trump's hardcore opponents promoting them as well. Trump is a conman and narcissist who warrants removal from office; but he's not a Manchurian candidate controlled by Putin. But I don't think this is unique to the US. Maybe more prevalent now; but there's always been conspiracy beliefs - the Jews killed Jesus, the Masons control the world, type of thinking.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Richard Smith on December 20, 2019, 09:14:08 PM
Psst..the lunacy here is sticking with the fringe LN hypothesis when the consensus by the HSCA and most of the general public think this was likely a conspiracy. And if this was a conspiracy then LHO was not a lone nut. If LHO was not a lone nut then he was a patsy. If he was a patsy then he had handlers. If he had handlers then Paine was one of them.

And yes, the conspirators have thanked you LNer suckers bigly for your patronage over the many decades. Not exclusively on this forum but for all the good shilling you've done in print and media to keep the LNer ghost alive. Congrats!

Belief in a thing, even by a lot of people, doesn't make it true.  Most people don't know the first detail about the JFK assassination.  Their opinion is worthless. There are facts and evidence, however.  And if you honestly think you are in possession of facts and evidence that are conclusive of Ruth Paine's or anyone else's involvement in a conspiracy to kill the President you would have presented your case to the authorities.  Instead you spend all your time here lecturing us about our motives.  An implicit acknowledgement that you have no such evidence of a conspiracy and would be shunned by the authorities.  A JFK conspiracy is a fantasy.  It is dealt with by CTers in a hypothetical sense in which a Quaker, housewife can be a sinister master spy involved in an assassination selectively nitpicking her words and making sinister implications.  The real Ruth Paine is of no interest to you because it is preposterous that she was involved in any conspiracy.  Just a kind person doing a good deed.   
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 20, 2019, 10:02:33 PM
Belief in a thing, even by a lot of people, doesn't make it true.  Most people don't know the first detail about the JFK assassination.  Their opinion is worthless. There are facts and evidence, however.  And if you honestly think you are in possession of facts and evidence that are conclusive of Ruth Paine's or anyone else's involvement in a conspiracy to kill the President you would have presented your case to the authorities.  Instead you spend all your time here lecturing us about our motives.  An implicit acknowledgement that you have no such evidence of a conspiracy and would be shunned by the authorities.  A JFK conspiracy is a fantasy.  It is dealt with by CTers in a hypothetical sense in which a Quaker, housewife can be a sinister master spy involved in an assassination selectively nitpicking her words and making sinister implications.  The real Ruth Paine is of no interest to you because it is preposterous that she was involved in any conspiracy.  Just a kind person doing a good deed.   
They have Quaker pacifist housewives and waitresses and steamfitters and shoe salesmen and ticket takers and cab drivers and bus drivers and warehouse workers and dozens and dozens of ordinary people conspiring with major elements of the government - the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, the Secret Service, the Justice Department - to murder the president. And frame an innocent man. And then cover all of that up for the rest of their lives.

Then, if that's not enough, they have us "LN shills" working with or on behalf of the conspirators.

It never ends.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Charles Collins on December 20, 2019, 10:10:31 PM
They have Quaker pacifist housewives and waitresses and steamfitters and shoe salesmen and ticket takers and cab drivers and bus drivers and warehouse workers and dozens and dozens of ordinary people conspiring with major elements of the government - the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, the Secret Service, the Justice Department - to murder the president. And frame an innocent man. And then cover all of that up for the rest of their lives.

Then, if that's not enough, they have us "LN shills" working with or on behalf of the conspirators.

It never ends.

It’s a mindset that defies articulable facts, reason, and logic.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 20, 2019, 10:20:18 PM
It’s a mindset that defies articulable facts, reason, and logic.
That they then demand we refute. To their satisfaction.

How can one prove that Ruth Paine wasn't a CIA agent controlling/handling Oswald? It's not impossible to prove a negative - I can prove I didn't shoot Lincoln; but in this matter it is impossible. Even if we had documents from the CIA stating that Ruth Paine would not be a person of use and that they rejected any thoughts of using her, the conspiracists would simply say they were faked. So what can we do?

All we can do, essentially, is ask that if she was part of the framing of Oswald then why didn't she do "A" or "B"? As in, why didn't she say he expressed hatred towards JFK? Why didn't she say she saw his rifle in the garage? And that she saw him leave with it that morning? Those are the types of deeply incriminating evidence against Oswald that the conspirators would want her to do.

But she did none of that. Why not?
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Bill Chapman on December 20, 2019, 11:03:51 PM
Yes. And for the younger generation - under 40 or so - most of what they know comes from watching the Stone movie in history class. Swell, just swell.

These supposed JFK "conspirators" are almost all dead. We have Paine and who else? Any major figure, anyone in "command" has long been dead. To think this nefarious "they" care about what is said here is just...well, I have no words. To think "they" reward "LN shills" is, again, I have no words. Not all conspiracy believers suffer from a form of "conspiracism"; but not all of them don't either.

Conspiracism is defined as: "Conspiracism serves the needs of diverse political and social groups in America and elsewhere. It identifies elites, blames them for economic and social catastrophes, and assumes that things will be better once popular action can remove them from positions of power. As such, conspiracy theories do not typify a particular epoch or ideology."

So we see Trump and his supporters promoting them; and Trump's hardcore opponents promoting them as well. Trump is a conman and narcissist who warrants removal from office; but he's not a Manchurian candidate controlled by Putin. But I don't think this is unique to the US. Maybe more prevalent now; but there's always been conspiracy beliefs - the Jews killed Jesus, the Masons control the world, type of thinking.

British Journal of Psychology · August 2016
Karen M. Douglas
University of Kent

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:

Recent years have seen a growing interest in the psychological factors associated with conspiracy belief (see Bilewicz, Cichocka & Soral, 2015 for an overview). For example, conspiracy belief has been linked to distrust in authority, cynicism (Abalakina- Paap, Stephan, Craig & Gregory, 1999; Swami, Chamorro-Premuzic & Furnham, 2010), Machiavellianism (Douglas & Sutton, 2011), collective narcissism (Cichocka, Marchlewska, Golec de Zavala & Olechowski, in press), and a tendency to attribute agency and intentionality where it is unlikely to exist (Douglas, Sutton, Callan, Dawtry & Harvey, 2016). Conspiracy theories are said to thrive under conditions of powerlessness (Whitson & Galinsky, 2008) and uncertainty (van Prooijen & Jostmann, 2013).
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jack Trojan on December 20, 2019, 11:57:34 PM
That they then demand we refute. To their satisfaction.

How can one prove that Ruth Paine wasn't a CIA agent controlling/handling Oswald? It's not impossible to prove a negative - I can prove I didn't shoot Lincoln; but in this matter it is impossible. Even if we had documents from the CIA stating that Ruth Paine would not be a person of use and that they rejected any thoughts of using her, the conspiracists would simply say they were faked. So what can we do?

All we can do, essentially, is ask that if she was part of the framing of Oswald then why didn't she do "A" or "B"? As in, why didn't she say he expressed hatred towards JFK? Why didn't she say she saw his rifle in the garage? And that she saw him leave with it that morning? Those are the types of deeply incriminating evidence against Oswald that the conspirators would want her to do.

But she did none of that. Why not?

For the sake of argument let's assume this was a conspiracy either big or small. Logic dictates:

A) If Oswald was a conspirator then he was planted in the TSBD and the motorcade was rerouted down Elm.
B) If Oswald was planted then the conspirators had to be high enough on the food chain to make it happen.
C) Only a "big" conspiracy could have set up Oswald for the Big Event.
D) If this was a big conspiracy then Oswald was a patsy and the DPD were in on it.
E) If Oswald was the patsy in the Big Event then he was also a singleton agent who got double-crossed.
F) If Oswald was a singleton agent then he must have been recruited from CIA's Fake Defector program.
G) If Oswald was a CIA agent then he had handlers.
H) If Oswald had handlers the person who he lived with and got him a job at the TSBD, was likely one of them.
I) He lived with Ruth Paine who was overly involved in his life, yet apparently knew nothing about the Big Event.
J) Handlers come in all shapes and sizes and Paine was perfect for the role considering how she continues to dupe all the LNers.

The Food Chain:

K) Who was in charge of the Fake Defector program in 1963? CIA CI director James Jesus Angleton, Allen Dulles best bud.
L) Who wanted JFK dead the most after the BOPs fiasco? Dulles.
M) Who had that compromising photo of Hoover at the time? Angleton
N) Who was easily persuaded to get on board with the Big Event? Hoover
O) Who had various members of the DPD and SS under their thumb? Hoover
P) Who was more than willing to turn a blind eye and let it all play out so he could step in as POTUS? Johnson
Q) Who were the ONLY people who could have made the Big Event happen? See above.

Before you know it, Oswald gets apprehended by the DPD 1 hour after he flees the scene, then Hoover and Johnson get on the phone to discuss a month's worth of incriminating dirt on Oswald dug up less than 24 hours after the assassination.  Sorry, I just don't buy it. You can speculate why Paine didn't do this or that, but it seems to me she did her job perfectly. She's still here isn't she? JMHO.

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Ted Shields on January 09, 2020, 10:05:59 AM
Sorry if its been answered but when is the Truth is the Only Client documentary released?
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jerry Freeman on January 18, 2020, 04:53:16 PM
  Marina said that she believed that Oswald liked JFK too. But she later testified that she wasn't sure and that she made that judgment because he would read favorable stories about JFK to her. 
But she later testified that she wasn't sure
Where was that specifically?
Here is Marina Oswald Porter's statements before the HSCA--------
Mr. PREYER. Did Lee ever talk about United States politics after you were married, that is, did he talk about officials of the United States, such as the President or the Secretary of State or, did he talk about policies of the U.S. Government?
Mrs. PORTER. If he did, he wasn't talking to me about it, because I wasn't really interested in his political view or anybody's political view.
Mr. PREYER. Specifically did he ever talk about President Kennedy?
Mrs. PORTER. Whatever he said about President Kennedy, it was only good, always.
Mr. PREYER. At this time when he first returned in Texas, did he talk about politics or did he mention President Kennedy again at any time?
Mrs. PORTER. Off and on, but it was always complimentary, something good.
Mr. PREYER. Did he talk in general about any other politicians or public figures in the United States at this time?
Mrs. PORTER. Not that I recall; no.
Mr. McDONALD. Can you recall in your presence whether George DeMohrenschildt and Lee ever spoke about President Kennedy?
Mrs. PORTER. If I say right now that, yes, I do, they probably talked about, and then you ask me about the details which I cannot remember, but, yes, the name John Kennedy was mentioned in their conversation.
Mr. McDONALD. Can you recall in what context? In other words, were they speaking favorably of Kennedy?
Mrs. PORTER. I think so. Well, I recall that George DeMohrenschildt told me once that when he was younger, I mean he knew Jackie Kennedy before she was married to John Kennedy when she was a young lady and spoke very nicely about her.
Mr. McDONALD. And how about Lee's views at the time? Do you recall whether they were ever engaged in argument?
Mrs. PORTER. I do not recall ever hearing Lee talking badly about John Kennedy or Kennedy family.
Does that settle it for everybody?
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Tonkovich on January 18, 2020, 09:39:16 PM
The copying of Oswalds's letter, preceded by her "snooping" , remains..curious?
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jon Banks on January 18, 2020, 10:24:45 PM
Paine: "I think it was a spur of the moment thing for him. That he could do this. I don’t think he was shooting at Kennedy. He was shooting at the Presidency."

That was Bugliosi's theory too: i.e., that Oswald was shooting at what JFK represented - that is, the head of the political and economic systems that he repeatedly said he hated - and not specifically at JFK.

It is odd that we have very little about what Oswald thought about JFK. De Mohrenschildt said that Oswald expressed admiration for JFK, especially his civil rights proposals. Marina said that she believed that Oswald liked JFK too. But she later testified that she wasn't sure and that she made that judgment because he would read favorable stories about JFK to her. I'll just add parenthetically: if Marina (and or DeMohrenschildt) was coached or coerced into giving damning information about Oswald then why didn't "they" tell her/him to say he hated JFK?

Again, however, we have Oswald's repeated denunciations of America, of its political and economic structure. So why would he "like" the leader of the systems he detested? Plus: Cuba. Oswald admired Castro, he wanted to defect there. Sure, after the problems with the Cubans in Mexico City obtaining a visa he seemed to sour on Cuba. But why turn on Castro?

In any case, I think Oswald was aware of JFK's covert war on Cuba, perhaps even about the assassination plots against Castro (question: did he meet anyone in Mexico City who "inflamed" his dislike of JFK?). And that played a role - large or small - in his decision. He may have been driven in part by a desire for fame or for attacking the Presidency and not the President but I don't think we can take JFK the man out of his motivations.

Oswald liked Kennedy despite the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis. So why would knowledge of the Covert War against Cuba make him dislike Kennedy?

Oswald knew at the time when he said nice things about Kennedy to his wife and George DM that the US under Kennedy was hostile towards Cuba and had to have known that LBJ would continue Kennedy’s policies.

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jon Banks on January 18, 2020, 10:27:44 PM

It was an opportunity that fell into his lap. And his plan of the surprise ambush was a good one.


However, the Dallas trip for JFK was announced before Oswald traveled to New Mexico and the parade route going through Dealey Plaza was predictable.

It was just a matter of getting Oswald to Dallas and getting him a job in Dealey Plaza...

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Walt Cakebread on January 18, 2020, 10:37:48 PM
The copying of Oswalds's letter, preceded by her "snooping" , remains..curious?

Ruth Paine admitted that she was a informant for the FBI when she appeared before the WC.    The FACT that she spied on Lee Oswald ( and Marina who she had living in her house where she could easily spy on her) and reported to the FBI is an admission that she was an FBI informant.   

I wonder if Ruth knows that she was an FBI stoolie? ....    Probably not....She has some  wires crossed and after all these years the lie has become the truth in her head.   
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Tonkovich on January 19, 2020, 04:14:35 AM
Ruth Paine admitted that she was a informant for the FBI when she appeared before the WC.    The FACT that she spied on Lee Oswald ( and Marina who she had living in her house where she could easily spy on her) and reported to the FBI is an admission that she was an FBI informant.   

I wonder if Ruth knows that she was an FBI stoolie? ....    Probably not....She has some  wires crossed and after all these years the lie has become the truth in her head.   

Intriguing idea.
Could you help out with a citation for this " informant " admission?
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jerry Freeman on January 19, 2020, 03:13:51 PM
Belief in a thing, even by a lot of people, doesn't make it true.  Most people don't know the first detail about the JFK assassination.  Their opinion is worthless.   It is dealt with by CTers in a hypothetical sense in which a Quaker, housewife can be a sinister master spy involved in an assassination selectively nitpicking her words and making sinister implications.  The real Ruth Paine is of no interest to you because it is preposterous that she was involved in any conspiracy.  Just a kind person doing a good deed.   
Most people don't know the first detail about the JFK assassination.
Says who...the big know it all?
Their opinion is worthless.
How much is yours worth?
a Quaker, housewife can be a sinister master spy involved in an assassination
What a pile of crap. I do not ---nor do I agree that Ruth Paine was involved with any plot to assassinate JFK.
However her connection with the Oswalds [whatever that attachment might have been] left her vulnerable and vulnerable people are infused then with fear and intimidation. Mrs Paine's contradictory statements have been posted several times and long time members know this and some choose to ignore it.
Fear is the greatest motivator.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Iacoletti on January 19, 2020, 03:49:46 PM
Intriguing idea.
Could you help out with a citation for this " informant " admission?

Walt is playing fast and loose with the term “informant”. Hosty asked her some questions about Oswald and she answered them.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Walt Cakebread on January 19, 2020, 03:57:23 PM
Intriguing idea.
Could you help out with a citation for this " informant " admission?

Ruth Paine admitted that she spied on Lee Oswald and reported her observations to the FBI.    When she clandestinely read the letter that Lee wrote to the Russian embassy she became angry because Lee had referred to the FBI as "notorious "....   Ruth Paine thought that the FBI was a perfect,  all American, red, white, and blue organization....  And Hoover's mother was also a Quaker.  ( Don't know if J. Edna Hoover was Quaker)   Ruth may have assumed that Hoover was a Quaker.

Lee knew that he could deflect suspicion by including outrageous, or provocative statements, in written correspondence, thus he referred to the FBI as "notorious" while knowing that the letter would be opened by the FBI before it reached the Russian Embassy .... Lee deliberately used the term "notorious" to grab the attention of the FBI agent who read the letter.  The Russians would see the "notorious FBI " as a defamatory, or derogatory term and pay no attention to it.

Lee had used this strategy many times in writing  to his "mother" from Russia ....   He stated that his loyalty was to Russia and he would take up arms against Americans if required.   That kind of stuff was for the eyes of the Russian censors. 

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Tonkovich on January 21, 2020, 02:49:22 AM
Walt is playing fast and loose with the term “informant”. Hosty asked her some questions about Oswald and she answered them.

As to Ruth, her testimony - through the years- raises more questions than it gives  real answers.
Doesn't mean I think she's a...spy or an informer or any such thing. Just not very truthful.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Tonkovich on January 24, 2020, 05:01:10 PM
As to Ruth, her testimony - through the years- raises more questions than it gives  real answers.
Doesn't mean I think she's a...spy or an informer or any such thing. Just not very truthful.

Addendum: There's also the issue of Ruth and her calendar, with it's Oct 23rd ( "but I meant November, really") notation about LHO and ordering of the rifle.

And Michael, with his (30 years later ) mention of seeing the Backyard photograph in spring, 1963.

And the Minox camera/light meter, negatives

All of the above could mean..absolutely nothing.
But the lack of investigation into these two - at the time of the assassination- is disappointing. And was - For whatever reason- deliberate, on the part of the WC.

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on January 24, 2020, 07:57:52 PM
Ruth Paine admitted that she spied on Lee Oswald and reported her observations to the FBI.    When she clandestinely read the letter that Lee wrote to the Russian embassy she became angry because Lee had referred to the FBI as "notorious "....   Ruth Paine thought that the FBI was a perfect,  all American, red, white, and blue organization....  And Hoover's mother was also a Quaker.  ( Don't know if J. Edna Hoover was Quaker)   Ruth may have assumed that Hoover was a Quaker.

Lee knew that he could deflect suspicion by including outrageous, or provocative statements, in written correspondence, thus he referred to the FBI as "notorious" while knowing that the letter would be opened by the FBI before it reached the Russian Embassy .... Lee deliberately used the term "notorious" to grab the attention of the FBI agent who read the letter.  The Russians would see the "notorious FBI " as a defamatory, or derogatory term and pay no attention to it.

Lee had used this strategy many times in writing  to his "mother" from Russia ....   He stated that his loyalty was to Russia and he would take up arms against Americans if required.   That kind of stuff was for the eyes of the Russian censors. 

Did Paine tell the FBI about the letter? Its contents? Answer: No. She showed it to her husband Michael who also dismissed it as nothing. Some informants.

According to the KGB officers/Embassy staffers at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, Oswald showed them his revolver and told them he need it to protect himself from the "notorious" FBI. Exact same characterization.

As to Ruth Paine: Paine is and was a political leftist - she went to Central America in the 1980s and volunteered work for the Nicaraguan government helping the poor. I've read/seen no evidence whatsoever that she believed the FBI represented "Mom's apple pie and the Fourth of July."
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Tonkovich on January 24, 2020, 08:19:11 PM
Did Paine tell the FBI about the letter? It's contents? Answer: No. She showed it to her husband Michael who also dismissed it as nothing. Some informants.

According to the KGB officers/Embassy staffers at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, Oswald showed them his revolver and told them he need it to protect himself from the "notorious" FBI. Exact same characterization.

As to Ruth Paine: Paine is and was a political leftist - she went to Central America in the 1980s and volunteered work for the Nicaraguan government helping the poor. I've read/seen no evidence whatsoever that she believed the FBI represented "Mom's apple pie and the Fourth of July."

Ruth Paine is a leftist.
Please explain.
Citations, if possible.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jon Banks on January 24, 2020, 08:41:11 PM

As to Ruth Paine: Paine is and was a political leftist - she went to Central America in the 1980s and volunteered work for the Nicaraguan government helping the poor. I've read/seen no evidence whatsoever that she believed the FBI represented "Mom's apple pie and the Fourth of July."

Not to get too deep into the Weeds of political theory but Ruth Paine sounds like a Trotskyite.

The Trotskyite Left in modern times has come to be defined as the anti-Communist Left (At least Communism as practiced by the Soviets).

They are on the Left for the most part but suspicious of the Radical Left or the Authoritarian/Stalinist Left.

Some Trotskyites voluntarily informed the FBI about radical Left movements in the 1960s.

The co-Founder of Amnesty International, Luis Kutner, is probably the most high profile example of that sort of thing. He informed the FBI about radical Left groups and other things. He was also a Mob lawyer and knew Jack Ruby.


Also, didn’t Marina Oswald testify a few years after the assassination that she was told by the Secret Service that Ruth was close to the CIA?
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Richard Smith on January 25, 2020, 02:23:56 PM
Most people don't know the first detail about the JFK assassination.
Says who...the big know it all?
Their opinion is worthless.
How much is yours worth?
a Quaker, housewife can be a sinister master spy involved in an assassination
What a pile of crap. I do not ---nor do I agree that Ruth Paine was involved with any plot to assassinate JFK.
However her connection with the Oswalds [whatever that attachment might have been] left her vulnerable and vulnerable people are infused then with fear and intimidation. Mrs Paine's contradictory statements have been posted several times and long time members know this and some choose to ignore it.
Fear is the greatest motivator.

So you don't think Paine was involved but then you go to imply that she was involved due apparently to "fear."  You make this allegation base on no evidence whatsoever. And  fear of what?  It's 2020.  When is Paine going to come forward and tell us that she was coerced into making certain statements.  If someone was influencing her testimony, why didn't they do the obvious if they were trying to frame Oswald like: get Paine to say that Oswald stored a rifle in her garage, that he hated JFK, that he acted strangely on the night before the assassination, and that she saw him carry a long bag on that morning?  That would have been very helpful.  Instead she doesn't do any of those things.  But she is suspect for some unspecified reason.

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on January 25, 2020, 04:28:47 PM
Ruth Paine is a leftist.
Please explain.
Citations, if possible.
This is from John Simkin's site: "Ruth Paine has worked for a Nicaraguan relief group in St. Petersburg, Florida. She is also a peace activist. In 1982 she claimed: "This year, for the first time, I am withholding that portion of my income tax (40 percent), which I estimate goes toward military uses and war preparations" In 2004 she was interviewed by the St. Petersburg Times: "I believe in taxation. I believe in government.. But I also believe in our right to religious freedom. And I believe in the fact that we value dissent as a patriotic thing."

I shouldn't have written that she's a liberal/leftist today. I don't know what her current views are. But her views certainly seem to me be of a liberal/left point of view.

Here she is briefly discussing her work (this is from "Mrs. Paine's Garage" by Thomas Mallon) in Central America in the 1990s (ProNica is a charity/aid group that goes to Nicaragua and provides care/help to the poor there; whether one wants to call that pro-Sandinista or not can be debate) :


And this relates to her college years. Obviously, that she went to a liberal/left college doesn't prove she held those political views in 1963. Or today. But it does indicate the type of thinking or worldview I think she still has. As I said, whether that shows a liberal/left political view or a apolitical religious view can be argued.


Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on January 25, 2020, 05:04:03 PM
Not to get too deep into the Weeds of political theory but Ruth Paine sounds like a Trotskyite.

The Trotskyite Left in modern times has come to be defined as the anti-Communist Left (At least Communism as practiced by the Soviets).

They are on the Left for the most part but suspicious of the Radical Left or the Authoritarian/Stalinist Left.

Some Trotskyites voluntarily informed the FBI about radical Left movements in the 1960s.

The co-Founder of Amnesty International, Luis Kutner, is probably the most high profile example of that sort of thing. He informed the FBI about radical Left groups and other things. He was also a Mob lawyer and knew Jack Ruby.


Also, didn’t Marina Oswald testify a few years after the assassination that she was told by the Secret Service that Ruth was close to the CIA?
Yeah, like you warned, we can get into the swamps of political theorizing and really pretend like we know more than we do <g>.

Trotsky, of course, was a Marxist. But he broke with Stalin - and Stanlinist Soviet Union - after Lenin's death and for that Stalin had him killed. Many of his followers were, similarly, anti-Stalin and anti-Soviet. But Trotsky was still a Marxist and an atheist and a believer in violent revolution. It seems to me that Ruth's worldview - as a Quaker pacifist - was steeped in religion, in the Christian social gospel cause of applying Christ's teachings to modern social problems like poverty and racism, et cetera. So while she may sympathize with the Trotsky view on economic justice and the exploitation of man, I don't think she'd embrace his call for the need for a violent overthrow of capitalist systems. Trotsky wanted to hang bankers from lamp posts; I think Ruth wanted to convert them to Christianity.

Having said that, maybe I'm full of it by labeling her politically as a liberal/leftist. Perhaps it was entirely religiously-based. But her pro-Sandinista work (as I see it) certainly indicates a political component of her behavior. I do think she and to a lesser extent Michael believed that our differences with the Soviets could be worked out through conversation and reasoning.  Perhaps that not liberal/left "goo goo" thinking but just a faith in human beings.

And if I recall, I think either she or Michael said that Oswald called himself a Trotskyite.

As to Ruth and the CIA: Yes, but I think Marina was warned by the Secret Service that Ruth was associated with the FBI and Marina apparently thought she said CIA. I think that's in the McMillan book. I'll try and find it.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on January 25, 2020, 06:00:10 PM
Ruth Paine gives this account about her visits to Nicaragua and when she was accused of working for the CIA because of her involvement in the assassination (from the book "Mrs. Paine's Garage"):
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on January 25, 2020, 08:02:53 PM
Michael Paine and Lee discussed capitalism and communism (from "Marina and Lee" by Priscilla Johnson McMillan):

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: John Tonkovich on January 25, 2020, 08:37:25 PM
Thanks for the clarification, Mr. Galbraith.


Priscilla M applied to work for CIA.
Was U.S. Embassy translator, Moscow.
Marina and Lee was disavowed by..Marina.
Embellished her notes, story, when testifying before Warren Commision.
And more.
Definitely has an agenda.
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jon Banks on January 25, 2020, 11:49:54 PM
Yeah, like you warned, we can get into the swamps of political theorizing and really pretend like we know more than we do <g>.

Trotsky, of course, was a Marxist. But he broke with Stalin - and Stanlinist Soviet Union - after Lenin's death and for that Stalin had him killed. Many of his followers were, similarly, anti-Stalin and anti-Soviet. But Trotsky was still a Marxist and an atheist and a believer in violent revolution. It seems to me that Ruth's worldview - as a Quaker pacifist - was steeped in religion, in the Christian social gospel cause of applying Christ's teachings to modern social problems like poverty and racism, et cetera. So while she may sympathize with the Trotsky view on economic justice and the exploitation of man, I don't think she'd embrace his call for the need for a violent overthrow of capitalist systems. Trotsky wanted to hang bankers from lamp posts; I think Ruth wanted to convert them to Christianity.

Having said that, maybe I'm full of it by labeling her politically as a liberal/leftist. Perhaps it was entirely religiously-based. But her pro-Sandinista work (as I see it) certainly indicates a political component of her behavior. I do think she and to a lesser extent Michael believed that our differences with the Soviets could be worked out through conversation and reasoning.  Perhaps that not liberal/left "goo goo" thinking but just a faith in human beings.

Great points.

And what I meant is that “Trotskyite” has become a nickname in modern times used broadly to describe  people on the Left who are strongly anti-Socialist or anti-Communist. I wasn’t arguing that she was a Marxist or Communist. I don’t know her well enough to say what her specific views are but broadly based on what is known about her life and views I think she’s probably of the anti-Communist Left.

Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Tom Scully on June 04, 2022, 01:45:15 AM
Ruth Paine gives this account about her visits to Nicaragua and when she was accused of working for the CIA because of her involvement in the assassination (from the book "Mrs. Paine's Garage"):

Five weeks ago there was a presentation posted on the Ed Forum by Mr. Doudna that the following research details support.

I shared the following details with Jim DiEugenio on November 15, 2015. It appears since then DiEugenio preferred to keep you from awareness of these facts.
Could it be because these facts are less prejudicial to Ruth Paine's rep?

Occurrence in Nicaragua - February/March 1991
The purpose of this paper is to document events which occurred in Managua, Nicaragua during February and March of 1991 involving Ruth Paine, U.S. coordinator of Pro-Nica, a project of the Southeastern Yearly Meeting of Friends (SEYM) based in St. Petersburg, Florida.
During the next two or three weeks, Ruth, Jon and another person were at most gatherings of the U.S. solidarity community including regular meetings at the Benjamin Linder House, evening worship sessions held at the Moravian Church around the fast on the Iraq War, and a meeting of U.S. health workers held at the Linder House. 

(Link to Jon's obit: https://www.stanforddaily.com/2012/10/25/jonathan-roise-former-editor-in-chief-passes-away-at-67/
In 1990, Roise moved to Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, to work as the director of the Quaker Center. He co-founded Sí a la Vida, an organization that aimed to provide street children with mentorship and structured lifestyles to transition them to autonomous adulthood. The organization went on to open two centers in Nicaragua...)

The third person, a young red headed man named Sean Miller, took many pictures, using a special lens, and taped presentations, including one by Benjamin Linders’ parents who visited the Casa during this period.  Ruth said Sean was a student at Antioch College (located in Ohio) who was staying at El Centro de los Amigos and taking pictures for the Nicaragua Network.  Sean told some people he lived in Washington, D.C.

Ruth Paine was later found in Nicaragua helping the CIA's ... www.jfkpage.com/Paine/Occurrence_in_Nicaragua.pdf (http://Occurrence in Nicaragua - February/March 1991
The purpose of this paper is to document events which occurred in Managua, Nicaragua during February and March of 1991 involving Ruth Paine, U.S. coordinator of Pro-Nica, a project of the Southeastern Yearly Meeting of Friends (SEYM) based in St. Petersburg, Florida.) of his head, and the other struck him in the back, exited through his throat and .... The third person, a young red headed man named. Sean Miller, took many pictures, using a special lens, and taped presentations ... student at Antioch College (located in Ohio) who was staying at. El Centro de .... through for us.” Sue Wheaton.

Shawn Miller https://www.linkedin.com/pub/shawn-miller/9/9b/56b Instructional Systems Designer/ Courseware Lead/ Program Manager at Defense Acquisition University Washington D.C. Metro Area  ............ Antioch College B.A., Communications and International Studies 1988 – 1993 Activities and Societies: Graduated with distinction and Commencement Speaker for graduation class Antioch Record (Official College Newspaper) Editor-in-Chief Served as Assistant Community Manager Community Darkroom Manager Freelance photographer for Associated Press

Shawn Miller
Program Manager of Development & Production For e-Learning, Mobile & Simulations at Defense Acquisition University
Fort Belvoir, Virginia....
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Tom Scully on June 04, 2022, 02:02:26 AM
Continued from my last post...

TOM S.  DECEMBER 20, 2015 AT 7:10 PM
Part II of II

Shawn Miller
Antioch College
B.A., Communications and International Studies
1988 – 1993

Activities and Societies: Graduated with distinction and Commencement Speaker for graduation class Antioch Record (Official College Newspaper) Editor-in-Chief Served as Assistant Community Manager Community Darkroom Manager Freelance photographer for Associated Press

Shawn Miller’s Face Book page is suprisingly public and photos confirm the hair color, as described by Wheaton/Jones.:

I see nothing suspicious about Jon Roise, either….. do you?

Jonathan Roise, former editor in chief, passes away at 67 …
The Stanford Daily
Oct 25, 2012 – He was 67. Roise, who enrolled at Stanford in 1963, led The Daily during the Vietnam War, a time of anti-war and anti-draft protests, teach-ins, …

Doesn’t anyone check the facts of the presentations they embrace? Dr. McAdams somehow knows everything is as it seems, and russtarby replies
with information he has not fully considered or verified but tends to fit a narrative.

This is Jfkfacts.org, can we have a unique culture, here, or try to cultivate one?
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 04, 2022, 09:23:35 AM
So you don't think Paine was involved but then you go to imply that she was involved due apparently to "fear."  You make this allegation base on no evidence whatsoever. And  fear of what?  It's 2020.  When is Paine going to come forward and tell us that she was coerced into making certain statements.  If someone was influencing her testimony, why didn't they do the obvious if they were trying to frame Oswald like: get Paine to say that Oswald stored a rifle in her garage, that he hated JFK, that he acted strangely on the night before the assassination, and that she saw him carry a long bag on that morning?  That would have been very helpful.  Instead she doesn't do any of those things.  But she is suspect for some unspecified reason.
you go on to imply that she was involved...You make this allegation base on no evidence
No I didn't.  Return to post #70 and see for one's self.
She was afraid of course. The man accused of assassinating the president of the United States had stayed in her home. She did make some contradictory statements in her testimony [which was the longest of all the witnesses] 
Richard Smith's gaslight crap doesn't fly with me. He chooses to troll around and twist other's posts [due possibly to some abusive event in his childhood]
                 Pity ::)
Title: Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
Post by: Mark A. Oblazney on June 04, 2022, 03:37:36 PM
Continued from my last post...

i remember reading this at morley's place, tom.  has it been that long?  hope all is well+